

1 Samuel 2



1 ALLORA Anna orò, e disse: Il cuor mio giubila nel Signore; Il mio corno è innalzato per lo Signore; La mia bocca è allargata contro a’ miei nemici; Perciocchè, o Signore, io mi son rallegrata nella tua salute.

2 Ei non v’è alcun Santo, come il Signore; Perciocchè non v’è alcun altro, fuor che te; E non v’è alcuna Rocca tale, come è il nostro Dio.

3 Non moltiplicate in parole altiere; Non escavi dalla bocca un parlar aspro; Perciocchè il Signore è l’Iddio d’ogni scienza; Ed a lui s’appartiene il pesar le imprese.

4 L’arco de’ possenti è stato rotto, E quelli che vacillavano sono stati cinti di forza.

5 Quelli ch’erano satolli si son messi a servire a prezzo per del pane; E quelli ch’erano affamati nol sono più; La sterile eziandio ha partoriti sette figliuoli; E quella che avea molti figliuoli è divenuta fiacca.

6 Il Signore fa morire, e fa vivere; Egli fa scendere al sepolcro, e ne trae fuori.

7 Il Signore fa impoverire, ed arricchisce; Egli abbassa, ed altresì innalza.

8 Egli rileva il misero dalla polvere, Ed innalza il bisognoso dallo sterco, Per farlo sedere co’ nobili; E fa loro eredare un seggio di gloria; Imperocchè le colonne dalla terra sono del Signore, Ed egli ha posto il mondo sopra esse.

9 Egli guarderà i piedi de’ suoi santi; E gli empi periranno nelle tenebre; Perciocchè l’uomo non vincerà con le sue forze.

10 Quelli che contendono col Signore saranno tritati; Egli tonerà dal cielo sopra loro; Il Signore giudicherà le estremità della terra; E donerà forza al suo Re, E innalzerà il corno del suo Unto.

11 Poi Elcana se ne andò a casa sua in Rama; e il fanciullo serviva al Signore, davanti al Sacerdote Eli.

12 OR i figliuoli d’Eli erano uomini scellerati; essi non conoscevano il Signore.

13 E l’usanza di que’ sacerdoti inverso il popolo era tale: Quando qualunque persona faceva qualche sacrificio, il servitore del sacerdote veniva, mentre si coceva la carne, avendo una forcella a tre denti in mano.

14 E, fittala nella caldaia, o nel paiuolo, o nella pentola, o nella pignatta, tutto ciò che la forcella traeva fuori, il sacerdote lo prendeva per sè. Così facevano a tutti gl’Israeliti che venivano là in Silo.

15 Ed anche, avanti che si fosse arso il grasso, il servitore del sacerdote veniva, e diceva a colui che faceva il sacrificio: Dammi della carne, per arrostirla per il sacerdote; perciocchè egli non prenderà da te carne cotta, ma cruda.

16 E se pur quell’uomo gli diceva: Ardasi ora di presente il grasso, poi prendine a tua voglia; egli gli diceva: Anzi pure ora tu ne darai; altrimenti, io ne prenderò a forza.

17 E il peccato di que’ giovani era molto grande nel cospetto del Signore; perciocchè gli uomini sprezzavano le offerte del Signore.

18 Or Samuele, essendo piccol fanciullo, serviva davanti al Signore, cinto d’un Efod di lino.

19 E sua madre gli fece una tonicella, e gliela portò; e il simigliante faceva ogni anno, quando ella saliva, col suo marito, per sacrificare il sacrificio annuale.

20 Or Eli benedisse Elcana, e la sua moglie, e disse: Il Signore ti dia progenie di questa donna, in luogo del presto ch’ella ha fatto al Signore. Ed essi se ne andarono al luogo loro.

21 E invero il Signore visitò Anna; ed ella concepette, e partorì tre figliuoli, e due figliuole. E il fanciullo Samuele crebbe presso il Signore.

22 Or Eli, essendo già molto vecchio, udì tutto ciò che i suoi figliuoli facevano a tutto Israele; e come giacevano con le donne, che a certi tempi venivano a servire all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza.

23 Ed egli disse loro: Perchè fate voi cotali cose? perciocchè io intendo i vostri malvagi fatti; queste cose mi sono riferite da tutto il popolo.

24 Non fate così, figliuoli miei; perciocchè la fama, che mi perviene agli orecchi di voi, non è buona; voi inducete a trasgressione il popolo del Signore.

