

Matas 12



1 Anuo metu sabato dieną Jėzus ėjo per javų lauką. Jo mokiniai buvo išalkę, tad skynė varpas ir valgė.

2 Tai pamatę, fariziejai Jam sakė: “Žiūrėk, Tavo mokiniai daro, kas per sabatą draudžiama”.

3 Jis jiems atsakė: “Ar neskaitėte, ką darė Dovydas ir jo palydovai, būdami išalkę?

4 Kaip jie įėjo į Dievo namus ir valgė padėtinės duonos, nors nevalia buvo jos valgyti nei jam, nei jo palydovams, o vien tik kunigams.

5 Arba, ar neskaitėte Įstatyme, jog per sabatą kunigai šventykloje pažeidžia sabatą ir nenusikalsta?

6 Bet sakau jums: čia daugiau negu šventykla!

7 Jei būtumėte supratę, ką reiškia ‘Aš noriu gailestingumo, o ne aukos’, nebūtumėte pasmerkę nekaltų.

8 Žmogaus Sūnus yra ir sabato Viešpats”.

9 Iš ten išėjęs, Jis atėjo į jų sinagogą.

10 Ir štai ten buvo žmogus padžiūvusia ranka. Jie paklausė Jėzų (kad galėtų apkaltinti): “Ar leistina sabato dieną gydyti?”

11 Jis jiems atsakė: “Kas iš jūsų, turėdamas vieną avį, jeigu ji per sabatą įkris į duobę, nestvers ir neištrauks?

12 O kaip daug brangesnis už avį žmogus! Todėl leistina daryti gera sabato dieną”.

13 Tada Jis tarė žmogui: “Ištiesk ranką!” Tas ištiesė, ir ji tapo sveika kaip ir antroji.

14 Tuomet išėję fariziejai tarėsi, kaip Jėzų pražudyti.

15 Tai sužinojęs, Jėzus pasitraukė iš ten. Didelės minios sekė paskui Jį, ir Jis visus išgydė,

16 bet įspėjo, kad Jo negarsintų.

17 Kad išsipildytų, kas buvo pasakyta per pranašą Izaiją:

18 “Štai mano išrinktasis tarnas, mano mylimasis, kuriuo gėrisi mano siela. Aš duosiu Jam savo Dvasią, ir Jis skelbs pagonims teisingumą.

19 Jis nesiginčys, nešauks, ir niekas gatvėje negirdės Jo balso.

20 Jis nenulauš palūžusios nendrės ir neužgesins rusenančio dagčio, kol nenuves teisingumo į pergalę;

21 o Jo vardas teiks viltį pagonims!”

22 Tuomet atvedė pas Jį demono apsėstąjį, kuris buvo aklas ir nebylys. Jėzus išgydė jį, ir šis prakalbo ir praregėjo.

23 Ištisos minios netvėrė iš nuostabos ir klausinėjo: “Ar nebus šitas Dovydo Sūnus?!”

24 Tai išgirdę, fariziejai sakė: “Jis išvaro demonus ne kitaip, kaip tik demonų valdovo Belzebulo jėga”.

25 Žinodamas jų mintis, Jėzus tarė: “Kiekviena suskilusi karalystė bus nusiaubta, ir joks suskilęs miestas ir namas neišsilaikys.

26 Jeigu tad šėtonas išvarinėtų šėtoną, irgi būtų savyje susiskaldęs. Kaipgi tada galėtų išsilaikyti jo karalystė?

27 Ir jeigu Aš išvarau demonus Belzebulo jėga, tai kieno jėga išvaro jūsų sūnūs? Todėl jie bus jūsų teisėjai.

28 Bet jeigu Aš išvarau demonus Dievo Dvasia, tai tikrai pas jus atėjo Dievo karalystė.

29 Argi gali kas nors įeiti į galiūno namus ir pasigrobti jo turtą, pirmiau nesurišęs galiūno? Tik tada jis apiplėš jo namus.

