

Êxodo 12



1 Ora, o Senhor falou a Moisés e a Arão na terra do Egito, dizendo:

2 Este mês será para vós o princípio dos meses; este vos será o primeiro dos meses do ano.

3 Falai a toda a congregação de Israel, dizendo: Ao décimo dia deste mês tomará cada um para si um cordeiro, segundo as casas dos pais, um cordeiro para cada família.

4 Mas se a família for pequena demais para um cordeiro, tomá-lo-á juntamente com o vizinho mais próximo de sua casa, conforme o número de almas; conforme ao comer de cada um, fareis a conta para o cordeiro.

5 O cordeiro, ou cabrito, será sem defeito, macho de um ano, o qual tomareis das ovelhas ou das cabras,

6 e o guardareis até o décimo quarto dia deste mês; e toda a assembléia da congregação de Israel o matará à tardinha:

7 Tomarão do sangue, e pô-lo-ão em ambos os umbrais e na verga da porta, nas casas em que o comerem.

8 E naquela noite comerão a carne assada ao fogo, com pães ázimos; com ervas amargosas a comerao.

9 Não comereis dele cru, nem cozido em água, mas sim assado ao fogo; a sua cabeça com as suas pernas e com a sua fressura.

10 Nada dele deixareis até pela manhã; mas o que dele ficar até pela manhã, queimá-lo-eis no fogo.

11 Assim pois o comereis: Os vossos lombos cingidos, os vossos sapatos nos pés, e o vosso cajado na mão; e o comereis apressadamente; esta é a páscoa do Senhor.

12 Porque naquela noite passarei pela terra do Egito, e ferirei todos os primogênitos na terra do Egito, tanto dos homens como dos animais; e sobre todos os deuses do Egito executarei juízos; eu sou o Senhor.

13 Mas o sangue vos será por sinal nas casas em que estiverdes; vendo eu o sangue, passarei por cima de vós, e não haverá entre vós praga para vos destruir, quando eu ferir a terra do Egito. :

14 E este dia vos será por memorial, e celebrá-lo-eis por festa ao Senhor; através das vossas gerações o celebrareis por estatuto perpétuo.

15 Por sete dias comereis pães ázimos; logo ao primeiro dia tirareis o fermento das vossas casas, porque qualquer que comer pão levedado, entre o primeiro e o sétimo dia, esse será cortado de Israel.

16 E ao primeiro dia haverá uma santa convocação; também ao sétimo dia tereis uma santa convocação; neles não se fará trabalho algum, senão o que diz respeito ao que cada um houver de comer; somente isso poderá ser feito por vós.

17 Guardareis, pois, a festa dos pães ázimos, porque nesse mesmo dia tirei vossos exércitos da terra do Egito; pelo que guardareis este dia através das vossas gerações por estatuto perpétuo.

18 No primeiro mês, aos catorze dias do mês, à tarde, comereis pães ázimos até vinte e um do mês à tarde.

19 Por sete dias não se ache fermento algum nas vossas casas; porque qualquer que comer pão levedado, esse será cortado da congregação de Israel, tanto o peregrino como o natural da terra.

20 Nenhuma coisa levedada comereis; em todas as vossas habitações comereis pães ázimos.

21 Chamou, pois, Moisés todos os anciãos de Israel, e disse-lhes: Ide e tomai-vos cordeiros segundo as vossas famílias, e imolai a páscoa.

22 Então tomareis um molho de hissopo, embebê-lo-eis no sangue que estiver na bacia e marcareis com ele a verga da porta e os dois umbrais; mas nenhum de vós sairá da porta da sua casa até pela manhã.

23 Porque o Senhor passará para ferir aos egípcios; e, ao ver o sangue na verga da porta e em ambos os umbrais, o Senhor passará aquela porta, e não deixará o destruidor entrar em vossas casas para vos ferir.

24 Portanto guardareis isto por estatuto para vós e para vossos filhos, para sempre.

25 Quando, pois, tiverdes entrado na terra que o Senhor vos dará, como tem prometido, guardareis este culto.

26 E quando vossos filhos vos perguntarem: Que quereis dizer com este culto?

27 Respondereis: Este é o sacrifício da páscoa do Senhor, que passou as casas dos filhos de Israel no Egito, quando feriu os egípcios, e livrou as nossas casas. Então o povo inclinou-se e adorou.

