

Левит 23



1 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

2 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: вотъ праздники Господни, въ которые должно созывать священныя собранія; вотъ праздники Мои.

3 Шесть дней можно дјлать дјла, а въ седьмой день суббота покоя; священное собраиіе; никакого дјла не дјлайте: это суббота Господня во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

4 Вотъ праздники Госіюдни, сващенныя собранія, которыя вы должны созывать въ свое время:

5 въ первый мјсяцъ, въ четырнадцатый день мјсяца вечеромъ Пасха Господня.

6 И въ пятнадцатый день мјсяца сего Господень праздникъ опрјсноковъ, Семь дней јшьте опрјсноки.

7 Въ первый день да будетъ у васъ священное собраніе, никакой работы не работайте.

8 Въ теченіе семи дней приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; въ седьмой день также сващенное собраніе: никакой работы не работайте.

9 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

10 объяви сынамъ Израилевымъ, и скажи имъ: когда придете въ землю, которую Я даю вамъ, и будете жать на ней жатву: то принесите первый снопъ жатвы вашей къ священнику;

11 онъ принесетъ сей снопъ, потрясая предъ Господомъ, чтобы вамъ пріобрјсти благоволеніе, наутріе субботы принесетъ его священникъ, потрясая.

12 Въ день потрясанія снопа принесите во всессожженіе Господу агнца однолјтняго безъ порока,

13 и съ нимъ хлјбнаго приношенія двј десятыхъ части ефы пшеничной муки, облитой елеемь, въ огнепалимую жертву Господу, въ благоуханіе успокоенія, - и возліянія Ему четверть гина вина.

14 Никакого хлјба, ни сушеныхъ зеренъ, ни крупъ не јшьте до сего дня, пока не принесете приношенія Богу вашему: это вјчное постановленіе въ роды ваши во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

15 Отсчитайте себј отъ наутрія субботы, отъ того дня, въ который приносите хлјбъ потрясанія, семь полныхъ субботъ.

16 До наутрія ссдьмой субботы отсчитайте пятьдесятъ дней, и тогда принесите новое хлјбное приношеніе Господу.

17 Отъ жилищъ вашихъ приносите два хлјба потрясанія, которые должны состоять изъ двухъ десятыхъ частей ефы пшеничной муки, должны быть спечены кислые, какъ первый плодъ Господу.

18 Сверхъ хлјбовъ приносите семь агнцевъ безъ порока, однолјтнихъ, и изъ крупнаго скота одного тельца и двухъ овновъ; да будетъ это во всесожженіе Господу; а хлјбное приношеніе и возліяніе, принадлежащее къ нимъ, въ огнепалимую жертву, въ благоуханіе успокоенія Господу.

19 Принесите также изъ стада козъ одного козла въ жертву за грјхъ, и двухъ однолјтнихъ агнцевъ въ жертву благодарственную.

20 Священникъ долженъ принести сіе, потрясая предъ Господомъ, вмјстј съ потрясаемыми хлјбами перваго плода и съ двумя агнцами: это будетъ святынею Господнею для священника.

21 И созывайте народъ въ сей день, священное собраніе да будеть у васъ, никакой работы не работайте: это постановленіе вјчное во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ въ роды ваши.

22 Когда будете жать жатву на землј вашей, не дожинай угла въ полј твоемъ, когда жнешь, и оставшагося отъ жатвы твоей не подбирай; бјдному и пришельцу оставь сіе. Я Господъ, Богъ вашъ.

23 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

24 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: въ седьмой мјсяцъ, въ первый день мјсяца, да будетъ у васъ покой, праздникъ трубнаго звука, священное собраніе.

25 Никакой работы не работайте, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу.

26 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

27 также въ десятый день седьмаго мјсяца сего, въ день очищенія, да будетъ у васъ священное собраніе; смиряйте души ваши, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу.

28 Никакого дјла не дјлайте въ день сей; ибо это день очищенія, дабы очистить васъ предъ лицемъ Господа, Бога вашего.

29 А всякая душа, которая не смиритъ себя въ сей день, истребится изъ народа своего.

30 И если какая душа будетъ дјлать какое-нибудь дјло въ день сей, Я истреблю ту душу изъ народа ея.

31 Никакого дјла не дјлайте; это постановленіе вјчное въ роды ваши, во всјхъ жилищахъ вашихъ.

32 Это для васъ суббота покоя, смиряйте души ваши съ вечера девятаго дня мјсяца; отъ вечера до вечера празднуйте субботу вашу.

