

Исход 32:4



4 Онъ взялъ у нихъ изъ рукъ и, сдјлавъ изъ нихъ литаго тельца, обдјлалъ его рјзцемъ; и сказали они: Израиль! вотъ Богъ твой, который вывелъ тебя изъ земли Египетской.



Исход 13:21



21 И шелъ Іегова предъ ними днемъ въ столпј облачномъ, иоказывая имъ путь, а ночью въ столпј огненномъ, свјтя имъ, дабы можно было идти и днемъ и ночью.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 6651

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6651. 'And a new king arose over Egypt' means separated factual knowledge, which is opposed to the Church's truths. This is clear from the representation of Pharaoh, to whom 'king' refers here, as factual knowledge in general, dealt with in 6015. The word 'king' is used because in the genuine sense 'king' means truth, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3670, 4581, 4966, 5044, 6148, and in the contrary sense falsity; and since 'king' refers here to Pharaoh, false factual knowledge is meant, that is, factual knowledge that is opposed to the Church's truths. This also explains why the expression 'new king' is used, for the one who lived in Joseph's time represented factual knowledge that accorded with the Church's truths. For the meaning of 'Egypt' as factual knowledge, here that knowledge in particular, see above in 6638.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.