

Genesi 18



1 POI il Signore gli apparve nelle pianure di Mamre, essendo egli a sedere all’entrata del padiglione, in sul caldo del giorno.

2 Ed egli, alzati gli occhi, riguardò, ed ecco, tre uomini si presentarono a lui; e come egli li ebbe veduti, corse loro incontro dall’entrata del padiglione, e s’inchinò verso terra. E disse:

3 Deh! Signore mio, se io ho trovato grazia appo te, non passare, ti prego, oltre la stanza del tuo servitore.

4 Deh! prendasi un poco d’acqua, e lavatevi i piedi, e vi posate sotto quest’albero.

5 Ed io arrecherò una fetta di pane, e voi vi conforterete il cuore; poi procederete al vostro cammino; conciossiachè per questo siate passati dal vostro servitore. Ed essi dissero: Fa’ così come tu hai detto.

6 Abrahamo adunque se ne andò in fretta nel padiglione a Sara, e le disse: Prendi prestamente tre misure di fior di farina, ed intridila, e fanne delle schiacciate.

7 Abrahamo corse ancora all’armento, e ne prese un vitello tenero e buono, e lo diede al servitore, il qual si affrettò d’apparecchiarlo.

8 Poi prese del burro e del latte, e quel vitello che il servitore avea apparecchiato, e pose queste cose davanti a loro: ed egli si stette presso di loro sotto quell’albero; ed essi mangiarono.

9 E gli dissero: Ov’è Sara tua moglie? Ed egli rispose: Eccola nel padiglione.

10 Ed egli gli disse: Io del tutto ritornerò a te, l’anno vegnente, in quest’istessa stagione; ed ecco, Sara tua moglie avrà un figliuolo. Or Sara ascoltava all’uscio del padiglione, dietro al quale essa era.

11 Or Abrahamo e Sara erano vecchi ed attempati; ed era cessato a Sara ciò che sogliono aver le donne.

12 E Sara rise tra sè stessa, dicendo: Avrei io diletto, dopo essere invecchiata? ed oltre a ciò, il mio signore è vecchio.

13 E il Signore disse ad Abrahamo: Perchè ha riso Sara, dicendo: Partorirei io pur certamente, essendo già vecchia?

14 Evvi cosa alcuna difficile al Signore? io ritornerò a te al termine posto, l’anno vegnente, in quest’istessa stagione, e Sara avrà un figliuolo.

15 E Sara negò d’aver riso, dicendo: Io non ho riso; perciocchè ebbe paura. Ma egli le disse: Non dir così, perciocchè tu hai riso.

16 POI quegli uomini si levarono di là, e si dirizzarono verso Sodoma; ed Abrahamo andava con loro, per accommiatarli.

17 E il Signore disse: Celerò io ad Abrahamo ciò ch’io son per fare?

18 Conciossiachè Abrahamo abbia pure a diventare una grande e possente nazione; ed in lui saranno benedette tutte le nazioni della terra.

19 Perciocchè io l’ho conosciuto, io glielo paleserò, acciocchè ordini a’ suoi figliuoli ed alla sua casa, dopo sè, che osservino la via del Signore, per far giustizia e giudicio; acciocchè il Signore faccia avvenire ad Abrahamo quello che gli ha promesso.

20 Il Signore adunque disse: Certo il grido di Sodoma e di Gomorra è grande, e il lor peccato è molto grave.

21 Ora io scenderò, e vedrò se son venuti allo stremo, come il grido n’è pervenuto a me; e se no, io lo saprò.

22 Quegli uomini adunque, partitisi di là, s’inviarono verso Sodoma; ed Abrahamo stette ancora davanti al Signore.

23 Ed Abrahamo si accostò, e disse: Faresti tu pur perire il giusto con l’empio?

24 Forse vi son cinquanta uomini giusti dentro a quella città; li faresti tu eziandìo perire? anzi non perdoneresti tu a quel luogo per amor di cinquanta uomini giusti, che vi fosser dentro?

25 Sia lungi da te il fare una cotal cosa, di far morire il giusto con l’empio, e che il giusto sia al par con l’empio. Sia ciò lungi da te; il Giudice di tutta la terra non farebbe egli diritta giustizia?

26 E il Signore disse: Se io trovo dentro alla città di Sodoma cinquanta uomini giusti, io perdonerò a tutto il luogo per amor di essi.

27 Ed Abrahamo rispose, e disse: Ecco, ora io ho pure impreso di parlare al Signore, benchè io sia polvere e cenere.

28 Forse ne mancheranno cinque di quei cinquanta uomini giusti; distruggeresti tu tutta la città per cinque persone? E il Signore disse: Se io ve ne trovo quarantacinque, io non la distruggerò.

29 Ed Abrahamo continuò a parlargli, dicendo: Forse vi se ne troveranno quaranta. E il Signore disse: Per amor di que’ quaranta, io nol farò.

30 Ed Abrahamo disse: Deh! non adirisi il Signore, ed io parlerò: Forse vi se ne troveranno trenta. E il Signore disse: Io nol farò, se ve ne trovo trenta.

