

Giudici 6



1 ORA i figliuoli d’Israele fecero ciò che dispiace al Signore: e il Signore li diede nelle mani de’ Madianiti per sette anni.

2 E la mano de’ Madianiti si rinforzò contro ad Israele; laonde i figliuoli d’Israele si fecero quelle grotte che son ne’ monti; e delle spelonche e delle rocche, per tema de’ Madianiti.

3 E, quando Israele avea seminato, i Madianiti, e gli Amalechiti, e gli Orientali, salivano contro a lui.

4 E, fatto campo sopra gl’Israeliti, guastavano i frutti della terra fino a Gaza; e non lasciavano in Israele nè vittuaglia, nè pecore, nè buoi, nè asini.

5 Perciocchè salivano con le lor gregge, e co’ lor padiglioni, e venivano come locuste in moltitudine; ed erano innumerabili, essi e i lor cammelli; e venivano nel paese per guastarlo.

6 Israele adunque impoverì grandemente, per cagion de’ Madianiti; laonde i figliuoli d’Israele gridarono al Signore.

7 E avvenne che, quando i figliuoli di Israele ebbero gridato al Signore, per cagion de’ Madianiti,

8 il Signore mandò loro un uomo profeta, il qual disse loro: Così ha detto il Signore Iddio d’Israele: Io vi ho fatti salire fuor di Egitto, e vi ho tratti fuor della casa di servitù;

9 e vi ho riscossi dalla mano degli Egizj, e dalla mano di tutti coloro che vi oppressavano; e li ho scacciati d’innanzi a voi, e vi ho dato il lor paese.

10 Or io vi avea detto: Io sono il Signore Iddio vostro; non temiate gl’iddii degli Amorrei, nel cui paese voi abitate; ma voi non avete ubbidito alla mia voce.

11 Poi l’Angelo del Signore venne, e si pose a sedere sotto la quercia ch’è in Ofra, il qual luogo era di Ioas Abiezerita. E Gedeone, figliuolo di esso, batteva il grano nel torchio, per salvarlo d’innanzi a’ Madianiti.

12 E l’Angelo del Signore gli apparve, e gli disse: Il Signore sia teco, valent’uomo.

13 E Gedeone gli disse: Ahi! Signor mio; come è possibile che il Signore sia con noi? perchè dunque ci sarebbero avvenute tutte queste cose? E dove son tutte le sue maraviglie, le quali i nostri padri ci hanno raccontate, dicendo: Il Signore non ci ha egli tratti fuor di Egitto? ma ora il Signore ci ha abbandonati, e ci ha dati nelle mani de’ Madianiti.

14 E il Signore riguardò verso lui, e gli disse: Vai con cotesta tua forza, e tu salverai Israele dalla mano de’ Madianiti: non t’ho io mandato?

15 Ma egli gli disse: Ahi! Signor mio; con che salverei io Israele? ecco, il mio migliaio è il più misero di Manasse, ed io sono il minimo della casa di mio padre.

16 E il Signore gli disse: Perciocchè io sarò teco, e tu percoterai i Madianiti, come se fossero un uomo solo.

17 E Gedeone gli disse: Deh! se io ho trovata grazia appo te, dammi un segno che tu sei desso, tu che parli meco.

18 Deh! non moverti di qui, finch’io venga a te, e ti rechi il mio presente, e te lo metta davanti. Ed egli gli disse: Io rimarrò qui, finchè tu ritorni.

19 Gedeone adunque entrò in casa, e apparecchiò un capretto, e fece de’ pani azzimi d’un efa di farina; poi mise la carne in un canestro, e il brodo in una pentola, e gliel recò sotto la quercia, e gliel presentò.

20 E l’Angelo del Signore gli disse: Piglia questa carne, e questi pani azzimi, e posali in su quel sasso, e spandi il brodo.

21 Ed egli fece così. Allora l’Angelo del Signore distese il bastone ch’egli avea in mano, e toccò con la cima di esso la carne e i pani azzimi; ed ei salì del fuoco dal sasso, che consumò la carne e i pani azzimi. E l’Angelo del Signore se ne andò via dal cospetto di esso.