33 И говорилъ Господь Моисею, и сказалъ:

34 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ: съ пятнадцатаго дня, седьмаго мјсяца сего, Господень праздникъ кущъ, продолжающійся семь дней.

35 Въ первый день священное собраніе, никакой работы не работайте.

36 Въ теченіи семи дней приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; въ осьмой день священное собраніе да будетъ у васъ, и приносите огнепалимую жертву Господу; это день торжества, никакой работы не работайте.

37 Вотъ праздники Господни, въ которые должно созывать священныя собранія, чтобъ приносить Господу огнепалимую жертву, всесожженіе и хлјбное приношеніе, закалаемыя жертвы, и возліянія, каждое въ свой денъ,

38 кромј субботъ Господнихъ. и кромј даровъ вашихъ, и кромј всјхъ објтовъ вашихъ, и кромј всего приносимаго по усердію вашему, что вы даете Господу.

39 Особенно въ пятнадцатый день седьмаго мјсяца, когда собираете произведенія земли, празднуйте праздникъ Господень семь дней: въ первый день покой и въ осьмой день покой:

40 въ первый день возьмите себј вјтви красивыхъ деревъ, вјтви пальмовыя и вјтви деревъ широколиственныхъ и вербъ рјчныхъ, и веселитесь предъ Господомъ, Богомъ ваиимъ, семь дней.

41 Празднуйте сей праздникъ Господень семь дней въ году: это постановленіе вјчное въ роды ваши. Въ седьмой мјсяцъ празднуйте его.

42 Въ кущахъ живите семь дней; всякий природный житель земли Израилевой долженъ жить въ кущахъ,

43 чтобъ знали будущіе роды ваши, что въ кущахъ велјлъ Я жить сынамъ Израилевымъ, когда вывелъ ихъ изъ земла Египетской. Я Господь, Богъ вашъ.

44 И сказалъ Моисей сынамъ Израилевымъ о праздникахъ Господнихъ,


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Apocalypse Explained # 257

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257. Since in this prophetical book numbers are often mentioned, and no one can know the spiritual sense of the things contained therein unless it is known what the particular numbers signify (for all numbers in the Word, like all names, signify spiritual things), and since the number "seven" is often mentioned among others, I will here show that "seven" signifies all persons and all things, likewise fullness and totality; for that which signifies all persons and all things signifies also fullness and totality, for fullness and totality are predicated of the magnitude of a thing, and all persons and all things are predicated of multitude. That "seven" has such a signification can be seen from the following passages. In Ezekiel:

They that dwell in the cities of Israel shall set fire to and burn the arms, and the shield, and the buckler, with the bow and with the arrows, and the hand-staff, and the spear; and they shall make a fire with them seven years. And they shall bury Gog and all his multitude, and they shall cleanse the earth seven months (Ezekiel 39:9, 11-12).

Here the desolation of all things in the church is treated of: "those that dwell in the cities of Israel" signify all goods of truth; "to set fire" signifies to consume by evils. "The arms, the shield, the buckler, the bow, the arrows, the hand-staff, the spear," are all things pertaining to doctrine; "to make a fire with them seven years" means to consume them all and fully by evils. "Gog" signifies those who are in external worship and in no internal worship; "to bury them and cleanse the earth" means to destroy all such, and completely purge the church of them.

[2] In Jeremiah:

The widows shall be multiplied more than the sand of the seas, and I will bring to them upon the mother of the youths the waster at noonday. She that hath borne seven shall languish, she shall breathe out her soul (Jeremiah 15:8-9).

"The widows," that shall be multiplied, signify those who are in good and who long for truths, and in a contrary sense, as here, those who are in evil and desire falsities; "the mother of the youths" signifies the church; "the waster at noonday" signifies the vastation of that church, however much it may be in truths from the Word; "she that hath borne seven shall languish, she shall breathe out her soul," signifies that the church, to which all truths were given because the Word was given to it, is to perish; for "she that hath borne seven" signifies to whom all truths were given. This was particularly said of the Jews.

[3] Likewise in the first book of Samuel:

They that were hungry have ceased; the barren hath borne seven, and she that hath many children hath failed (1 Samuel 2:5).

"They that were hungry," who have ceased, are those who long for the truths and goods of the church; "the barren bearing seven" signifies those who are outside of the church, and are ignorant of truths, because they have not the Word, thus the Gentiles, to whom all things will be given; "she that hath many children failing" signifies those who have, from whom will be taken away. In David:

Render unto our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom (Psalms 79:12).

And in Moses:

That the Jews should be punished seven times for their sins (Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24, 28);

"seven times" here signifying fully.

