

Matthew 13



1 Ass-nni kan, Sidna Ɛisa yeffeɣ-ed seg wexxam, iṛuḥ ad iqqim rrif n lebḥeṛ,

2 d izumal n lɣaci i s-d-izzin, dɣa yuli ɣer teflukt, yeqqim. LLɣaci ibedd ɣef rrif n lebḥeṛ,

3 nețța yebda isselmad-iten s lemtul iqqaṛ-asen : Yiwen ufellaḥ yeffeɣ ad izreɛ.

4 Mi gzerreɛ, ɣlin-as kra n iɛeqqayen rrif n webrid, usan-d igṭaṭ ( ifṛax igenni ) ččan-ten.

5 Kra iɛeqqayen nniḍen ɣlin deg wakal yeččuṛen d izṛa, mɣin-d s lemɣawla axaṭer ulac aṭas n wakal.

6 Mi gebda wezɣal, yezlef imɣan nni dɣa qquṛen, axaṭer ur sɛin ara izuṛan lqayen.

7 Kra iɛeqqayen nniḍen ɣlin ger isennanen. Isennanen-nni gman dɣa ɣummen-ten.

8 Meɛna kra iɛeqqayen ɣlin deg wakal yelhan : fkan-d tigedrin, ta tefka-d meyya iɛeqqayen, ta sețțin, tayeḍ tlatin.

9 Win yesɛan imeẓẓuɣen isel-ed !

10 Inelmaden-is qeṛṛben ɣuṛ-es, nnan-as : Acimi i sen-theddṛeḍ s lemtul ?

11 Yerra-yasen : Kunwi yețțunefk-awen-d aț țissinem lbaḍna n tgelda igenwan, ma d wiyaḍ, ur sen-d-ițțunefk ara.

12 Axaṭer win yesɛan a s-d-nernu alamma yella di tawant, ma d win ur nesɛi ara, a s-nekkes ula d ayen yesɛa.

13 Daymi i sen-țmeslayeɣ s lemtul, axaṭer țmuqulen ur țwalin, țḥessisen ur sellen, ur fehhmen.

14 S wakka, yedṛa-d yid-sen wayen i d-ixebbeṛ fell-asen nnbi Iceɛya : Aț-țsellem s imeẓẓuɣen-nwen, ur tfehhmem ara, aț-țmuqulem s wallen-nwen, ur tețwalim ara,

15 Imi agdud-agi qquṛen wulawen-nsen, qeflen imeẓẓuɣen- sen, qqnen allen-nsen, iwakken ur țwalin, ur sellen ; sseɣṛen ulawen nsen, ugin ad fehmen, axaṭer lemmer tuben, uɣalen-d ɣer webrid, tili sseḥlaɣ ten.

16 Ma d kunwi amarezg-nwen ! Axaṭer allen-nwen țwalint, imeẓẓuɣen nwen sellen.

17 Aql-i nniɣ-awen tideț, aṭas si lenbiya akk-d imdanen iḥeqqiyen i gebɣan ad walin ayen tețwalim, ur t-walan, ad slen ayen tsellem, ur t-slin.

18 A wen-d-iniɣ lmeɛna n lemtel n win izerrɛen :

19 m'ara isel wemdan i wawal yeɛnan tageldit n igenwan, ur t-yefhim ara, ițemcabi ɣer yiri n webrid i ɣer tɣelli zzerriɛa ; d Cciṭan i d-ițasen ad iqleɛ ayen izerɛen deg ul-is.

20 Wayeḍ ițemcabi ɣer wakal-nni yeččuṛen d izṛa anda teɣli zzerriɛa. M'ara isel i wawal n Ṛebbi, iqebbel-it s lfeṛḥ,

21 meɛna ur t-yețțaǧǧa ara ad iger izuṛan deg-s, ur yețțaṭṭaf ara. MM'ara d-tass lmeḥna neɣ aqehheṛ ɣef ddemma n wawal n Ṛebbi, ad yeǧǧ imiren kan liman-is.

22 Wayeḍ daɣen ițemcabi ɣer zzerriɛa yeɣlin ger isennanen. M'ara isel i wawal n Ṛebbi, iɣeblan n ddunit d ṭṭmeɛ n rrbeḥ țɣummun awal-nni, dɣa ur d-ițțak ara lfakya.

