

Исход 29



1 И вотъ, что ты долженъ сдјлать надъ ними, дабы посвятить ихъ во священники Мнј: возьми одного тельца изъ воловъ, и двухъ овновъ, безъ порока,

2 и хлјбовъ прјсныхъ, и прјсныхъ лепешекъ, смјшениыхъ съ елеемъ, и блиновъ прјсныхъ помазанныхъ елеемъ; изъ муки пшеничной сдјлай ихъ.

3 И положи ихъ въ одну корзину, и принеси ихъ въ корзинј, и тельца, и двухъ овновъ.

4 Аарона же и сыновъ его поставь у дверей скиніи собранія, и омой ихъ водою.

5 И возьми одежды, и облеки Аарона въ хитонъ и въ верхнюю ризу, и въ ефодъ, и въ наперсникъ, и опояшь его поясомъ ефода.

6 И возложи ему на голову кидаръ, а на кидаръ укрјпи діадиму святыни.

7 И возми елей помазанія, и возлей ему на голову, и помажь его.

8 И приведи также сыновъ его, и облеки ихъ въ хитоны.

9 И опояшь ихъ поясомъ, Аарона и сыновъ его, и возложи на нихъ шапки, и будетъ имъ принадлежать священство по уставу вјчно; и наполни руки Аарона и руки сыновъ его.

10 И вели привести тельца предъ скинію собранія; и пусть возложитъ Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои на голову тельца.

11 И заколи тельца предъ лицемъ Іеговы, у дверей скиніи собранія.

12 Возми крови тельца, и возложи перстомъ твоимъ на роги жертвенника; а всю кровь вылей у основанія жертвенника.

13 Возми тукъ, покрывающій внутренности, и перепонку съ печени, и обј почки и тукъ, который на нихъ, и воскури на жертвенникј.

14 А мясо телъца и кожу его и нечистоты его сожги на огнј внј стана. Это жертва за грјхъ.

15 Потомъ возми одного овна, и пусть возложатъ Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои на голову овна.

16 И заколи овна, и взявъ крови его, покропи на жертвенникъ со всјхъ сторонъ.

17 Разсјки овна на части, вымой внутренности его и голјни его, и положи на разсјченыя части его и на голову его.

18 И сожги всего овна на жертвенникј. Это всесожженіе, благоуханіе успокоенія; это жертва Іеговј.

19 И возми другаго овна, и пусть возложатъ Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои на голову овна.

20 Заколи овна, и взявъ крови его, возложи на край уха Ааронова, и на край праваго уха сыновъ его и на большой палецъ правой руки ихъ, и на большой палецъ правой ноги ихъ; и покропи кровію на жертвенникъ со всјхъ сторонъ.

21 Возми крови, которая на жертвенникј, и елея помазанія, и покропи Аарона и одежды его, и сыновъ его, и одежды сыновъ его съ нимъ: такимъ образомъ будутъ освящены, онъ и одежды его, и сыны его и одежды ихъ съ нимъ.

22 Возми отъ овна тукъ, и курдюкъ, и тукъ, покрывающій внутренности, и перепонку съ печени, и обј почки, и тукъ, который на нихъ, и правое плечо, (потому что это овенъ для наполненія рукъ),

23 и одинъ круглый хлјбъ, и одну лепешку на елеј, и одинъ блинъ, изъ корзины съ опрјсноками, которая предъ Іеговою.

24 И положи все на руки Аарону и на руки сынамъ его, и принесите это потрясая предъ лицемъ Іеговы.

25 И возми это съ рукъ ихъ, и сожги на жертвенникј со всесоженіемъ, въ благоуханіе успокоенія предъ Іеговою; это жертва Іеговј.

26 Также отъ овна наполненія рукъ, который за Аарона, возми грудь, и принеси ее потрясая предъ лицемъ Іеговы: и это будетъ твоя доля.

27 И освяти грудь приношенія, которая потрясаема была, и плечо возношенія, которое было возносимо отъ овна наполненія рукъ, который за Аарона и который за сыновъ его.

28 Сіе предоставляется Аарону и сынамъ его въ участокъ вјчный отъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ; ибо это возношеніе должно быть отъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ при благодарственныхъ жертвахъ ихъ, возношеніе ихъ Іеговј.

29 А священное облаченіе Аароново послј него перейдетъ къ сынамъ его, чтобы въ немъ помазывать ихъ и наполнять руки ихъ.

