

Бытие 44



1 Потомъ далъ онъ управляющему домомъ его приказаніе, говоря: наполни мјшки ихъ хлјбомъ, сколько они могутъ нести, а серебро каждаго положи въ отверстіе мјшка его.

2 И чашу мою, чашу серебренную, положи въ отверстіе мјшка младшему, вмјстј съ его серебромъ за хлјбъ. Онъ исполнилъ сіе точно такъ, какъ Іосифъ приказалъ.

3 Поутру, когда разсвјло, они отпущены сами, и ослы ихъ.

4 Еще не далеко отошли они отъ города, какъ Іосифъ сказалъ управляющему домомъ своимъ: ступай, догоняй сихъ людей, и когда догонишь, скажи имъ: для чего вы платите зломъ за добро?

5 Не та ли это чаша, изъ которой пьетъ господинъ мой? онъ конечно догадается объ ней. Худо это вы сдјлали.

6 Онъ догналъ ихъ, и сказалъ имъ сіи самыя слова.

7 Они отвјчали ему: для чего господинъ нашъ говоритъ такія слова? нјтъ, рабы твои не сдјлаютъ того, о чемъ ты говоришь.

8 Вотъ серебро, найденное нами въ отверстіяхъ мјшковъ нашихъ, мы обратно принесли тебј изъ земли Ханаанской: какъ же намъ украсть изъ дома господина твоего серебро или золото?

9 У кого изъ рабовъ твоихъ найдется, тому смерть, а мы будемъ рабами господину нашему.

10 Онъ сказалъ: хорошо; какъ вы сказали, такъ пусть и будетъ; у кого найдется, тотъ будетъ мнј рабъ, а вы будете невиноваты.

11 Тогда они тотчасъ сняли мјшки свои на землю, и открыли каждый свой мјшокъ.

12 Онъ обыскалъ, начавъ съ старшаго и окончивъ младшимъ. Чаша нашлась въ мјшкј Веніаминовомъ.

13 Они разодрали одежды свои, и, возложивъ на ословъ своихъ бремена, возвратились въ городъ.

14 И пришли, Іуда и братья его, въ домъ Іосифа, который былъ еще дома, и пали предъ нимъ на землю.

15 Іосифъ сказалъ имъ: какъ это вы сдјлали такое дјло? неужели вы не знали, что такой человјкъ, какъ я, точно угадаетъ?

16 Іуда отвјчалъ: что сказать господину нашему? что отвјчать? чјмъ оправдываться? Богъ нашелъ неправду рабовъ твоихъ; вотъ мы рабы господину нашему, и мы, и тотъ, въ чьихъ рукахъ нашлась чаша.

17 Но онъ сказалъ: нјтъ, я этого не сдјлаю; тотъ, въ чьихъ рукахъ нашлась чаша, будетъ мнј рабъ, а вы подите съ миромъ къ отцу вашему.

18 Тогда Іуда подошелъ къ нему и сказалъ: сдјлай милость, господинъ мой, позволь рабу твоему сказать слово во уши господина моего, и не прогнјвайся на раба твоего; ибо ты тоже, что Фараонъ.

19 Господинъ мой спрашивалъ рабовъ своихъ, говоря: есть ли у васъ отецъ или братъ?

20 Мы сказали господину нашему, что у насъ есть отецъ престарјлый и младшій братъ, сынъ старости; братъ его умеръ; онъ остался одинъ отъ матери своей, и отецъ любитъ его.

21 На сіе ты сказалъ рабамъ твоимъ: приведито его ко мнј, чтобы мнј видјть его.

22 Мы отвјчали господину нашему, что отрокъ не можетъ оставить отца своего, и что если онъ оставитъ отца, то сей умретъ.

23 Но ты сказалъ рабамъ твоимъ: если не придетъ съ вами меньшій братъ вашъ, то вы болје не увидите лица моего.

24 Итакъ, когда мы пришли къ рабу твоему, отцу моему; то пересказали ему слова господина моего.

