

Левит 23



1 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

2 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: вотъ праздники Господни, въ которые должно созывать священныя собранія; вотъ праздники Мои.

3 Шесть дней можно дјлать дјла, а въ седьмой день суббота покоя; священное собраиіе; никакого дјла не дјлайте: это суббота Господня во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

4 Вотъ праздники Госіюдни, сващенныя собранія, которыя вы должны созывать въ свое время:

5 въ первый мјсяцъ, въ четырнадцатый день мјсяца вечеромъ Пасха Господня.

6 И въ пятнадцатый день мјсяца сего Господень праздникъ опрјсноковъ, Семь дней јшьте опрјсноки.

7 Въ первый день да будетъ у васъ священное собраніе, никакой работы не работайте.

8 Въ теченіе семи дней приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; въ седьмой день также сващенное собраніе: никакой работы не работайте.

9 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

10 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: когда придете въ землю, которую Я даю вамъ, и будете жать на ней жатву: то принесите первый снопъ жатвы вашей къ священнику;

11 онъ принесетъ сей снопъ, потрясая предъ Господомъ, чтобы вамъ пріобрјсти благоволеніе, наутріе субботы принесетъ его священникъ, потрясая.

12 Въ день потрясанія снопа принесите во всессожженіе Господу агнца однолјтняго безъ порока,

13 и съ нимъ хлјбнаго приношенія двј десятыхъ части ефы пшеничной муки, облитой елеемь, въ огнепалимую жертву Господу, въ благоуханіе успокоенія, - и возліянія Ему четверть гина вина.

14 Никакого хлјба, ни сушеныхъ зеренъ, ни крупъ не јшьте до сего дня, пока не принесете приношенія Богу вашему: это вјчное постановленіе въ роды ваши во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

15 Отсчитайте себј отъ наутрія субботы, отъ того дня, въ который приносите хлјбъ потрясанія, семь полныхъ субботъ.

16 До наутрія ссдьмой субботы отсчитайте пятьдесятъ дней, и тогда принесите новое хлјбное приношеніе Господу.

17 Отъ жилищъ вашихъ приносите два хлјба потрясанія, которые должны состоять изъ двухъ десятыхъ частей ефы пшеничной муки, должны быть спечены кислые, какъ первый плодъ Господу.

18 Сверхъ хлјбовъ приносите семь агнцевъ безъ порока, однолјтнихъ, и изъ крупнаго скота одного тельца и двухъ овновъ; да будетъ это во всесожженіе Господу; а хлјбное приношеніе и возліяніе, принадлежащее къ нимъ, въ огнепалимую жертву, въ благоуханіе успокоенія Господу.

19 Принесите также изъ стада козъ одного козла въ жертву за грјхъ, и двухъ однолјтнихъ агнцевъ въ жертву благодарственную.

20 Священникъ долженъ принести сіе, потрясая предъ Господомъ, вмјстј съ потрясаемыми хлјбами перваго плода и съ двумя агнцами: это будетъ святынею Господнею для священника.

21 И созывайте народъ въ сей день, священное собраніе да будеть у васъ, никакой работы не работайте: это постановленіе вјчное во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ въ роды ваши.

22 Когда будете жать жатву на землј вашей, не дожинай угла въ полј твоемъ, когда жнешь, и оставшагося отъ жатвы твоей не подбирай; бјдному и пришельцу оставь сіе. Я Господъ, Богъ вашъ.

23 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

24 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: въ седьмой мјсяцъ, въ первый день мјсяца, да будетъ у васъ покой, праздникъ трубнаго звука, священное собраніе.

25 Никакой работы не работайте, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу.

26 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

27 также въ десятый день седьмаго мјсяца сего, въ день очищенія, да будетъ у васъ священное собраніе; смиряйте души ваши, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу.

28 Никакого дјла не дјлайте въ день сей; ибо это день очищенія, дабы очистить васъ предъ лицемъ Господа, Бога вашего.

29 А всякая душа, которая не смиритъ себя въ сей день, истребится изъ народа своего.

30 И если какая душа будетъ дјлать какое-нибудь дјло въ день сей, Я истреблю ту душу изъ народа ея.

31 Никакого дјла не дјлайте; это постановленіе вјчное въ роды ваши, во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

32 Это для васъ суббота покоя, смиряйте души ваши съ вечера девятаго дня мјсяца; отъ вечера до вечера празднуйте субботу вашу.

33 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

34 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: съ пятнадцатаго дня, седьмаго мјсяца сего, Господень праздникъ кущъ, продолжающійся семь дней.

35 Въ первый день священное собраніе, никакой работы не работайте.

36 Въ теченіи семи дней приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; въ осьмой день священное собраніе да будетъ у васъ, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; это день торжества, никакой работы не работайте.

37 Вотъ праздники Господни, въ которые должно созывать священныя собранія, чтобъ приносить Господу огнепалимую жертву, всесожженіе и хлјбное приношеніе, закалаемыя жертвы, и возліянія, каждое въ свой денъ,

38 кромј субботъ Господнихъ. и кромј даровъ вашихъ, и кромј всјхъ објтовъ вашихъ, и кромј всего приносимаго по усердію вашему, что вы даете Господу.

39 Особенно въ пятнадцатый день седьмаго мјсяца, когда собираете произведенія земли, празднуйте праздникъ Господень семь дней: въ первый день покой и въ осьмой день покой:

40 въ первый день возьмите себј вјтви красивыхъ деревъ, вјтви пальмовыя и вјтви деревъ широколиственныхъ и вербъ рјчныхъ, и веселитесь предъ Господомъ, Богомъ ваиимъ, семь дней.