30 Семь дней долженъ облачаться въ него священникъ, изъ сыновъ его, заступающій его мјсто, который будетъ входить въ скинію собранія для служенія во святилищј.

31 Овна же наполненія рукъ возми, и свари мясо его на мјстј святомъ.

32 И пусть съјдятъ Ааронъ и сыны его мясо овна сего, также и хлјбъ изъ корзины у дверей скиніи собранія.

33 Пусть съјдятъ сіе тј, надъ которыми совершено очищеніе для наполненія рукъ ихъ и для посвященія ихъ; а посторонній не долженъ јсть сего, ибо это святыня.

34 Если останется мяса наполненія рукъ и хлјба до утра; то сожги остатки на огнј: не должно јсть сею; ибо это святыня.

35 Такъ поступи съ Аарономъ и съ сынами его во всемъ, какъ Я повелјлъ тебј; семь дней наполняй руки ихъ.

36 И тельца за грјхъ приноси каждый день для очищенія, и жертву за грјхи совершай на жертвенникј, для очищенія его, и помажь его для освященія его.

37 Семь дней очищай жертвеиникъ; и освяти его, и будетъ жертвенникъ святыня великая; все прикасающееся къ жертвеннику будетъ свято.

38 Вотъ что будешь ты приносить на жертвенникј: два агнца однолјтнихъ на день непрерывно.

39 Одного агнца приноси поутру, а другаго агнца приноси подъ вечеръ.

40 И десятую часть ефы пшеничной муки, смјшанной съ четвертью гина битаго елея, а для возліянія четверть гина вина съ однимъ агнцемъ.

41 Другаго овна приноси подъ вечеръ, съ приношеніемъ, подобнымъ утреннему, и съ такимъ же возліяніемъ, въ благоуханіе успокоенія. Это жертва Іеговј.

42 Это всесожженіе непрерывное въ роды ваши предъ дверьми скиніи собранія предъ Іеговою, гдј буду открываться вамъ, чтобы говорить съ тобою.

43 Тамъ буду открываться сынамъ Израилевымъ, и освятится мјсто сіе славою Моею.

44 И освящу скинію собранія и жертвенникъ: также Аарона и сыновъ его освящу, дабы они священнодјйствовали Мнј.

45 И буду обитать среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ, и буду имъ Богомъ.

46 И узнаютъ, что Я Іегова, Богъ ихъ, Который вывелъ ихъ изъ земли Египетской, чтобы Мнј обитать среди ихъ. Я Іегова, Богъ ихъ.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 10030

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10030. 'Covering the intestines' means which exists on last or lowest levels. This is clear from the meaning of 'the intestines' as last or lowest things. The reason why the intestines have this meaning is that they are the last and lowest of a person's internal organs, not only as regards their location but also as regards their function. As regards their location, they are below the stomach, to which they are attached; and as regards their function, they are the last organs to receive the things undergoing digestion in a person. Above them, as is well known, come the stomach, liver, pancreas, and spleen; higher still, the heart and lungs; and still higher, the head. It is also well known that these higher parts of the body discharge their filth and waste products into the intestines and banish them through these, partly by way of the stomach, partly by way of the ducts from the liver - called the hepatic ducts, and also the cystic or biliary ducts - and partly by way of the ducts from the pancreas, which like all the other ducts have their outlet into the duodenum. From all this it is now evident why last or lowest things are meant by 'the intestines'. The fact that the internal organs in the human body mean such things as belong to the spiritual world becomes clear from what has been abundantly shown at the ends of a large number of chapters where the correspondence of the Grand Man, which is heaven, with everything present in the human being has been the subject. For what specifically corresponds to the intestines, see 5392. The hells correspond to the impurities and excrement cast out from them, 5393-5396.

[2] Since several organs of the body are mentioned in what immediately follows, such as the lesser omentum, liver, kidneys, legs, breast, flank, and head, and the arrangement of them in sacrifices is dealt with, it must first be shown here that by parts of the human body in general the kinds of things that exist in the Grand Man, that is, in heaven, are meant. Here let the meaning of just those parts of the body which are used in Daniel to describe Nebuchadnezzar's statue be indicated. There, in Chapter 2:32-33, it says that its head was pure gold, breast and arms were silver, belly and side bronze, legs iron, and feet partly iron and partly clay. Anyone who does not know that the Lord's Word is spiritual supposes that these things were said in reference to earthly kingdoms. But the Word is not dealing with earthly kingdoms, only with God's kingdom, thus with heaven and the Church. The reason why these are described by means of the kinds of things that exist in earthly lands and their kingdoms is that worldly and earthly things correspond to the kinds of things that exist in heaven. For the whole natural order and the whole universe is a theatre representative of the Lord's kingdom, see the places referred to in 9280, and earthly and worldly things are what a person comes to know of first.