[4] In Luke:

If thy brother sin against thee seven times in the day, and seven times in the day turn again to thee, saying, I repent, thou shalt forgive him (Luke 17:4).

"To forgive seven times, if he should turn again seven times," means to forgive as often as he turns, thus every time. But lest it should be understood to mean seven times, the Lord explained his meaning to Peter, who supposed seven times to be meant, in Matthew:

Peter said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Until seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times, but until seventy times seven (Matthew 18:21-22).

"Seventy times seven" means always, without counting.

In David:

Seven times a day do I praise thee for the judgments of righteousness (Psalms 119:164).

"Seven times a day" means always, or at all times.

[5] In the same:

The sayings of Jehovah are pure sayings, as silver refined in a crucible purified seven times (Psalms 12:6).

"Silver" signifies truth from the Divine; "purified seven times" means wholly and fully pure.

[6] in Isaiah:

The light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days (Isaiah 30:26).

"The light of the sun" signifies Divine truth from Divine good; that "this light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days," signifies that Divine truth in heaven shall be without any falsity, thus altogether and fully pure.

[7] In Matthew:

The unclean spirit shall take seven other spirits more evil than himself, and shall dwell there (Matthew 12:45; Luke 11:26).

Here profanation is treated of, and "the seven unclean spirits" with which the unclean spirit would return, signify all the falsities of evil, thus a complete destruction of good and truth.

[8] The "seven times" that were to pass over the king of Babylon have a like meaning, in Daniel:

His heart shall be changed from man, and a beast's heart shall be given unto him, while seven times shall pass over him (Daniel 4:16, 25, 32).

"The king of Babylon" signifies those who profane the goods and truths of the Word; that "his heart should be changed from man, and a beast's heart be given him," means that nothing spiritual, which is the truly human, should remain, but instead there should be the diabolical; "the seven times which were to pass over him" signify profanation, which is the complete destruction of truth and good.

[9] Because "seven" and "seven times" signified all things and fullness, the following commands were given:

Seven days the hands [of Aaron and his sons] should be filled (Exodus 29:35).

Seven days [the altar] should be sanctified (Exodus 29:37).

Seven days Aaron should be clothed with the garments when he was to be initiated (Exodus 29:30).

For seven days Aaron and his sons were not to go out of the tabernacle when they were to initiated into the priesthood (Leviticus 8:33, 34).

Seven times was the altar to be sprinkled for expiation upon its horns (Leviticus 16:18, 19).

Seven times was the altar to be sanctified with oil (Leviticus 8:11).

Seven times was the blood to be sprinkled towards the veil (Leviticus 4:16, 17).

Seven times was the blood to be sprinkled with the fingers eastward, when Aaron went towards the mercy-seat (Leviticus 16:12-15).

Seven times was the water of separation to be sprinkled towards the tent (Numbers 19:4).

Seven times the blood was to be sprinkled in the cleansing of leprosy (Leviticus 14:7, 8, 27, 38, 51).

The lampstand was to have seven lamps (Exodus 25:32, 37; 37:18-25).

For seven days were the feasts to be kept (Exodus 34:18, Leviticus 23:4-9, 39-44; Deuteronomy 16:3, 4, 8).

For the seven days of the feast there was to be a burnt-offering of seven bullocks, and seven rams daily (Ezekiel 45:23).

Balaam built seven altars, and sacrificed seven oxen and seven rams (Numbers 23:1-7, 15-18, 29, 30).

They numbered seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, and then they were to cause the trumpet of the jubilee to be sounded in the seventh month (Leviticus 25:8, 9).

From the signification of the number "seven" it can be seen what is signified:

By the seven days of creation (Genesis 1);

Also by the fact that four thousand men were satisfied by seven loaves and that seven basketful remained (Matthew 15:34-38; Mark 8:5-9).

From this then it is evident what is signified in Revelation:

By the seven churches (Revelation 1:4, 11);

By the seven golden lampstands, in the midst of which was the Son of man (Revelation 1:13);

By the seven stars in His right hand (Revelation 1:16, 20);

By the seven spirits of God (Revelation 3:1);

By the seven lamps of fire before the throne (Revelation 4:5);

By the book sealed with seven seals (Revelation 5:1);

By the seven angels to whom were given seven trumpets (Revelation 8:2);

By the seven thunders which uttered their voices (Revelation 10:3, 4);

By the seven angels having the seven last plagues (Revelation 16:1, 6);

And by the seven vials full of the seven last plagues (Revelation 16:1; 21:9);

and elsewhere in the Word, where "seven" is mentioned.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.