23 Wayeḍ icuba daɣen ɣer zzerriɛa yeɣlin deg wakal yelhan, m'ara isel i wawal n Ṛebbi, ifehhem-it, daymi i d-ițțak lfakya ! YYal aɛeqqa ițțak-ed : wa tlatin, wa sețțin, wa meyya n tɛeqqayin.

24 Sidna Ɛisa yefka-yasen-d lemtel nniḍen : Tagelda n igenwan tcuba ɣer yiwen wergaz i gzerɛen irden deg iger-is.

25 Yiwen yiḍ mi ṭṭsen akk medden, yusa-d weɛdaw-is izreɛ aẓekkun ger yirden, imiren iṛuḥ.

26 Mi d-gman yirden-nni fkan-d tigedrin, aẓekkun-nni ula d nețța igma-d.

27 Iqeddacen n bab n iger-nni, usan-d ɣuṛ-es nnan-as : A Sidi, eɛni mačči d irden i tzerɛeḍ deg iger-ik ? Ansi i d-ikka ihi uẓekkun-agi ?

28 Yerra-yasen : D yiwen weɛdaw i gxedmen akka ! IIqeddacen-nni nnan-as : Ihi tebɣiḍ a nṛuḥ a neqleɛ aẓekkun-agi ?

29 Yerra-yasen : Xaṭi ! Axaṭer m'ara tekksem aẓekkun, tzemrem a d-teglum s yirden.

30 Anfet-asen ad gmun di sin alamma ț-țamegra. Ass-nni, a sen iniɣ i wid imeggren : qelɛet-ed uqbel aẓekkun, cuddet-eț ț-țadliwin iwakken a tent-nesseṛɣ ma d irden jemɛet țen-id ɣer ikuffan-iw.

31 Sidna Ɛisa yefka-yasen-d lemtel nniḍen : Tagelda n igenwan tcuba ɣer yiwen uɛeqqa n uxerḍel i d-iddem yiwen wergaz iwakken a t-izreɛ deg iger-is.

32 Aɛeqqa-yagi d nețța i d amecṭuḥ meṛṛa ger zzerriɛat yellan, lameɛna mi gețwazreɛ, igemmu yețțali alamma yekka-d sennig akk yemɣan n tebḥirt, yeggar-ed ifurkawen d imeqqranen, ula d ifṛax n igenni , bennun leɛcuc-nsen s ufella-s.

33 Sidna Ɛisa yenna-yasen-d lemtel nniḍen : Tagelda n igenwan tețțemcabi ɣer temtunt ( yiɣes n temtunt ) ara d-teddem tmeṭṭut a t-tsexleḍ i tlata lkilat n uwren, s wakka arukti-nni meṛṛa ad yali.

34 Sidna Ɛisa ițmeslay-ed i lɣaci anagar s lemtul.

35 Ițmeslay-asen-d akka iwakken ad yedṛu wayen i d-nnan lenbiya : A sen-mmeslayeɣ s lemtul, a sen-beccṛeɣ tiɣawsiwin yeffren seg wasmi i d-texleq ddunit. cc

36 Mi gekfa Sidna Ɛisa ameslay, lɣaci ṛuḥen, nețța ikcem ɣer wexxam. Inelmaden-is qeṛṛben ɣuṛ-es nnan-as : Ssefru-yaɣ-d lemtel n uẓekkun deg iger.

37 Yerra-yasen-d : Win izerrɛen irden d Mmi-s n bunadem ;

38 iger, d ddunit ; irden, d wid ițekkan di tgelda n igenwan ; ma d aẓekkun, d widak ițekkan d Cciṭan ;

39 aɛdaw i gzerrɛen aẓekkun, d Cciṭan ; tamegra , ț-țaggara nddunit ; ma d wid imeggren, d lmalayekkat.

40 Akken ara qellɛen aẓekkun ṭeggiṛen-t ɣer tmes, ara tedṛu di taggara n ddunit.

41 Mmi-s n bunadem a d-iceggeɛ lmalayekkat-is, ad ssufɣen si tgelda-s wid akk yesseɣlayen wiyaḍ di ddnub akk-d wid ixeddmen cceṛ,

42 dɣa a ten-ḍeggṛen ɣer tmes anda ara yilin imeṭṭawen d nndama tameqqrant ;

43 ma d wid iḍuɛen Ṛebbi ad feǧǧeǧen am yiṭij di tgelda n Baba Ṛebbi. Win yesɛan imeẓẓuɣen isel-ed !