28 E foram os filhos de Israel, e fizeram isso; como o Senhor ordenara a Moisés e a Arão, assim fizeram.

29 E aconteceu que à meia-noite o Senhor feriu todos os primogênitos na terra do Egito, desde o primogênito de Faraó, que se assentava em seu trono, até o primogênito do cativo que estava no cárcere, e todos os primogênitos dos animais.

30 E Faraó levantou-se de noite, ele e todos os seus servos, e todos os egípcios; e fez-se grande clamor no Egito, porque não havia casa em que não houvesse um morto.

31 Então Faraó chamou Moisés e Arão de noite, e disse: Levantai-vos, saí do meio do meu povo, tanto vós como os filhos de Israel; e ide servir ao Senhor, como tendes dito.

32 Levai também convosco os vossos rebanhos e o vosso gado, como tendes dito; e ide, e abençoai-me também a mim.

33 E os egípcios apertavam ao povo, e apressando-se por lançá-los da terra; porque diziam: Estamos todos mortos.

34 Ao que o povo tomou a massa, antes que ela levedasse, e as amassadeiras atadas e em seus vestidos, sobre os ombros.

35 Fizeram, pois, os filhos de Israel conforme a palavra de Moisés, e pediram aos egípcios jóias de prata, e jóias de ouro, e vestidos.

36 E o Senhor deu ao povo graça aos olhos dos egípcios, de modo que estes lhe davam o que pedia; e despojaram aos egipcios.

37 Assim viajaram os filhos de Israel de a Ramessés a Sucote, cerca de seiscentos mil homens de pé, sem contar as crianças.

38 Também subiu com eles uma grande mistura de gente; e, em rebanhos e manadas, uma grande quantidade de gado.

39 E cozeram bolos ázimos da massa que levaram do Egito, porque ela não se tinha levedado, porquanto foram lançados do Egito; e não puderam deter-se, nem haviam preparado comida.

40 Ora, o tempo que os filhos de Israel moraram no Egito foi de quatrocentos e trinta anos.

41 E aconteceu que, ao fim de quatrocentos e trinta anos, naquele mesmo dia, todos os exércitos do Senhor saíram da terra do Egito.

42 Esta é uma noite que se deve guardar ao Senhor, porque os tirou da terra do Egito; esta é a noite do Senhor, que deve ser guardada por todos os filhos de Israel através das suas gerações.

43 Disse mais o Senhor a Moisés e a Arão: Esta é a ordenança da páscoa; nenhum, estrangeiro comerá dela;

44 mas todo escravo comprado por dinheiro, depois que o houveres circuncidado, comerá dela.

45 O forasteiro e o assalariado não comerão dela.

46 Numa só casa se comerá o cordeiro; não levareis daquela carne fora da casa nem lhe quebrareis osso algum.

47 Toda a congregação de Israel a observará.

48 Quando, porém, algum estrangeiro peregrinar entre vós e quiser celebrar a páscoa ao Senhor, circuncidem-se todos os seus varões; então se chegará e a celebrará, e será como o natural da terra; mas nenhum incircunciso comerá dela.

49 Haverá uma mesma lei para o natural e para o estrangeiro que peregrinar entre vós.

50 Assim, pois, fizeram todos os filhos de Israel; como o Senhor ordenara a Moisés e a Arão, assim fizeram.

51 E naquele mesmo dia o Senhor tirou os filhos de Israel da terra do Egito, segundo os seus exércitos.


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Apocalypse Explained # 314

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314. Stood a Lamb. That this signifies the Lord as to the Divine Human, is evident from the signification of a lamb, when predicated of the Lord, as denoting Himself as to the Divine Human. The Lord as to the Divine Human is called a lamb, because a lamb signifies the good of innocence, and the good of innocence is the very good of heaven which proceeds from the Lord; and in proportion as the angels receive this good, in the same proportion they are angels. This good reigns with the angels who are in the third or inmost heaven; therefore those who are in that heaven appear as infants before the eyes of other angels. What the good of innocence is, and that the angels of heaven are in that good, may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell, in the article which treats concerning the State of Innocence of the Angels of Heaven (n.276-283, also n. 285, 288, 341, 382). It is believed in the world that the Lord is called a lamb from this, that the continual burnt-offering, or what was offered every day, evening and morning, was that of lambs; and especially on the days of the passover, when a lamb was also eaten; and that the Lord suffered Himself to be sacrificed. But this reason of His being so called is for those in the world who do not think beyond the sense of the letter of the Word; nevertheless, in heaven no such thing is perceived by a lamb when it is predicated of the Lord; but when a lamb is named or read of in the Word, the angels, because all of them are in the spiritual sense of the Word, perceive the good of innocence; and when the Lord is thus called, they perceive His Divine Human, and at the same time the good of innocence which is from Him. I know that it will be believed with difficulty that it is so, but yet it is the truth.