22 E Gedeone, avendo veduto ch’egli era l’Angelo del Signore, disse: Oimè! Signore Iddio; è egli per questo, ch’io ho veduto l’Angelo del Signore, a faccia a faccia?

23 Ma il Signore gli disse: Abbi pace; non temere, tu non morrai.

24 E Gedeone edificò un altare al Signore, e lo nominò: La pace è del Signore; il qual resta fino ad oggi in Ofra degli Abiezeriti.

25 E in quella stessa notte il Signore gli disse: Prendi il giovenco di tuo padre, e il secondo bue di sette anni; e disfai l’altare di Baal, che è di tuo padre, e taglia il bosco che gli è appresso.

26 Ed edifica un altare al Signore Iddio tuo in su la cima di questa rocca, nell’istesso luogo ove tu avevi posto l’apparecchio di quelle vivande; poi prendi quel secondo bue, e offeriscilo in olocausto con le legne del bosco che tu avrai tagliato.

27 Gedeone adunque prese seco dieci uomini, d’infra i suoi servitori, e fece così, come il Signore gli avea detto; e, temendo di farlo di giorno, per cagion della casa di suo padre, e degli uomini della città, lo fece di notte.

28 Ed essendosi gli uomini della città levati la mattina, ecco, l’altare di Baal era stato disfatto, e il bosco che gli era appresso era stato tagliato, e quel secondo bue era stato offerto sopra l’altare ch’era stato edificato.

29 Ed essi dissero l’uno all’altro: Chi ha fatto questo? E avendone domandato, e ricercato, fu detto: Gedeone, figliuol di Ioas, ha fatto questo.

30 E gli uomini della città dissero a Ioas: Mena fuori il tuo figliuolo, e sia fatto morire; conciossiachè egli abbia disfatto l’altare di Baal, ed abbia tagliato il bosco che gli era appresso.

31 Ma Ioas disse a tutti i circostanti: Volete voi difender la causa di Baal? lo volete voi salvare? chi difenderà la sua causa sarà fatto morire, mentre è ancor mattina. Se egli è dio, contenda con Gedeone, poich’egli ha disfatto il suo altare.

32 E in quel giorno Ioas pose nome Ierubbaal a Gedeone, dicendo: Contenda Baal con lui, poich’egli ha disfatto il suo altare.

33 Or tutti i Madianiti, e gli Amalechiti, e gli Orientali, adunatisi insieme, passarono il Giordano, e si accamparono nella valle d’Izreel.

34 E lo Spirito del Signore investì Gedeone, ed egli sonò con la tromba; e gli Abiezeriti furono adunati a grida, per seguitarlo.

35 Egli mandò ancora de’ messi per tutto Manasse; ed esso ancora fu adunato a grida per seguitarlo: mandò anche de’ messi in Aser, e in Zabulon, e in Neftali; ed essi salirono ad incontrar quegli altri.

36 E Gedeone disse a Dio: Se pur tu vuoi salvar Israele per la mia mano, come tu hai detto,

37 ecco, io porrò in su l’aia un vello di lana; se la rugiada è in sul vello solo, e tutta la terra è asciutta, io conoscerò che tu salverai Israele per la mia mano, come tu hai detto.

38 Ed egli avvenne così. Ed egli si levò la mattina seguente, e stringendo il vello, spremè della rugiada una piena coppa d’acqua.

39 E Gedeone disse a Dio: L’ira tua non si accenda contro a me, ed io parlerò ancora sol questa volta; deh! permetti ch’io faccia ancora questa sola volta prova col vello; deh! sia il vello solo asciutto, e sia la rugiada sopra tutta la terra.

40 E Iddio fece così in quella notte; e il vello solo fu asciutto, e la rugiada fu sopra tutta la terra.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Exploring the Meaning of Judges 6

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Judges 6: The Midianites oppress Israel; the call of Gideon.

Chapters 6-8 of Judges tell the story of Gideon, who led the people of Israel against the Midianites. The Lord allowed the Midianites to oppress the children of Israel for seven years, because they had disobeyed His commandments once again. Israel fled to the mountain caves, and Midian starved the Israelites by destroying their crops and taking their livestock. When Israel cried out to the Lord for help, a prophet delivered the Lord’s message that He had always been with them, but they had kept disobeying.

