

Исход 30



1 Еще сдјлай жертвенникъ для приношенія куреній; изъ дерева акаціи сдјлай его.

2 Длина ему локоть, и ширина ему локоть; онъ долженъ быть четыреугольный; а вышина ему два локтя; изъ него должны выходитъ роги его.

3 Обложи его чистымъ золотомъ, верхъ его, и бока его кругомъ, и роги его; и сдјлай къ нему золотой вјнецъ вокругъ.

4 Подъ вјнцемъ его, на двухъ углахъ его сдјлай два кольца изъ золота. Такъ сдјлай съ двухъ сторонъ его; и будутъ оныя влагалищемъ для шестовъ, чтобы носить его на нихъ.

5 Шесты сдјлай изъ дерева акаціи, и обложи ихъ золотомъ.

6 И поставь его предъ завјсою, которая предъ ковчегомъ откровенія противъ очистилища находящагося надъ откровеніемъ, гдј я буду открываться тебј.

7 И будетъ курить на немъ Ааронъ благовоннымъ куреніемъ каждое утро; тогда какъ онъ поправляетъ лампады, будетъ курить имъ.

8 По вечерамъ также, когда Ааронъ зажигаетъ лампады, онъ будетъ курить имъ. Это всегдашнее куреніе предъ Іеговою, въ роды ваши.

9 Не приносите на немъ куренія чуждаго, ни всесожженія, ни приношенія хлјбнаго. и возліянія не возливайте на него.

10 Только однажды въ годъ долженъ Ааронъ совершать очищеніе надъ рогами его; кровію жертвы очистительной отъ грјха онъ будетъ очищать его однажды въ годъ, въ роды ваши. Это великая святыня у Іеговы.

11 И говорилъ Іегова Моисею и сказалъ:

12 когда будешь дјлать перепись сыновъ Израилевыхъ при исчисленіи ихъ, то каждый дастъ окупъ за душу свою Іеговј, при исчисленіи ихъ, и не будетъ между ими язвы, при исчисленіи ихъ.

13 Всякій поступающій въ перепись долженъ дать половину сикля, противъ сикля святилища; въ сиклј двадцать геръ: полсикля приношеніе Іеговј.

14 Всякой поступающій въ перепись, отъ двадцати лјтъ и выше, дастъ приношеніе Іеговј.

15 Богатый дастъ не больше, и бјдный дастъ не меньше, какъ полсикля, принося приношеніе Іеговј, для окупа душъ вашихъ.

16 И возми серебро окупа отъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ, и употребляй оное на дјло скиніи собранія: и будетъ сіе въ память сыновъ Израилевыхъ предъ Іеговою, для искупленія душъ ихъ.

17 Еще говоридъ Іегова Моисею, и сказалъ:

18 сдјлай умывальницу мјдную для омовенія, и основаніе ей мјдное, и поставь ее между скиніею собранія и между жертвенникомъ, и налей въ нее воды.

19 И пусть Ааронъ и сыны его омываютъ изъ нея руки свои и ноги свои.

20 Когда имъ войдти въ скинію собранія; пусть они омываются водою, чтобъ имъ не умереть; или когда приступать имъ къ жертвеннику для служенія, для куренія огнепалимыми жертвами Іеговј,

21 пусть они омываютъ руки свои и ноги, чтобы не умереть. Сіе будетъ для нихъ вјчнымъ постановленіемъ для него, и для потомковъ его, въ роды ихъ.

22 Еще говорилъ Іегова Моисею, и сказалъ:

23 ты же возми себј первјйшихъ благовонныхъ веществъ: смирны самоточной пять сотъ сиклей, и корицы благовонной половину противъ того, двјсти пятьдесятъ; и трости благовонной двјсти пятьдесятъ,

24 и касіи пять сотъ сиклей, противъ сикля святилища, и елея гинъ.

25 И сдјлай изъ сего мўро для священнаго помазанія, масть составленную, искусствомъ составляюшаго масти. Это будетъ мўро для священнаго помазанія.

26 И помажь мнј скинію собранія, и ковчегъ откровенія,

27 и столъ и всј принадлежности его, и свјтильникъ и всј принадлежиости его, и жертвенникъ куренія,

28 и жертвенникъ всесожженія, и всј сосуды его, и умывальницу и основаніе ея.

29 И освяти ихъ, и будутъ святыня великая: все прикасающееся къ нимъ будетъ свято.

30 Помажь также Аарона и сыновъ его и посвяти ихъ, чтобы они были священниками Мнј.

31 А сынамъ Израилевымъ скажи: это будетъ у меня мўро священнаго помазанія въ роды ваши.

32 Тјла какого-либо человјка не мазать имъ; и по составу его не дјлайте другаго подобнаго. Оно святыня; святынею да будетъ для васъ.

33 Кто составитъ подобное ему, или кто помажетъ имъ посторонняго: тотъ истребится изъ народа своего.