[3] From this it may be recognized that Nebuchadnezzar's statue seen in a dream does not mean worldly but heavenly things. But what specifically is meant by the head, the breast, the belly and side, the legs, and the feet may be known from their correspondence, thus from the internal sense of the Word. From correspondence one can know that the head means the first state of the Church, the breast and arms the second, the belly and side the third, the legs the fourth, and the feet the last. Since the first state of the Church was a state of the good of love to the Lord it says that the head was of pure gold; since the second state was a state of truth springing from that good it says that the breast and arms were of silver; since the third state was the good of love and its truth in the external or natural man it says that the belly and side were of bronze; since the fourth state was the truth of faith it says that the legs were of iron; and since the last state was truth which, though called the truth of faith, is devoid of good it says the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay. And such being the last state of the Church verses 34, 35 say that out of the rock a stone was cut, which smashed them all to pieces and scattered them, so that the wind carried them away, and no place was found for them, meaning that the good of love to the Lord, the good of charity towards the neighbour, and the good of faith were completely dispersed, so completely that there was no knowledge of what they were. No more than some knowledge of the truths of faith existed, without any knowledge of good; or if any knowledge of good existed it was not real good, thus was not the good that coheres with the truths of faith.

[4] This good is external good without internal, which is what the good of merit is, and what good pursued for selfish and worldly reasons is, thus good pursued for the sake of gain, position, and reputation, for the sake of friendship cultivated because of these things, or for the sake of currying favour. Or else it is pursued solely on account of fear of the law. It is not pursued on account of the good of charity, which is the good of one's fellow citizen, the good of human society, the good of one's country, or the good of the Church.

[5] The types of good mentioned above are meant by 'the clay' or 'the mire', the truth with which that good does not cohere being 'the iron'. Therefore verse 43 says, [Just as] the iron which you saw was mixed with the miry clay, they will mingle through the seed of man (homo) 1 , but they will not cohere with one another, just as iron is not mingled with clay. 'The seed of man' is the truth of faith when it originates in the self, which is truth falsified and adulterated through application to evils that exist as the result of a regard for self and the world. From all this it is evident that the parts of a person's body from his head to the soles of his feet mean such things as belong to the Church.

[6] In general 'the head' means celestial good, which is the good of love to the Lord, 'the breast' spiritual good, which is the good of charity towards the neighbour, and 'the feet' natural good, which is the good and truth of faith, see 9913, 9914; and the same kinds of good are meant by 'gold', 'silver', 'bronze', and 'iron', 5658. But for what is meant specifically by 'the head', see 4938, 4939, 5328, 9913, 9914, by 'gold', 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 9510, 9881, by 'the breast', 4938, 4939, 5328, 6436, 9913, 9914, and by 'silver', 1551, 5658, 6914, 6917. From this it is evident what is meant by 'the belly' and 'the side', which are the parts below the breast. But for what 'bronze' means, [see] 425, 1551, 'the feet', 2162, 3147, 3761, 4938-4952, 'iron', 425, 426, and 'clay' or 'mire', 1300, 6669.

[7] From all this it may now be recognized that the members or organs of the human body mean such things as correspond to them in the Grand Man, which is heaven. They all have connection with the good of love and the truth of faith; and because they correspond to these they also correspond to the same realities in the Church, because the Lord's heaven on earth is the Church.

There is a correspondence of the human being and all parts of the human being with the Grand Man, which is heaven; see what has been shown from actual experience at the ends of a number of chapters, in the following places, 3624-3649, 3741-3751, 3883-3896, 4039-4051, 4218-4228, 4318-4331, 4403-4421, 4527-4533, 4622-4633, 4652-4660, 4791-4805, 4931-4953, 5050-5061, 5171-5189, 5377-5396, 5552-5573, 5711-5727, 5846-5866, 5976-5993, 6053-6058, 6189-6215, 6307-6326, 6466-6495.

What correspondence is, 2987-3003, 3213-3227, 3337-3352, 3472-3485.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. i.e. they will become mixed together through intermarriages

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.