Then the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, who was threshing wheat in the winepress to hide this from the Midianites. The angel brought news that he would lead the fight against the Midianites. Gideon was stunned, and replied that his family was the least important in the tribe of Manasseh, and that he was the least in his family. Even so, the Lord assured him would be victorious, because the Lord was with him.

Gideon asked for a sign to be given him, and then went to prepare an offering of food. When he came back, the angel told him to place the meat and unleavened bread upon a rock. When the angel touched it with his staff, fire came up from the rock and burned up the food. The angel then departed.

The Lord told Gideon to break down his father’s altars to Baal, and to build an altar to the Lord on top of it, which he did by night. In the morning, the men of the city discovered what Gideon had done, and demanded that he be killed. But Gideon’s father, Joash, replied that Baal himself would take action, if he were really a god.

The Midianites and their allies gathered for battle, and Gideon called on his tribe of Manasseh, as well as Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali, to prepare to fight. Before the battle took place though, Gideon asked for another sign from God. He put a woolen fleece on the threshing floor, and if God would use him to save Israel, the fleece would have dew on it, while the ground around it would be dry. And so it was the next morning. Once again, Gideon asked for a sign, this time with dew on the ground, but not on the fleece. And again, this came to pass.


The spiritual meaning of the Midianites is understanding spiritual truths, but leading a life of sensory pleasure anyway, rather than one built on genuine goodness (see Swedenborg’s work, Arcana Caelestia 7602). This is portrayed by the Midianites destroying all the crops which could be made into food, or spiritually, into what is good.

Threshing wheat and pressing wine are very similar processes; threshing wheat frees grain from the beaten husk, and pressing wine squeezes juice from a crushed grape. Both of these activities represent our spiritual determination to do what is good – the wheat for bread – because of the truth we have come to understand – the wine. Gideon’s name, meaning “to break apart”, and this passage are meant to show us that his strongest quality was determination to do good (Divine Providence 227[2]).

Gideon’s claim to be the least important of all demonstrates the place of genuine humility in our spiritual life. Acknowledging that the Lord brings about all good things is a sign of strength, not weakness (see Swedenborg’s work, Heaven and Hell 408).

The spiritual meaning of asking God for a sign – which Gideon did several times – is to confirm the validity of what we intend or understand. Paying attention to our internal state will show us the quality of our inner thoughts if we dare to listen, but ultimately, confirmation comes from the Word (see Swedenborg’s work, True Christian Religion 508[5]). The fire from the rock, which burned the meat, represents the power of love and truth to consume and sustain us.

The fascinating double sign involving the fleece has several layers of spiritual meaning: the threshing floor stands for the ground of our daily life and activity; the fleece, with its warmth and softness, stands for the principle of goodness; and the dew (water) stands for divine influx of truth into us from the Lord. These build the framework of the spiritual meaning. The dewy fleece on the dry ground means that we need to have the Lord’s truth in our mind, so we know how to lead a good life. Then, this needs to be reversed so that we feel the desire to do good, and then apply this in daily life (Arcana Caelestia 3579).

This sign is closely related to the spiritual meaning of the Midianites, the enemy to be overthrown. Simply knowing the Lord’s truths does not guarantee a good life; we must put these truths into practice.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Divine Providence # 227

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227. These are the reasons such disasters happen, but because of the darkness of ignorance, they need further explanation if they are to reach the light of comprehension.

(a) Everything we willingly think and say and do becomes part of us and remains so, whether it is good or evil. This has already been presented in 78-81. We have an outer or earthly memory and an inner or spiritual memory. In this latter memory is recorded everything we have willingly thought, said, and done in this world so inclusively and in such detail that nothing whatever is left out. This memory is our "book of life" that is opened after death and by which we are judged. (There is more about this memory in Heaven and Hell 461-465 [Heaven and Hell 461-469], drawn from personal experience.)