34 Еще сказалъ Іегова Моисею: возми себј благовонныхъ веществъ: стакти, ониха, и халвана душистаго, и чистаго ливана, всего по ровну.

35 Изъ нихъ искусствомъ составляющаго масти, сдјлай курительный составъ, съ солью, чистый, святый;

36 и растолкп его мелко, и возлагай его предъ откровеніемъ въ скиніи собранія, гдј Я буду открываться тебј: это будетъ у васъ святыня великая.

37 Куренія сдјланнаго по сему составу не дјлайте себј: да будетъ оно у тебя свято для Іеговы.

38 Кто сдјлаетъ подобное ему, чтобы курить имъ, истребится изъ народа своего.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 1150

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/ 1232  

1150. And cinnamon and incense.- That these signify worship from celestial love, profaned, is evident from the signification of cinnamon, which denotes the good of celestial love, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of incense or perfume, which denotes the truth of celestial love, which truth is the good of wisdom, because it is from the good of celestial love.

Worship from celestial love is signified, because in this verse those things that belong to worship are enumerated, while those things that belong to doctrine are enumerated in the former verse. That those things that belong to worship are here signified, is evident from what follows, and it can also be seen from the enumeration of so many particulars; this would not have been done, but for the purpose of describing the profanation of every thing belonging to worship from first to last. There is this distinction between doctrine and worship, that doctrine teaches how God ought to be worshipped, and how man ought to live, in order that he may depart from hell, and draw near to heaven; but these things are accomplished by worship, for worship is oral as well as actual.

[2] The reason why cinnamon signifies celestial love, is that it is the most excellent of aromatics, and on this account the anointing oil of holiness was prepared from it together with other aromatics, as in Exodus (30:23, 24). The anointing oil of holiness signified the Divine Love, and the aromatics, which were noble myrrh, aromatic cinnamon, sweet cane and cassia, signified the Divine Wisdom, which, together with the oil of the olive, signified the Divine Wisdom united to the Divine Love of the Lord. The Divine Wisdom was signified by those aromatics, because odour signifies perception, and perception pertains to wisdom. As this was signified by the oil of anointing, therefore every thing serving for worship was sanctified thereby, as the altar, the tent of meeting, the ark with the propitiatory and cherubs, similarly Aaron's garments of holiness, and Aaron himself. It is therefore evident that cinnamon signifies celestial good, and that incense or perfumes signify those things that proceed from that good, all of which things have reference to truth, and truth in its own form is wisdom. This truth is called the good of wisdom, because it derives its essence from the good of celestial love. That worship from that love is profaned, is evident from what has been said previously concerning the profanation of all things of doctrine. And when every thing belonging to doctrine is profaned, then every thing belonging to worship is also profaned, for worship is from doctrine and according to doctrine.

[3] Continuation concerning the Athanasian Creed.- The fourth law of the Divine Providence is, That the understanding and will ought not to be in the least compelled by another, since all compulsion takes away freedom; but that man ought to compel himself, for to compel one's self is to act from freedom. Man's freedom belongs to his will; from the will it exists in the thought of the understanding, and by means of the thought it shows itself in the speech and in the action of the body. For a man says, when he wills any thing from freedom, "I choose to think this, I choose to speak this, and I choose to do this." From freedom of will he has also the power to think, speak, and act, for the will gives this power, because it is free. Since freedom belongs to man's will, it belongs also to his love, for nothing else in man constitutes freedom but the love which belongs to his will. The reason of this is, that love is the life of man; for man is of the same quality as his love, consequently that which proceeds from the love of his will, proceeds also from his life. Hence it is evident, that freedom belongs to man's will, to his love, and to his life, consequently that it makes one with his proprium, and with his nature and disposition.

[4] Now, because the Lord desires that everything which comes from Himself to man, should be appropriated to man as if it were his own - for otherwise there would be in man no means of reciprocation by which conjunction is effected - therefore it is a law of the Divine Providence, that the understanding and will of man should not be at all compelled by another. For who has not the power to think and will both evil and good? against the laws and in conformity with them? against the king and in agreement with him? even against God and in obedience to God? But he is not allowed to speak and do everything that he thinks and wills; for there are fears which compel externals, but not internals. The reason is, that externals must be reformed by internals, and not internals by externals; for the internal enters by influx into the external, but not the external into the internal. Internals also belong to man's spirit, and externals to his body; and because the spirit of man is to be reformed, therefore it is not compelled. There are fears that compel internals, or the spirit of man, but they are those only which enter by influx from the spiritual world, and refer on the one hand to the punishments of hell, and, on the other, to the loss of favour with God. But fear of the punishments of hell is an outward fear belonging to the thought and will, whereas the fear of the loss of favour with God is an inward fear belonging to these; it is that holy fear which adds and joins itself to love, and which at length forms one essence with it. It resembles the case of one man who loves another, whom, from his love towards him, he is fearful of injuring.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.