30 Kas ne su manimi, tas prieš mane, ir kas su manimi nerenka, tas barsto”.

31 “Sakau jums: kiekviena nuodėmė ir piktžodžiavimas bus žmonėms atleisti, bet piktžodžiavimas Dvasiai nebus jiems atleistas.

32 Jei kas tartų žodį prieš Žmogaus Sūnų, tam bus atleista, o kas kalbėtų prieš Šventąją Dvasią, tam nebus atleista nei šiame, nei būsimajame amžiuje.

33 Arba sakykite medį esant gerą ir jo vaisių gerą, arba sakykite medį esant blogą ir jo vaisių blogą, nes medis pažįstamas iš vaisių.

34 Angių išperos, kaip jūs galite kalbėti gera, būdami blogi?! Juk lūpos kalba tai, ko pertekusi širdis.

35 Geras žmogus iš gero širdies lobyno iškelia gera, o blogas iš blogo lobyno iškelia bloga.

36 Todėl sakau jums: teismo dieną žmonės turės duoti apyskaitą už kiekvieną pasakytą tuščią žodį.

37 Pagal savo žodžius būsi išteisintas ir pagal savo žodžius būsi pasmerktas”.

38 Tada kai kurie ašto žinovai ir fariziejai sakė: “Mokytojau, norime, kad parodytum ženklą”.

39 Jis jiems atsakė: “Pikta ir svetimaujanti karta ieško ženklo, bet nebus jai duota kito ženklo, kaip tik pranašo Jonos ženklas.

40 Kaip Jona išbuvo tris dienas ir tris naktis banginio pilve, taip ir Žmogaus Sūnus išbus tris dienas ir tris naktis žemės širdyje.

41 Ninevės žmonės teismo dieną prisikels drauge su šia karta ir ją pasmerks, nes jie atgailavo, išgirdę Jonos pamokslą, o štai čia daugiau negu Jona.

42 Pietų šalies karalienė teismo dieną prisikels drauge su šia karta ir ją pasmerks, nes ji atkeliavo nuo žemės pakraščių pasiklausyti Saliamono išminties, o štai čia daugiau negu Saliamonas”.

43 “Netyroji dvasia, išėjusi iš žmogaus, klaidžioja bevandenėse vietose, ieškodama poilsio, ir neranda.

44 Tada ji sako: ‘Grįšiu į savo namus, iš kur išėjau’. Sugrįžusi randa juos tuščius, iššluotus ir išpuoštus.

45 Tada eina, pasiima kitas septynias dvasias, dar piktesnes už save, ir įėjusios jos ten apsigyvena. Ir paskui tam žmogui darosi blogiau negu pirma. Taip atsitiks ir šiai piktai kartai”.

46 Jam tebekalbant minioms, štai Jo motina ir broliai stovėjo lauke ir norėjo su Juo pasikalbėti.

47 Tada kažkas pranešė Jam: “Štai Tavo motina ir broliai stovi lauke ir nori su Tavim pasikalbėti”.

48 Jis atsakė pranešusiam: “Kas yra mano motina ir kas yra mano broliai?”

49 Ir, ištiesęs ranką į savo mokinius, tarė: “Štai mano motina ir mano broliai!

50 Kiekvienas, kas vykdo mano dangiškojo Tėvo valią, yra mano brolis, ir sesuo, ir motina”.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 205

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205. He that hath the key of David, signifies who has power by means of Divine truth. This is evident from the signification of "key," as being the power of opening and shutting, here heaven and hell, for it follows, "He that openeth and no one shutteth, and shutteth and no one openeth;" therefore "key" means here the power of saving (as above, n. 86), since to open heaven and to shut hell is to save. It is evident also from the representation of "David," as being the Lord in respect to Divine truth. By "David" in the Word the Lord is meant, because by "kings" in the Word the Lord in respect to Divine truth is represented, and by "priests" there the Lord in respect to Divine good. The Lord is represented especially by king David, because David had much care of the matters of the church, and also wrote the Psalms. (That "kings" in the Word signify Divine truth, and "priests" Divine good, see above, n. 31; moreover, that all names of persons and places in the Word signify spiritual things, which are the things pertaining to the church and to heaven, see above, n. 19, 50, 102.)

