

アモス書 2



1 はこう言われる、「モアブつのとが、つのとがのために、わたしはこれをしてゆるさない。これは彼がエドムの王のを焼いて灰にしたからである。

2 それゆえ、わたしはモアブを送り、ケリオテのもろもろの宮殿を焼き滅ぼす。モアブは騒ぎと、ときの声と、ラッパの音の中に死ぬ

3 わたしはそのうちから、支配者を断ち、そのすべてのつかさを彼と共に殺す」とは言われる。

4 はこう言われる、「ユダつのとが、つのとがのために、わたしはこれをしてゆるさない。これは彼らが主の律法を捨て、その定めを守らず、その先祖たちが従い歩いた偽りの物に惑わされたからである。

5 それゆえ、わたしはユダを送り、エルサレムのもろもろの宮殿を焼き滅ぼす」。

6 はこう言われる、「イスラエルのつのとが、つのとがのために、わたしはこれをしてゆるさない。これは彼らが正しい者を金のために売り、貧しい者をくつ一足のために売るからである。

7 彼らは弱い者のを地のちりに踏みつけ、苦しむ者の道をまげ、また父子ともにひとりの女のところへ行って、わが聖なる名を汚す。

8 彼らはすべての祭壇のかたわらに質に取った衣服を敷いて、その上に伏し、罰金をもって得た酒を、その神ので飲む。

9 さきにわたしはアモリびとを彼らのから滅ぼした。これはその高きこと、香柏のごとく、その強きこと、かしの木のようであったが、わたしはその上の実と、の根とを滅ぼした。

10 わたしはまた、あなたがたをエジプトの地から連れ上り、四十年のあいだ荒野で、あなたがたを導き、アモリびとの地を獲させた。

11 わたしはあなたがたのらのうちから預言者を起し、あなたがたの若者のうちからナジルびとを起した。イスラエルの人々よ、そうではないか」とは言われる。

12 「ところがあなたがたはナジルびとに酒を飲ませ、預言者に命じて『預言するな』と言う

13 見よ、わたしは麦束をいっぱい積んだ車が物を圧するように、あなたがたをその所で圧する。

14 速く走る者も逃げ場を失い、強い者もその力をふるうことができず、勇士もその命を救うことができない。

15 をとる者も立つことができず、早の者も自分を救うことができず、に乗る者もその命を救うことができない。

16 勇士のうちの雄々しいの者もそのには逃げる」とは言われる。




Exploring the Meaning of Amos 2

Napsal(a) E. Taylor, Helen Kennedy

In the Book of Amos, chapter two begins with the Lord declaring his anger against the people of Moab, Judea, and Israel. They have committed various wrongs against the Lord and the church, despite His efforts to guide them, and the chapter goes on to suggest that the Lord is losing faith in His people.

Verses 1-8 of this chapter describe the specific ways in which people can destroy or misuse the good and truth of the Word.

Verses 1-3 discuss the Moabites specifically. They represent people who corrupt the good and truth of the church, meaning they would twist what they learned from the Word to suit their own selfish purposes. Bones represent natural truths that we can use as a framework to support all higher knowledge that we learn, so the fact that people were ‘burning bones’ means they destroyed their own foundation to gain spiritual knowledge. In verse 3, the Lord says that he will cut off the judge and the prince, meaning that the Moabites’ failure to determine what is good (like the judge), and lead a life based in truth (like the prince) will not stand against the real spiritual principles of the Lord.

Verses 4-5 are about people who destroy celestial things from the Word, by turning their hearts away from the Lord. The people of Judea had believed they were the Lord’s chosen people for so many generations at this point that they grew complacent, and no longer felt they needed to obey the Lord’s commandments.

Verses 6-8 tell what can happen when people pervert spiritual truths from the church, and turn them into falsities. Swedenborg writes that most of the images from these verses - silver, shoes, dust, wine - can all represent either falsity, or only the most external type of truth. The Israelites were turning to these falsities and to their own greed, instead of using the Lord’s truths to help the poor and the meek.

In verses 9-11, the Lord reminds the children of Israel of everything he has done to prepare them for salvation. He fought for them and delivered them from Egypt, lifted up their leaders and prophets, and provided them with the truths they would need in order to be regenerated.

He also shows that He has the strength to punish them, because He’s already overcome the Amorites, who symbolize evil in general (Secrets of Heaven 6306).

Verses 12-16 describe how the Israelites perverted the knowledge the Lord tried to give them. Instead of trusting what the Lord had taught them, they turned to their own self-righteousness for guidance. Since they thought they had all the answers, they corrupted the Nazarites and silenced the prophets. Without a proper understanding of the Lord’s teachings, the people were no longer equipped to fight against evils or to grow spiritually.

At face value, this chapter depicts the Lord as an angry god who will punish those who disobey him. What seems to be anger is actually the Lord fiercely protecting us, and calling us to follow Him. This chapter reminds us to turn our hearts toward the Lord, and to live according to the truths of the Word.