44 Tagelda n igenwan tețțemcabi ɣer ugerruj yeffren deg yiwen n yiger. Yiwen wergaz yufa-t, yuɣal iffer-it. Si lfeṛḥ-nni i gefṛeḥ, iṛuḥ izzenz ayen akk yesɛa iwakken ad yaɣ iger-nni.

45 Tagelda n igenwan tețțemcabi daɣen ɣer yiwen umetjaṛ ițqelliben tiɛeqcin ifazen.

46 Mi gufa yiwet ifazen ɣef tiyaḍ, iṛuḥ izzenz ayen akk yesɛa, yuɣal-ed yuɣ-iț.

47 Tagelda n igenwan tețțemcabi daɣen ɣer ucebbak ițwadeggṛen ɣer lebḥeṛ, iwakken a d-iṭṭef iselman ( lḥut ) n mkul ṣṣenf.

48 M'ara yeččaṛ, iḥewwaten a t-id-jebden ɣer rrif n lebḥeṛ, dɣa ad qqimen iwakken ad fernen iselman, ad jemɛen wid yelhan, ad ḍeggṛen wid n diri.

49 Akka ara tedṛu di taggara n ddunit : lmalayekkat a d-asent a d ddment imcumen si ger iḥeqqiyen,

50 iwakken a ten-ḍeggṛent ɣer tmes anda llan imeṭṭawen d nndama tameqqrant.

51 Dɣa Sidna Ɛisa yenna-yasen : Tfehmem ayagi meṛṛa ? RRran-as : Anɛam a Sidi, nefhem !

52 Yerna-yasen : Ihi, yal amusnaw n ccariɛa ara ifehmen tagelda n igenwan, icuba ɣer bab n wexxam i d-ițekksen seg ugerruj-is tiɣawsiwin tijdidin, akk-d ț-țɣawsiwin tiqdimin.

53 Mi d-yenna lemtul-agi, Sidna Ɛisa iṛuḥ syenna.

54 Yerra ɣer taddart i deg ițțuṛebba. Isselmad di lǧameɛ nsen, lɣaci akk iḥedṛen wehmen, qqaṛen : Ansi i s-d-tekka tmusni-yagi akk d tezmert s wayes ixeddem lbeṛhanat agi ?

55 Mačči d nețța i d mmi-s n win ineǧṛen ijegwa ? Eɛni yemma-s mačči ț-țin iwumi qqaṛen Meryem ? AAtmaten-is mačči d Yeɛqub, Yusef, Semɛun akk-d Yuda ?

56 Yessetma-s daɣen, mačči gar aneɣ i llant ? Ansi i s-d-ikka ihi wannect-agi ?

57 Ɣef wayagi akk i sen-yella d sebba n tuccḍa, ugin ad amnen yis. DDɣa Sidna Ɛisa yenna-yasen : Nnbi yețwaḥqeṛ anagar di tmurt-is akk-d wexxam-is.

58 Sidna Ɛisa ur yexdim ara aṭas n lbeṛhanat dinna, axaṭer ugin ad amnen.


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Apocalypse Explained # 785

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785. Verse 3. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been wounded to death, signifies the discordance of their doctrinals with the Word, in which "love," "life," and "works," which do not at all agree with that religious principle, are so often mentioned. This is evident from the signification of the "heads" of that beast, as being the knowledge of the holy things of the Word which are falsified and adulterated (See above, n. 775). When the church and those of the church are treated of in the Word, "head" signifies intelligence and wisdom; and in the most universal sense the understanding of truth and the will of good. But as this treats of those who are not willing that the understanding should enter into the mysteries of faith, but who wish it to be held captive under obedience to their mysteries, and as these are described by "the dragon" and this his "beast," it follows that the "head" of this beast signifies knowledge [scientia]; for where the understanding does not see there is no intelligence, but in place of it knowledge. Moreover, intelligence cannot be predicated of those who are in falsities, but only knowledge (See about this in the New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine, n. 33). The above is evident also from the signification of "being wounded to death," as being in disagreement with the Word; for doctrine which disagrees with the Word is dead; and this death is what is signified by "being wounded to death."