[2] (b) The Lord is constantly using his divine providence to make provisions and arrangements so that what is evil will be by itself and what is good by itself, and so that they can be kept separate. Each of us has both good and evil qualities. The evil ones come from us and the good ones from the Lord; and we could not be alive if we did not have both. If we were totally wrapped up in ourselves and therefore in our evil natures we would not have any trace of life; and if we were totally wrapped up in the Lord and therefore in our good natures we would not have any trace of life either. In the latter case, that is, we would be like people who are suffocating and constantly gasping for breath, or like people in the last throes of dying. In the former case life would have been snuffed out because evil totally devoid of anything good is intrinsically dead. So each of us has both. The difference is that for some the inner self is devoted to the Lord while the outer is apparently concerned with self, while in others the inner self is wrapped up in self and the outer is apparently devoted to the Lord. The one is focused on evil and the other on good, though both are present in each.

The reason evil people have both sides is that they are involved in the constructive activities of civic and moral living, and outwardly, too, in a kind of constructive spiritual life. Further, the Lord keeps them in enough rationality and freedom that they can engage in something good. It is this good through which all of us, even the evil ones, are being led by the Lord.

So we can see that the Lord keeps the evil and the goodness separate so that one is inside and the other outside, thus providing that they do not become mingled.

[3] (c) This cannot be accomplished, however, if we first acknowledge the truths that faith discloses and live by them and afterwards backslide and deny them. This can be seen from what has just been presented: first of all that everything we have willingly thought, said, and done becomes part of us and stays with us; and second, that the Lord is constantly using his divine providence to make provisions and arrangements that what is evil will be by itself and what is good by itself so that they can be kept separate. The Lord does separate them after our death. If we have been inwardly evil and outwardly good, then the goodness is taken away and we are left to our evil. In contrast, if we have been inwardly good, but--like everyone else--have outwardly struggled for wealth, vied for eminence, relished various worldly pleasures, and given in to some of our compulsions, then still the goodness and the evil in us have not been mingled but kept separate, one inside and the other outside. Outwardly, then, we have been very much like evil people, but not inwardly. Conversely, for evil people who have outwardly looked like good ones as far as their piety, worship, speech, and behavior are concerned, but who have still been evil inwardly, the evil is separated from the goodness in them as well.

However, if people have at first acknowledged the truths that faith discloses and have lived by them but later have turned in the opposite direction and rejected them (and especially if they have denied them), then their good and evil qualities are no longer separated but are mingled. That is, such people internalize good and also internalize evil, which unites and mingles them.

[4] (d) We then mingle what is good and what is evil so completely that they cannot be separated. This follows from what has just been said. If the evil in us cannot be separated from the goodness and the goodness from the evil, then we cannot be either in heaven or in hell. Each of us must be in one or the other, and we cannot be in both, now in heaven and now in hell. When we were in heaven we would be working for hell, and when we were in hell we would be working for heaven; so we would destroy the life of everyone around us, the heavenly life for angels and the hellish life for demons. This would be the end of life for both, since we all need our own life and cannot live in someone else's life, let alone in an opposite life.

This is why when we become spirits or spiritual people after our death, the Lord separates what is good from what is evil and what is evil from what is good in each one of us. The goodness is separated from the evil if we have been inwardly evil and the evil from the goodness if we have been inwardly good. This is the intent of the Lord's saying, "To all those who have, more will be given in abundance, and from those who do [not] have, even what they have will be taken away" (Matthew 13:12; Matthew 25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; Luke 19:26).

[5] (e) Since what is good and what is evil need to be separated in each one of us, and since they cannot be separated in people like this, everything truly human about them is destroyed. What is truly human about us is our rationality, our ability to see and know, if we try, what is true and what is good, and also our ability freely to intend, think, say, and do it, as already explained [96-97]. However, both this freedom and its rationality are destroyed in people who have mingled good and evil in themselves. They cannot see what is evil from the perspective of what is good or recognize what is good from the perspective of what is evil because they have identified them with each other. This means that they no longer have either the actual or the potential ability to function rationally, so they no longer have any freedom. This is why they are simply like wild hallucinations, as already noted [226], and no longer look like people but like bones with some skin on them. It is why they are not called "he" or "she" when they are named, but "it." This is what finally becomes of people who mingle sacred things with profane ones in this fashion. There are, though, other kinds of profanation that are not so dire. These will be discussed in the next section.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.