It is said, "He that hath the key of David," because David (as was just said) represented the Lord in respect to Divine truth, and the Lord has all power in the heavens and on earth from Divine good through Divine truth; for in general good without truth has no power, neither has truth without good any power, for good acts through truth. From this it is that Divine good and Divine truth proceed united from the Lord, and so far as they are conjointly received by the angels, so far the angels are powers. This then, is why it is said "the key of David." (That all power is in truths from good, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 228-233, where the Power of the Angels of Heaven is treated of; also n. 539.)

[2] That by "David" in the Word the Lord is meant is clearly evident from certain passages where he is mentioned in the prophets. As in Ezekiel:

They shall be to Me for a people, and I will be to them for a God, and My servant David king over them, that they may all have one shepherd. They shall dwell upon the land, they and their sons and their son's sons even to eternity; and David My servant shall be prince to them to eternity (Ezekiel 37:23-25).

In Hosea:

The sons of Israel shall return, and shall seek Jehovah their God, and David their king; and with fear shall they come to Jehovah and to His goodness in the extremity of days (Hosea 3:5).

It is said "They shall seek Jehovah their God, and David their king," because "Jehovah" in the Word means the Lord in respect to Divine good, which is the Divine Esse, and "David a king" means the Lord in respect to Divine truth, which is the Divine Existere. (That "Jehovah" in the Word means the Lord in respect to Divine good, see Arcana Coelestia 732, 2586, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4253, 4402, 7010, 9167, 9315)

[3] In Zechariah:

Jehovah shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David, and the glory of the inhabitant of Jerusalem, may not exalt itself above Judah. In that day shall Jehovah defend the inhabitant of Jerusalem, and the house of David shall be as God, and as the angel of Jehovah before them. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitant of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace. In that day there shall be a fountain open to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:7-8, 10; 13:1).

Here the Lord's coming is treated of, and the salvation at that time of those who are of His spiritual kingdom. "Tents of Judah" mean the celestial kingdom; and the "house of David and the inhabitant of Jerusalem," the spiritual kingdom. The spiritual kingdom is constituted of those in heaven and on earth who are in Divine truth, and the celestial kingdom of those who are in Divine good (See just above, n. 204. From this it can be seen what these words mean, namely, that these two kingdoms shall act as one, and that one shall not exalt itself above the other. (Of these two kingdoms, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28). That "Judah" signifies the Lord in respect to celestial love and the Lord's celestial kingdom may be seen above (n. 119). And that "Jerusalem" signifies the Lord's spiritual kingdom, see in the Arcana Coelestia 402, 3654, 9166. The same is therefore signified by "the house of David;" consequently it is here said, "the house of David shall be as God, and as the angel of Jehovah;" "God" also means the Lord in respect to Divine truth (See Arcana Coelestia 2586, 2769, 2807, 2822, 3921, 4287, 4402, 7010, 9167); and the like is meant by the "angel of Jehovah" (See above, n. 130, 200).

[4] "David" and his "house" have a like signification also in the following passages. In Isaiah:

Incline your ear, and come unto Me; hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold I have given Him as a witness to the peoples, a prince and a lawgiver to the nations 1 (Isaiah 55:3-4).

These things are said of the Lord, who is here "David." In David:

In the heavens Thou shalt establish Thy truth; I have made a covenant with My chosen; I have sworn to David My servant, even to eternity will I establish thy seed, and will build up thy throne to generation and generation; and the heavens shall confess Thy wonder, O Jehovah; Thy truth also in the congregation of the saints (Psalms 89:2-5).