[2] That the lamb, in the Word, signifies the good of innocence, and, when predicated of the Lord, signifies His Divine Human, is evident from the following passages. In Isaiah:

"Behold, the Lord Jehovih cometh in might. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs into his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead the sucklings" (40:10, 11).

This is spoken of the Lord's advent; by the flock which He shall feed like a shepherd, are signified those who are in the good of charity; and by the lambs which He shall gather into His arm, are signified those who are in love to Him. This love is that which strictly regarded, is innocence, therefore all those who are in it are in the heaven of innocence, which is the third heaven; and because that love is signified by lambs, it is therefore said also, "He shall gently lead the sucklings." By sucklings and infants in the Word are meant those who are in innocence, as may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 277, 280, 329-345).

[3] In the same:

"The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy shall lead them. And the she-calf and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; the suckling shall play on the hole of the adder, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den" (11:6-8).

These things are said concerning the Lord's advent, and concerning His kingdom, also concerning those therein who are in the good of innocence, that they shall have nothing to fear from the hells and the evils thence, because guarded by the Lord. The Lord's kingdom is here described, by innocences of various kinds, and by their opposites from which they shall be defended; the lamb denotes innocence of the inmost degree, its opposite is the wolf: the kid denotes innocence of the second degree, of which the opposite is the leopard: the calf denotes innocence of the last degree, of which the opposite is the young lion. (That a lamb, a ram or sheep, and a calf, signify three degrees of innocence, may be seen, n. Arcana Coelestia 10132.) Innocence of the inmost degree is such as belongs to those who are in the third or inmost heaven, and the good thereof is called celestial good; innocence of the second degree is such as belongs to those who are in the second or middle heaven, and the good thereof is called spiritual good; and innocence of the last degree is such as belongs to those who are in the first or ultimate heaven, and the good thereof is called natural-spiritual good. (That all those who are in the heavens are in some good of innocence, may be seen, n. Arcana Coelestia 4797.) Because as the goods of innocence are described by these, it is therefore also said, "And a little boy shall lead them," also, "the suckling shall play on the hole of the adder the weaned child shall put his hand upon the cockatrice' den." By a boy, a suckling a weaned child, are in like manner signified those degrees of innocence. (That a boy [signifies a degree of innocence], Arcana Coelestia 430, 5236; that a suckling or infant of the first age, and a weaned child or an infant of the second age, see n. 3183, 4563, 5608, 6740, 6745.)

[4] Because the lamb signifies innocence or those who are innocent, and a wolf those who are opposed to innocence, therefore it is said elsewhere in the same prophet:

"The wolf and the lamb shall feed together; they shall not do evil in the whole mountain of holiness" (65:25).

The mountain of holiness denotes heaven, specifically the inmost heaven; and therefore the Lord said to the seventy whom He sent forth,

"I send you forth as lambs in the midst of wolves" (Luke 10:3).

[5] Because lambs signify those who are in love to the Lord, which love is one with innocence, and because sheep signify those who are in love towards the neighbour, which love is charity, therefore the Lord said to Peter,

"Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; Thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs; and afterwards, Feed my sheep" (John 21:15-17).

These things were said to Peter, because by him was meant truth from good, or faith from charity, and truth from good teaches; to feed denoting to teach.

[6] In Ezekiel:

"Arabia and all the princes of Kedar, these were the merchants of thy hand, in lambs, rams, and goats" (27:21).

This is said concerning Tyre, by which are meant those who are in the knowledges of truth and good. By Arabia and the princes of Kedar, who are the merchants of her hand, are signified those who are in truths and goods from knowledges; and by merchants are signified those who communicate and teach them; by lambs, rams, and goats, are signified three degrees of the good of innocence, similarly as by lambs, rams, and calves. That by these are signified the three degrees of the good of innocence, may be seen, n. Arcana Coelestia 10042, 10132.