25 Se un uomo pecca contro ad un altro uomo, Iddio lo giudica; e se un uomo pecca contro al Signore, chi pregherà per lui? Ma essi non attesero alla voce del padre loro; perciocchè il Signore voleva farli morire.

26 Intanto il fanciullo Samuele andava crescendo, e diventando grazioso al Signore ed agli uomini.

27 OR un uomo di Dio venne ad Eli, e gli disse: Così ha detto il Signore: Non mi manifestai io pure alla casa di tuo padre, mentre erano in Egitto, mandandoli alla casa di Faraone?

28 Io mi elessi eziandio tuo padre, d’infra tutte le tribù d’Israele, per sacerdote, per offerir sacrificii sopra il mio altare, e per arder profumi, e per portar l’Efod davanti a me; e diedi alla casa di tuo padre tutte le offerte da ardere de’ figliuoli d’Israele.

29 Perchè avete voi dato del calcio a’ miei sacrificii, e alle mie offerte, che io ho comandato che si offeriscano nel mio Tabernacolo? e perchè hai tu portato maggiore onore a’ tuoi figliuoli che a me, per ingrassarvi del meglio delle offerte d’Israele, mio popolo?

30 Perciò, il Signore Iddio d’Israele dice così: Io del tutto avea detto che la tua casa, e la casa di tuo padre, andrebbero e verrebbero davanti a me in perpetuo; ma ora il Signore dice: Ciò sia lungi da me; perciocchè io onorerò quelli che mi onorano, e quelli che mi sprezzano saranno avviliti.

31 Ecco, i giorni vengono, che io riciderò il braccio a te, e alla casa di tuo padre, e farò che non vi sarà alcuno in casa tua che diventi vecchio.

32 E tu vedrai l’afflizione del Tabernacolo, in luogo di tutto il bene che Iddio avea fatto a Israele; e non vi sarà giammai alcuno in casa tua che diventi vecchio.

33 E colui de’ tuoi, il quale io non avrò sterminato d’appresso al mio Altare, sarà per consumarti gli occhi, e accorarti l’anima; e chiunque sarà nato e cresciuto in casa tua morrà in fior d’età.

34 E questo, che avverrà a’ tuoi due figliuoli, Hofni e Finees, che morranno amendue in uno stesso giorno, ti sarà per segno.

35 Ed io mi susciterò un sacerdote leale; esso opererà secondo il mio cuore, e secondo l’anima mia; ed io gli edificherò una casa stabile, ed egli andrà e verrà davanti al mio Unto del continuo.

36 E chiunque rimarrà di casa tua andrà ad inchinarsi a lui per un danaio d’argento, e per una fetta di pane; e dirà: Deh! mettimi a fare alcuno dei servigi del sacerdozio, perchè io abbia da mangiare un boccon di pane.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

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Apocalypse Explained # 783

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783. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority, signifies that those who separate faith from life support and corroborate their doctrinals by reasonings from fallacies, and thus powerfully seduce. This is evident from the signification of the "beast" to which the dragon gave his powers, as being reasonings from the natural man confirming the separation of faith from life (See above, n. 774). These reasonings are from the fallacies of the senses, because that beast appeared like a leopard, and his feet were "as of a bear," and "the feet of a bear" signify fallacies, 781.

Also from the signification of "giving his power, his throne, and great authority," as being to support and corroborate doctrinals; "power" signifying efficacy; "throne" the church in respect to doctrine that is from falsities, and "great authority" support and corroboration thereby. That this is added to their reasonings and their fallacies has been shown above.

[2] It is not because the falsities in which they are have any power in themselves that those who separate faith from life, that is, from good works, have "power, a throne, and great authority," for falsities from evil have no power whatever, since all power is in truths from good. But falsities have power over falsities, as like over like. This can be clearly seen from the power of infernal spirits with one another, which they exercise by things imaginary and by semblances of correspondences, by which they are desirous of seeming most powerful and mighty; but yet they have no power whatever against truths, and so wholly none that it is nothing at all. This I could confirm by much experience were there space to digress so far in these explanations of Revelation. But this can be seen from the fact that the hells, in which there are myriads of myriads, are so held bound by Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, that no one in them dares raise up a finger of his hand; also from this fact that a single angel by means of truths from the Lord is able to lead, to control, to bind, or to scatter a thousand companies of evil spirits, and this merely by a look from an intention of the will. Such power also has been sometimes granted to me by the Lord. It may seem strange that the church at its end should be in falsities and in evils from them, and in evils and in falsities from them, and yet that truths from good have all power; and it seems as if such truths might be given by the Lord by means of truths from the Word. But the reason is that falsities have power against those who are in falsities from evil; and at the end of the church these falsities reign, and when these reign truths are not received. For this reason falsities cannot be dispersed by truths, and therefore the devil is then called powerful, and loosed from bonds. This is why infernal falsity is called in the Word a "lion," a "bear," a "wolf," a "beast," also a "wild beast" strong and fierce.