25 И когда нашъ отецъ сказалъ: подите опять, купите намъ немного хлјба;

26 то мы отвјчали: нельзя намъ идти; а если съ нами будетъ меньшій братъ нашъ, то пойдемъ; потому что нельзя намъ видјть лица того человјка, если не будетъ съ нами меньшаго брата нашего.

27 На сіе рабъ твой, мой отецъ, сказалъ намъ: вы знаете, что жена моя родила мнј двухъ сыновъ

28 одинъ пошелъ отъ меня, и я сказалъ: вјрно, онъ разтерзанъ, и не вижу его донынј.

29 Если и сего возмете отъ глазъ моихъ, и случится съ нимъ бјда: то вы сведете сјдину мою съ горестію въ Шеолъ.

30 Теперь, если я пойду къ рабу твоему, моему отцу, и не будетъ съ нами отрока, съ душею котораго связана душа его:

31 то онъ, какъ скоро увидитъ, что нјтъ отрока, умретъ, и такимъ образомъ рабы твои сведутъ сјдину раба твоего, отца нашего, въ Шеолъ.

32 Притомъ я, рабъ твой, обязался отвјчать за отрока отцу моему, сказавъ: если не приведу его къ тебј, то пусть буду виновенъ предъ отцемъ моимъ на всю жизнь.

33 Итакъ, позволь мнј, рабу твоему, вмјсто отрока остаться въ рабствј у господина моего; а отрокъ пусть идетъ съ братьями своими.

34 Ибо, какъ я пойду къ отцу моему, если отрока не будетъ со мною? чтобъ мнј не увидјть бјдствія, которое постигнетъ отца моего.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 5798

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5798. 'And do not let your anger burn against your servant' means lest he turn away. This is clear from the meaning of 'anger' as a turning away or aversion, dealt with in 5034; for one who is angry turns away. He does not think as the other person does; rather, in the state he is in, his thought is contrary to the other's. This meaning of 'anger' as a turning away is evident from many places in the Word, especially from those where anger or wrath, meaning a turning away, is attributed to Jehovah or the Lord. Not that Jehovah or the Lord ever turns away but that man does so; and when man turns away it appears to him as if the Lord does so since he is not heard. The Word speaks in keeping with the appearance. In addition, since 'anger' is a turning away, it is also a hostility towards what is good and true on the part of those who have turned away. On the part however of those who have not turned away 'anger' is not hostility but repugnance, because it is an aversion to what is evil and false.

[2] As regards 'anger' meaning hostility, this has been shown in 3614. It also means a turning away, and punishment too, when people are hostile towards what is good and true, as is evident from the following places: In Isaiah,

Woe to those decreeing decrees of iniquity. They will fall beneath the bound and beneath the slain; but in all this His anger will not be turned back. Woe to Asshur, the rod of My anger. Against a hypocritical nation I will send him, and against the people of [My] wrath I will command him. He does not think what is right and his heart does not consider what is right. Isaiah 10:1, 4-7.

'Anger' and 'wrath' stand for a turning away and hostility on man's side, a condition in which punishment and not being heard seem to him like anger. And as these exist on man's side, the words 'woe to those decreeing decrees of iniquity', 'he does not think what is right and his heart does not consider what is right' are used.

[3] In the same prophet,

Jehovah together with the vessels of His anger [comes] to destroy the whole land. Behold, the day of Jehovah 1 comes - cruel, with indignation, wrath, and anger - to make the earth a ruin, so that He may destroy its sinners from it. I will make heaven quake, and the earth will quake out of its place, at the wrath of Jehovah

Zebaoth and in the day of His fierce anger. Isaiah 13:5, 9, 13.

'Heaven' and 'the earth' here stand for the Church, which had turned away from truth and goodness. Because it had done this a description of the laying waste and destruction of it owing to the indignation, anger, and wrath of Jehovah appears here, though the truth of the matter is the complete opposite. That is to say, the person ruled by evil is the one who is filled with indignation, anger, and wrath, in addition to which he sets himself against what is good and true. The attribution to Jehovah of punishment which comes as a result of evil is due to the appearance. Various places elsewhere in the Word call the final period of the Church and its destruction 'the day of Jehovah's anger'.