[2] The discordance is that they separate the life of love, which is good works, from faith, and make faith alone justifying and saving, and they take away everything of justification and salvation from the life of love or from good works; and as loving and doing are mentioned in the Word in a thousand passages, and it is declared that man is to be judged according to his deeds and works, and as this does not agree with that religious principle, therefore this is what is signified by the death-stroke of the head of this beast. From this it can be seen that the words, "I saw one of the heads of the beast as if it had been wounded to death," signifies disagreement with the Word, in which "love," "life," and "works," which do not at all agree with that religious principle, are so often mentioned. That they do not agree is clearly evident from the fact that it is a dogma of that religion that faith alone, without the works of the law, justifies and saves, yea, that if anything of salvation be placed in works it is damnable, because of man's merit and what is his own [proprium] in them. For this reason many abstain from doing them, saying in their heart, Good works do not save me, and evil works do not damn me, because I have faith. From this principle they also assert that those are saved who about the hour of death declare with some confidence that they have faith, whatever their life may have been. But "deeds" and "works," also "doing" and "loving," are mentioned in the Word in a thousand passages, and as these disagree with that religious principle, therefore its dogmatists have devised means of conjoining them with faith. This, therefore, is the signification of the words "he saw one of the heads of the beast as if it had been wounded to death," and "the stroke of his death was healed, and the whole earth wondered after the beast." But how that stroke was healed, namely, by devised modes of conjunction, shall be said in the following article.

[3] In the first place, some passages shall here be quoted from the Word where "deeds," "works," "doing," and "working," are mentioned, that everyone may see the discordance that is here signified by "one of the heads wounded to death;" also that this stroke is wholly incurable unless man lives according to the precepts of the Word by doing them.

In Matthew:

Everyone that heareth My words and doeth them is like to a prudent man; but everyone that heareth My words and doeth them not is like to a foolish man (Matthew 7:24, 26).

In Luke:

Why call ye Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say? Everyone who cometh to Me and heareth My words and doeth them is like a man that built a house upon a rock; but he that heareth and doeth not is like unto a man that built a house upon the ground without a foundation (Luke 6:46-49).

In Matthew:

He that was sown in good earth, this is he that heareth the Word and giveth heed, and who thence beareth fruit, and yieldeth some a hundred-fold, some sixty-fold, some thirty-fold (Matthew 13:23).

In the same:

Whosoever shall break the least of these commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of the heavens; but whosoever doeth and teacheth them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of the heavens (Matthew 5:19).

In John:

Ye are My friends if ye do whatsoever I command you (John 15:14).

In the same:

If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them (John 13:17).

In the same:

If ye love Me keep My commandments. He that hath My commandments and doeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and I will love him, and will manifest Myself unto him. And I 1 will come unto him and will make 2 My abode with him. But he that loveth Me not keepeth not My words (John 14:15, 21-24).

In Luke:

Jesus said, My mother and My brethren are those who hear My 3 word and do it (Luke 8:21).

In Matthew:

I was an hungered and ye gave Me to eat, I was thirsty and ye gave Me to drink, I was a sojourner, and ye took Me in, I was naked and ye clothed Me, I was sick and ye visited Me, I was in prison and ye came unto Me. And to these the Lord said, Come, ye blessed, possess as inheritance the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. And to those who had not done these things He said, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:31-46 the end).

In John:

My Father is the vinedresser; every branch that beareth not fruit He taketh away (John 15:1, 2).

In Luke:

Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance; every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire.

By their fruits ye shall know them (Luke 3:8, 9; Matthew 7:19, 20).

In John:

Herein is My Father glorified, that ye may bear much fruit and become My disciples (John 15:7, 8).

In Matthew:

The kingdom of God shall be taken away from them, and shall be given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof (Matthew 21:40-43).

In John:

He that doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his works may be made manifest that they have been wrought in God (John 3:21).

In the same:

We know that God heareth not sinners, but if anyone worship God and do His will, him He heareth (John 9:31).

In Matthew:

The Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then He shall render unto everyone according to his deeds ( Matthew 16:27).

In John:

Then shall come forth they that have done goods into the resurrection of life, but they that have done evils into the resurrection of judgment (John 5:29).