[3] For the same reason those who are in falsities are called in the Word "powerful," "vigorous," "mighty," "strong," "heroes," "rulers," "terrible," "dreadful," and "wasters," as can be seen from various passages, as from the following.

In Jeremiah:

Behold I bring upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, a vigorous nation, all strong men (Jeremiah 5:15, 16).

In the same:

Go up ye horses, rage ye chariots, ye strong men go forth (Jeremiah 46:9).

In the same:

O sword against the strong, that they may be dismayed (Jeremiah 50:36).

In Ezekiel:

I will give Pharaoh into the hand of a strong one of the nations (Ezekiel 31:11, 12).

In Hosea:

Thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy strong ones (Hosea 10:13).

In Joel:

A people great and vigorous, like heroes they run, they climb over the wall (Joel 2:2, 7).

In Amos:

The refuge of the swift perisheth, and the strong shall not confirm his might, neither shall the powerful deliver his soul; he that is strong in his heart among heroes shall flee naked in that day (Amos 2:14, 16).

In David:

Rebuke the wild beast of the reed; the congregation of the strong (Psalms 68:30).

In the first book of Samuel:

The bows of the strong are broken (1 Samuel 2:4).

In Revelation:

All the kings, the great ones, the rich, the commanders of thousands, and the powerful, hid themselves in caves and in the rocks (Revelation 6:15).

In Matthew:

The rulers of the nations lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them (Matthew 20:25).

And in Luke:

This is your hour and the authority of darkness (Luke 22:53);

and various other passages.

[4] To what has been said above it may be added, that infernal spirits believe themselves to be stronger and more powerful than others, but this for the reason that they prevail over those who are in evils and in falsities therefrom, thus one infernal spirit over another infernal spirit, or one evil by means of falsity over another evil by falsity; from this appearance they believe themselves to be powerful. But such power may be compared to that of a mite against a mite, or of a flea against a flea, of dust against dust, or of chaff against chaff, the power of which is merely relative to their mutual forces. Add to this that infernal spirits are elated in mind, and wish to be called vigorous, strong, and heroes for the most trivial reasons.

[5] As "the power and great authority" that the dragon gave from himself to "the beast coming up out of the sea," thus the power of infernal spirits among one another, are here treated of, I will unfold some arcana respecting their arts for acquiring power in the spiritual world. There are some who acquire for themselves power by means of the Word, for they are acquainted with some passages of it, and these they recite, and by these a communication with the simple good is effected and conjunction with them in respect to externals; and so far as they are in that conjunction they prevail over others. The reason is that all things of the Word are truths, and truths have all power, and the simple good are in truths; so from conjunction with them they have power, but only so long as that conjunction continues, and this does not continue long, because they are very soon separated from each other by the Lord. Some acquire for themselves power by simulated affections of good and truth and by the affections belonging to the love of what is sincere and just; by these they lead the simple good to feel well disposed towards them and to cherish good will towards them, and to join themselves to them. And so long as that kindly feeling continues to be mutual they continue more powerful than others. Some acquire for themselves power by representatives of various kinds, which are abuses of correspondences; and some in other ways. And as truths that are from good have all power, and these are found with angels, so nothing is more desired by evil spirits than to attract good spirits to their side, because thus the evil prevail; but as soon as they are separated from these they are in the falsities of their own evil, and when they are in these they are deprived of all power.

[6] This, too, is why all the evil who flock out of this world are first separated from the goods and truths that they have merely known from memory, and thus carried in the mouth; and when they have been separated from these their interiors appear, which consist of nothing but masses of falsities from evils. And when they are in these, because they no longer have any power they fall down headlong into hell, as heavy bodies in the air fall to the earth. That goods and truths are taken away from the evil is known from the Word; for the Lord says:

Take the talent from him and give it to him that hath the ten talents; for unto everyone that hath shall be given that he may have abundance, but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye out the useless servant into the outer darkness; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:28-30; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.