[4] In the same prophet,

Jehovah has broken the rod of the wicked, the stick of those who have dominion. He will strike the peoples in a rage, with an incurable stroke, He who with anger rules the nations. Isaiah 14:5-6.

Much the same applies here. It is like a criminal punished by the law; he attributes the evil of a punishment to the king or judge, not to himself. In the same prophet,

Jacob and Israel, because these were unwilling to walk in Jehovah's ways and did not hear His law, He poured out upon him the wrath of His anger, and the violence of battle. Isaiah 42:24-25.

In Jeremiah,

I Myself will fight against you with outstretched hand and strong arm, and in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation. Lest My fury go forth like fire, and burn and fail to be quenched because of the wickedness of your works.

Here 'fury', 'anger', and 'great indignation' are nothing other than the evils of a punishment because of a turning away from and a hostility towards what is good and true.

[5] It is in origin a Divine law that all evil carries punishment with it; and surprising though it may be, in, the next life evil and punishment are inseparable. For as soon as a hellish spirit does anything exceptionally bad other spirits, ones who administer punishments, become present and punish him without their having been alerted by anyone else. The fact that the evil of a punishment is caused by turning away is self-evident, for the expression 'because of the wickedness of your works' is used. In David,

He let loose on them the wrath of His anger, indignation, and rage, and distress, and a mission of evil angels. He opened a way for His anger, He did not spare their soul from death. Psalms 78:49-50.

See also Isaiah 30:27, 30; Isaiah 34:2; 47:3, 6; 54:8; 57:17; 63:6; 66:15; Jeremiah 4:8; 7:20; 15:14; 33:5; Ezekiel 5:13, 17; Deuteronomy 9:11-19; 29:20-24; Revelation 14:9-10; 15:7. In these places too 'wrath', 'anger', 'indignation', and 'rage' stand for a turning away, hostility, and consequent punishment.

[6] The reason why punishment due to a turning away and hostility is attributed to Jehovah or the Lord and is called anger, wrath, and rage residing with Him is that the nation descended from Jacob had to be confined solely to the external representatives of the Church. They could not be confined to these except through fear and dread of Jehovah and unless they had believed that in His anger and wrath He would do evil to them. People who are concerned solely with external things and nothing internal cannot be led in any other way to perform external observances, since no sense of obligation is present with them interiorly. This is also the situation with simple persons in the Church. The only idea they can grasp, based on the appearance, is that God is angry when someone does what is evil. Yet anyone may see, if he stops to reflect, that no anger at all, still less any rage, resides with Jehovah or the Lord, since He is mercy itself, is goodness itself, and is infinitely beyond wishing evil on anyone. Neither does a person possessing charity towards the neighbour do evil to anyone; and as this is true of every angel, how much more must it be true of the Lord Himself? But the situation in the next life is as follows: Because of the newcomers there the Lord is constantly reordering heaven and its communities, imparting bliss and happiness to them.

[7] But when that bliss and happiness passes into the communities opposite (for in the next life all the communities of heaven have communities opposite them in hell, which is what provides equilibrium) and those communities feel a change taking place from heaven's presence, they are filled with anger and wrath. They rush into doing evil and at the same time bring on themselves the evils of their punishment. Furthermore, when evil spirits or genii come near the light of heaven they start to experience pain and torment, 4225, 4226. This they attribute to heaven, and consequently to the Lord; but in actual fact they bring the torment on themselves since evil suffers torment whenever it comes near good. From all this it is evident that the Lord is the source of nothing but good and that all evil originates in those people themselves who turn away, stand in opposition, and attack. This arcanum enables one to see what the situation really is.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The Latin means Jehovah but the Hebrew means the day of Jehovah, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.