31 Ed Abrahamo disse: Ecco, ora io ho impreso di parlare al Signore: Forse vi se ne troveranno venti. E il Signore disse: Per amor di que’ venti, io non la distruggerò.

32 Ed Abrahamo disse: Deh! non adirisi il Signore, ed io parlerò sol questa volta: Forse vi se ne troveranno dieci. E il Signore disse: Per amor di que’ dieci, io non la distruggerò.

33 E quando il Signore ebbe finito di parlare ad Abrahamo, egli se ne andò; ed Abrahamo se ne ritornò al suo luogo.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Exploring the Meaning of Genesis 18

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

As this chapter opens, Abraham is sitting in the doorway of his tent, which is pitched in the oak groves of Mamre. Jehovah appears to Abraham, in the guise of three men, three angels. Abraham bows in humiliation and says, “My Lord, if I pray I have found grace in thine eyes, pass not I pray from over thy servant”. He wants to mark the occasion of this visit with a feast, and goes about preparing a special meal for his Heavenly guests.

Jehovah has come to inform Abraham and Sarah that they will have a child in the coming year. Abraham and Sarah are both very old, and find it hard to believe that this could be true - the Jehovah says to them, "Shall any thing be too wonderful for Jehovah?"

Jehovah tells them that a great nation will descend from Abraham and carry his name.

After the feast, as the visitors are about to leave, they turn their faces toward Sodom and Gomorrah. Jehovah then says, “the cry has become great, and their sin has become very grievous.” Jehovah is about to tell Abraham of his plan to destroy these cities due to their sinfulness. Upon hearing this news asks, Abraham what will happen to those who have not sinned. Jehovah tells Abraham that if there are as few as five good and truthful people there, He will not destroy these cities.

Supplementary Material

Here are some additional excerpts from Swedenborg's "Arcana Coelestia" that help explain the inner meaning of this chapter:

AC 2136. In the first place, this chapter treats concerning the Lord’s state of perception in the Human and concerning the communication with the Divine at that time, before the perfect union of His Human Essence with the Divine Essence, which state is also that in regard to which the Lord says,

"No one hath seen God at any time, the Only-begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father" (John 1:18).

AC 2137. The Lord‘s state of perception in the Human at that time is signified by the "oak-groves of Mamre" (verse 1); and that in this state He perceived the Divine which was manifesting itself before His Human (verse 2); at which He rejoiced (verse 3); and desired that the Divine should draw nearer to His Human by putting on something natural (verse 4), and His Human nearer to the Divine by putting on the celestial (verse 5). The celestial and the derivative spiritual, which He put on, are signified by the "three measures of meal of fine flour" of which the cakes were made (verse 6); and that He also put on a conforming natural, is signified by the "son of an ox" (verse 7); the result being conformation, and a communication of the Divine with the Human, and of the Human with the Divine (verse 8).

AC 2138. In the second place, this chapter treats concerning the Lord’s perception in that state respecting the rational with Him, in that it would put off the Human, and be made Divine.

AC 2139. That the rational would be made Divine, is signified by the "son" whom Sarah was to bear (verse 10). That the human rational truth that was with the Lord did not perceive this, and thus did not believe it, is signified by Sarah‘s "laughing" at the door of the tent that was behind him (verses 10-13, 15). It is confirmed that the Lord would put off this also, and would put on in its place truth Divine (verse 14).

AC 2140. In the third place, the chapter treats concerning the Lord’s grief and anxiety over the human race, because men were so greatly imbued with the love of self, and from this with the cupidity of exercising command over others from what is evil and false, for whom in that state He interceded, and obtained that those should be saved with whom there should be goods and truths; and who these are, is recounted in order.

AC 2141. The Lord‘s perception concerning the human race, that it was in evil and falsity, "Sodom" being the love of self and the derivative cupidity of exercising command from what is evil, and "Gomorrah" being the same from what is false (verses 16, 20). That this could not be concealed from the Lord in that state, because by Him and from Him is all salvation (verses 17 to 19); that is to say, they were to be visited when their wickedness reached its height (verses 20, 21). That when He was in this perception (verse 22), He interceded for them; first for those with whom there should be truths, and these truths full of goods, who are signified by the "fifty" (verses 23 to 26); also for those with whom there should be less of good, but this good nevertheless conjoined with truths, who are signified by the "forty-five" (verses 27, 28); next for those who have been in temptations, who are signified by the "forty" (verse 29); as likewise for those who have been in some combats against evils, who are signified by the "thirty" (verse 30); afterwards for those with whom there should be states of the affection of good from any other source, who are signified by the "twenty" (verse 31); lastly for those with whom there should be states of the affection of truth, who are signified by the "ten" (verse 32); and the constant answer was that they should be saved (verses 26, 28 to 32). These things being accomplished, the Lord returned into His former state of perception (verse 33). These are the arcana contained in the internal sense of this chapter, which are not manifest from the letter.

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Arcana Coelestia # 2140

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2140. Third the chapter deals with the Lord's grief and anguish over the human race because it was steeped so much in self-love and therefore in the desire to exercise control over others from what is evil and false. In that state He interceded for the human race and secured salvation for those with whom goods and truths would be present. But who these are is indicated by the numbers of the righteous that are given.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.