In Revelation:

I will give unto you to everyone according to his works; he that overcometh and keepeth My works unto the end (Revelation 2:23, 26).

Their works shall follow them (John 14:13).

The dead were judged out of the things that were written in the books according to their works. And the dead were all judged according to their works (Revelation 20:12, 13).

Behold I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give unto everyone according to his works (Revelation 22:12).

Happy are they that do His commandments (Revelation 22:14).

He said to the angel of the church of Ephesus, I have against thee that thou hast left thy first charity; remember whence thou hast fallen, and do the first works; but if not, etc. (Revelation 2:4, 5).

It was said to the angel of the church in Smyrna, I know thy works; to the angel of the church in Pergamos, I know thy works; to the angel of the church in Thyatira, I know thy works; to the angel of the church in Sardis, I know thy works; and to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, I know thy works (Revelation 2:9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8).

These two chapters treat of the exploration and judgment of those seven churches as to what they are and will be from their works and according to their works.

[4] Also in the fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of Matthew from their beginning to their end the Lord teaches good works, and what they must be, and that thence is heavenly happiness; likewise in the parables of the laborers in the vineyard, of the husbandmen and servants, of the traders to whom pounds [minae] were given and those to whom talents were given; of the fig-tree in the vineyard which was to be cut down if it bore no fruit; of the man wounded by robbers, to whom the Samaritan showed mercy, respecting whom the Lord asked the lawyer which of the three was a neighbor, who answered, "He that showed mercy," and Jesus said to him, "Go and do thou likewise;" of the ten virgins, of whom five had oil in their lamps and five had none, "oil in the lamps" signifying charity in faith; also in other passages.

[5] Moreover, the twelve disciples of the Lord represented the church in respect to all things of faith and charity in the complex; and of them, Peter, James, and John represented faith, charity, and good works in their order, Peter faith, James charity, and John good works; therefore the Lord said to Peter, when Peter saw John following the Lord:

What is that to thee, Peter? Follow thou Me, John; for Peter said of John, What of him? (John 21:21-22).

This signifies that those who do good works must follow the Lord. Because John represented the church in respect to good works, he reclined at the Lord's breast. That the church is with those who do good works is also signified by the Lord's words from the cross to John:

Jesus saw His mother, and spoke to the disciple whom He loved, who was standing by; and He said to His mother, Woman, behold thy son; and He said to that disciple, Behold thy mother; and from that hour that disciple took her unto himself (John 19:26-27).

This signifies that where good works are, there the church will be, for in the Word "woman," like as "mother," signifies the church. Thus much from the New Testament; there are yet more passages in the Old Testament, as where:

All are called blessed who keep and do the statutes, the judgments, and the commandments, and those cursed who do them not (as in Leviticus 18:5; 19:37; 20:8; 22:31-33; 26:3-4, 26:14, 26:16; Numbers 15:39-40; Deuteronomy 5:9-10; 6:25; 15:5; 17:19; 27:26 in a thousand other passages).

[6] Besides those passages in the Word where "deeds" and "doing" are mentioned there are also very many where "love" and "loving" are mentioned; and "loving" means the like as "doing," since he that loves does, for to love is to will, since everyone wills what he interiorly loves; and to will is to do, since everyone does that which he wills when he is able. Moreover, what is done is nothing but the will in act. Respecting love the Lord teaches in many passages (as in Matthew 5:43-48; 7:12; Luke 6:27-39, 6:43-49; 7:36-50 to the end; John 13:34, 35; 14:14-23; 15:9-19; 17:22-26; 21:15-23), and in brief in these words:

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God in thy whole heart and from thy whole soul; this is the first and great commandment. The second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang the law and the prophets (Matthew 22:35-38, 40; Luke 10:27, 28; Deuteronomy 6:5).

"To love God above all things, and the neighbor as oneself," is to do His commandments (John 14:21-24); and "the law and the prophets" signify the Word in all things and in every particular. From all these passages cited from the Word it is fully evident that it is not faith separated from good works that saves, but faith from good works and with them. For he who does good works has faith, but he who does them not has no faith.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The photolithograph has "I will come," the Greek "we will make."

2. The photolithograph has "I will make," the Greek "we will make."

3. The photolithograph has "My," the Greek reads, "of God."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.