41 Празднуйте сей праздникъ Господень семь дней въ году: это постановленіе вјчное въ роды ваши. Въ седьмой мјсяцъ празднуйте его.

42 Въ кущахъ живите семь дней; всякий природный житель земли Израилевой долженъ жить въ кущахъ,

43 чтобъ знали будущіе роды ваши, что въ кущахъ велјлъ Я жить сынамъ Израилевымъ, когда вывелъ ихъ изъ земла Египетской. Я Господь, Богъ вашъ.

44 И сказалъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ о праздникахъ Господнихъ,


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 10303

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10303. 'And you shall beat some of it very fine' means the arrangement of truths into their own series. This is clear from the meaning of 'beating very small' - when it refers to the frankincense and spices, by which levels of truth are meant - as the arrangement of truths into their own series; for much the same is meant by 'beating' as by 'grinding', though 'grinding' is used in reference to wheat, barley, and spelt, whereas 'beating' is used in reference to oil, frankincense, and spices.

[2] What is meant specifically by 'beating' and 'grinding' no one can know without knowledge of what a person is like when the different kinds of good and truth meant by wheat, barley, flour, fine flour, oil, frankincense, and spices have been arranged into order for the uses they are to serve. For 'grinding' and 'beating' mean arranging them so that they may serve a use. When 'grinding' has reference to different kinds of good, which are meant by 'wheat' or 'barley', it means the way that good is arranged and brought forward in the form of truths, and its application in this form to one use or another. Good furthermore never presents itself within useful services except through truths; for good is arranged into order in the form of truths and in this way acquires specific quality. Unless it has been arranged in the form of truths good has no specific quality; and when it is arranged in the form of truths it is arranged into series, depending on the item under discussion, in accord with the use that item serves. The good enters those items as an affection belonging to love, and this gives rise to what is enjoyable, lovely, and pleasing. Something similar is meant here by 'beating very fine', for 'pure frankincense' means spiritual good, 10296, and the kinds of truth that are arranged into order by the good are the spices stacte, onycha, and galbanum, 10292-10294.

[3] What being arranged into series is must also be stated briefly. Truths are said to have been arranged into series when they have been arranged in accordance with the form of heaven, which consists of angelic communities. The character of that form is clear from the correspondence of all the members, internal organs, and other organs of the human being with the Grand Man, which is heaven. Regarding that correspondence, see in the places referred to in 10030(end). Within those members and organs all the individual parts are arranged into series and into series of series. Fibres and vessels form them, as is well known to those who are acquainted from anatomy with the weavings and interweavings of the more internal constituents of the body. The truths from good present in a person are arranged into similar series.

[4] So it is that a person who has been regenerated is heaven in its smallest form, corresponding to the Grand Man; and that the person's truth and good make him wholly and completely what he is.

A person who has been regenerated is heaven in its smallest form, see in the places referred to 9279.

His truth and his good constitute a person, 10298 above.

The truths with regenerate people have been arranged into series in accord with the arrangement in which angelic communities exist, 5339, 5343, 5530.

The series into which the truths with those who are good have been arranged, and the series into which the falsities with those who are evil have been arranged are meant in the Word by 'sheafs' and 'bundles', as in Leviticus 23:9-15; Psalms 126:6; 129:7; Amos 2:13; Micah 4:12; Jeremiah 9:22; Zechariah 12:6; Matthew 13:30.

[5] When therefore it is evident what 'beating' and 'grinding' mean one can know the meaning in the internal sense of the description stating that the children of Israel ground the manna in mills or beat it in mortars, and made it into cakes, Numbers 11:8. 'The manna' was a sign of celestial and spiritual good, 8464, and 'grinding' and 'beating' arranging it to serve useful purposes; for whatever is mentioned in the Word is a sign of the kinds of realities that exist in heaven and in the Church. Every detail there has an inner meaning. One can also know the meaning when it says that they should not take as a pledge the mill or the milling stone, for anyone who does so takes the [person's] soul as a pledge, Deuteronomy 24:6. 'The mill' and 'the milling stone' mean that which prepares good so that it may be applicable to one use or another. 'Barley' too and 'wheat' mean good, and 'flour' and 'fine flour' truths; and its own truths are the means by which good is applied to any such use, as stated above.

[6] From all this it may be seen what 'mill', 'millstone', and 'sitting at the mill' mean in the following places: In Matthew,

At that time two women will be grinding; one will be taken, the other left. Matthew 24:41.

In the same gospel,

Whoever causes one of these little ones believing in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if an ass's millstone 1 were hung onto his neck and he were plunged into the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42.

In the Book of Revelation,

A mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus will Babylon be thrown down with violence; no sound of a mill will be heard in it any more. Revelation 18:21-22.

In Jeremiah,

I will take away from them the voice of joy, the sound of mills, and the light of the lamp. Jeremiah 25:10.

And in Isaiah,

O daughter of Babel, sit on the ground; without a throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans. Take a mill and grind flour. Isaiah 47:1-2.

Even as 'mill' and 'grinding' in the good sense mean application to good purposes, so in the contrary sense they mean application to evil ones. Consequently when Babel and Chaldea are the subject they mean the application [of what is good and true] in favour of their own loves, which are self-love and love of the world; for with them 'barley' and 'wheat' mean adulterated good, and 'flour' the resulting falsified truth. The profanation of goodness and truth through applying them to those loves is also meant by the action of Moses when he ground up the golden calf into tiny pieces, sprinkled them on the water coming down from Mount Sinai, and made the children of Israel drink it, Exodus 32:20; Deuteronomy 9:21.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. i.e. the upper, rotating stone of an ass-driven mill

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.