These things also were said of the Lord, and not of David; for it is said, "I have sworn to David My servant, even to eternity will I establish thy seed, and will build up thy throne to generation and generation;" this is not applicable to David, whose seed and throne were not established to eternity, and yet Jehovah swore, and an oath from Jehovah is irrevocable confirmation from the Divine (See Arcana Coelestia 2842[1-10]). The "seed of David" in the spiritual sense, means those who are in the truths from good from the Lord, and in an abstract sense, truths themselves that are from good (See Arcana Coelestia, n (Arcana Coelestia 3373, 3380, 10249, 10445); and "throne" means the Lord's spiritual kingdom (See Arcana Coelestia 5313, 5922, 6397, 8625). David is called "My servant" (as also above in Ezekiel 37:23-25), because "servant" in the Word is used of every person and every thing that serves and ministers (See Arcana Coelestia 3441, 7143, 8241), and Divine truth proceeding serves and ministers to Divine good from which it proceeds. That it is the Lord in respect to Divine truth, or Divine truth proceeding from the Lord that is meant by "David," is evident, for it is said, "In the heavens Thou shalt establish Thy truth, and the heavens shall confess Thy truth in the congregation of the saints." That those also are called "saints" who are in Divine truths, see just above n. 204.

[5] In the same:

I will not profane My covenant, and what is pronounced by My lips will I not change. Once have I sworn by My holiness; I will not lie unto David. His seed shall be to eternity, and his throne as the sun before Me. It shall be established as the moon to eternity, a faithful witness in the clouds (Psalms 89:34-37).

That these things are said of the Lord is evident in the whole Psalm, for it treats of His coming, and afterwards of the repudiation of Him by the Jewish nation. That the Lord is here treated of, and that He is here meant by "David" is plain from these words in the same Psalm:

I have found David, My servant; with the oil of My holiness have I anointed him. I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers. He shall call Me, Thou art my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. I also will make him the firstborn, high above the kings of the earth. I will set his throne as the days of the heavens (Psalms 89:20, 25-27, 29).

The Lord is meant also by "David," by "the anointed," and by "king," in other passages in the Psalms, as can be clearly seen by those who understand the Word spiritually, but obscurely by those who understand it only naturally. As in these words in David:

Thy priests shall be clothed with righteousness, and Thy saints shall shout for joy for Thy servant David's sake turn not away the face of Thine anointed. There will I make the horn of David to bud: I will set in order a lamp for Mine anointed; upon himself shall his crown flourish (Psalms 132:9-10, 17-18);

here also the Lord is meant by "David" and by "the anointed;" for the Lord is treated of in this Psalm, as is clear from what goes before, where it is said:

He swore unto Jehovah, I will not give sleep to mine eyes until I find out a place for Jehovah, habitations for the mighty One of Jacob. Lo, we have heard of it at Ephrathah [Bethlehem]. We will come into His habitations, we will worship at His footstool (Psalms 132:2, 4-7).

[6] That David might represent the Lord in respect to Divine truth, the Lord was willing to be born of the house of David, and also to be called "the Son of David," "his Root and Offspring," also "the Root of Jesse." But when the Lord put off the human from the mother, and put on the Human from the Father, which is the Divine Human, He was no longer David's son. This is meant by the Lord's words to the Pharisees:

Jesus said to the Pharisees, How does it seem to you respecting Christ? whose Son is He? They said unto Him, David's. He said unto them, How then doth David in spirit call Him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at My right hand, until I place thine enemies as a stool of thy feet? If David then calleth Him Lord, how is He his Son (Matthew 22:42-45; Luke 20:41-44).

That the Lord glorified His Human, that is, put off the human from the mother, and put on a Human from the Father, which is the Divine Human, see in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 293-295, 298-310. For this reason He was not David's son, as He was not the son of Mary, whom therefore He did not call His mother, but "woman" (Matthew 12:46-49; Mark 3:31 to the end; Luke 8:19-21; John 2:4; 19:25, 26). The like is meant by "the key of Peter," as by "the key of David," namely, that the Lord has all power, and that He has this power through His Divine truth, as will be seen in the article that now follows.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The Latin has "nations," the Hebrew "peoples," as found also in Arcana Coelestia 1259, 4197.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.