[7] Also in Moses:

"He made him to ride on the high places of the earth, and fed him with the produce of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the stone of the rock; butter of the herd, and milk of the flock, with the fat of lambs, of the rams of Bashan, and of goats, with the fat of the kidneys of wheat; and thou drinkest the pure blood of the grape" (Deuteronomy 32:13, 14).

These things are said concerning the establishment of the Ancient Church, which was the first church after the flood, and by all these things are described its various kinds of good; but because without explanation scarcely any one will understand them, a few words will be said. To ride on the high places of the earth, signifies that the intelligence of those who belonged to that church was interior; he fed him with the produce of the fields, signifies that they were instructed in every truth and good; He made him to suck honey out of the rock, signifies that by means of truths they had natural good; oil out of the stone of the rock, signifies that they had also spiritual good by means of truths; honey and oil signify those goods, and a rock, a flinty rock, and a stone signify truths. Butter of the herd, and milk of the flock, signify the good of external and internal truth; the fat of lambs, of the rams of Bashan, and of goats, signifies the goods of innocence of three degrees (as mentioned above); the fat of the kidneys of wheat, and the blood of the grape, signify that thus they had genuine good and genuine truth.

[8] In Isaiah:

"The sword of Jehovah is filled with blood; it is made fat with fatness, with the blood of lambs and of goats, and with the fat of the kidneys of rams" (34:6).

Here also by lambs, rams, and goats, are signified the three degrees of the good of innocence (mentioned above); but the subject here treated of is concerning their destruction by the falsities of evil; for a sword signifies falsity destroying truth and good; the blood with which it shall be filled signifies destruction.

[9] Because by lamb is signified innocence, which, strictly regarded, is love to the Lord, therefore by lamb, in the highest sense, is signified the Lord as to the Divine Human, for the Lord as to that was Innocence itself; as may be seen in the following passages. In Isaiah:

"He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter" (53:7).

In the same:

"Send ye the lamb of the ruler of the land from the rock toward the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion" (16:1).

In John:

"John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." And afterwards seeing Jesus walking, he said, "Behold the Lamb of God" (1:29, 36).

In the Apocalypse:

"The Lamb [which is] in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters" (7:17).

And in another place:

"They have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of the testimony" (12:11),

besides also elsewhere in the Apocalypse (as chap. 13:8; 14:1, 4; 17:14; 19:7, 9; 21:22, 23; 22:1, 3).

[10] Because the burnt-offerings and sacrifices signified all representative worship from the good of love and from the truths thence, burnt-offerings from the good of love, and sacrifices specifically from the truths thence, therefore,

Every day, evening and morning, a burnt-offering was made of lambs (Exodus 29:38-43; Num. 28:1-9).

On every Sabbath, of two lambs, besides the continual burnt-offering of them (Num. 28:9, 10).

In the beginnings of the months, of seven lambs (Num. 28:11-15).

In like manner, on the day of the first-fruits (Num. 28:26 to end).

In like manner in the seventh month, when there was a holy convocation (Num. 29:1-7).

In like manner of seven lambs on each day of the passover, besides of two calves, one ram, and one goat (Num. 28:16-24).

[The burnt-offering was] of seven lambs, because by seven is signified all and full, and it is said of what is holy; and because by burnt-offerings in general was signified the worship of the Lord from the good of love, and the good of love to the Lord from the Lord is the essential good of innocence; and by lamb, in the highest sense, was signified the Lord as to the Divine Human. (That burnt-offerings signified all worship grounded in the good of love from the Lord to the Lord, may be seen, n. 923, 6905, 8680, 8936, 10042.) Because of this representation the supper of the passover of lambs or kids was also instituted (Exodus 12:1-29); for by the feast of the passover was represented the glorification of the Lord's Human (as may be seen, n. 10655). Because infants signified innocence, it was therefore also commanded, that

After a birth, on the day of purification, they should sacrifice a lamb, a young pigeon, or a turtle dove; or, instead of a lamb, two young pigeons or two turtle doves (Leviticus 12:6, 8).

By young pigeons and by turtle doves is signified the same as by lambs, namely, innocence.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.