

Jeremia 51



1 So spricht der HERR: Siehe, ich will einen scharfen Wind erwecken wider Babel und wider ihre Einwohner, die sich wider mich gesetzt haben.

2 Ich will auch Worfler gen Babel schicken, die sie worfeln sollen und ihr Land ausfegen, die allenthalben um sie sein werden am Tage ihres Unglücks;

3 denn ihre Schützen werden nicht schießen, und ihre Geharnischten werden sich nicht wehren können. So verschont nun ihre junge Mannschaft nicht, verbannet all ihr Heer,

4 daß die Erschlagenen daliegen im Lande der Chaldäer und die Erstochenen auf ihren Gassen!

5 Denn Israel und Juda sollen nicht Witwen von ihrem Gott, dem HERRN Zebaoth, gelassen werden. Denn jener Land hat sich hoch verschuldet am Heiligen in Israel.

6 Fliehet aus Babel, damit ein jeglicher seine Seele errette, daß ihr nicht untergeht in ihrer Missetat! Denn dies ist die Zeit der Rache des HERRN, der ein Vergelter ist und will ihnen bezahlen.

7 Ein goldener Kelch, der alle Welt trunken gemacht hat, war Babel in der Hand des HERRN; alle Heiden haben von ihrem Wein getrunken, darum sind die Heiden so toll geworden.

8 Wie plötzlich ist Babel gefallen und zerschmettert! Heulet über sie, nehmet auch Salbe zu ihren Wunden, ob sie vielleicht möchte heil werden!

9 Wir heilen Babel; aber sie will nicht heil werden. So laßt sie fahren und laßt uns ein jeglicher in sein Land ziehen! Denn ihre Strafe reicht bis an den Himmel und langt hinauf bis an die Wolken.

10 Der HERR hat unsre Gerechtigkeit hervorgebracht; kommt, laßt uns zu Zion erzählen die Werke des HERRN, unsers Gottes!

11 Ja, schärft nun die Pfeile wohl und rüstet die Schilde! Der HERR hat den Mut der Könige in Medien erweckt; denn seine Gedanken stehen wider Babel, daß er sie verderbe. Denn dies ist die Rache des HERRN, die Rache seines Tempels.

12 Ja, steckt nun Panier auf die Mauern zu Babel, nehmt die Wache ein, setzt Wächter, bestellt die Hut! denn der HERR gedenkt etwas und wird auch tun, was er wider die Einwohner zu Babel geredet hat.

13 Die du an großen Wassern wohnst und große Schätze hast, dein Ende ist gekommen, und dein Geiz ist aus!

14 Der HERR Zebaoth hat bei seiner Seele geschworen: Ich will dich mit Menschen füllen, als wären's Käfer; die sollen dir ein Liedlein singen!

15 Er hat die Erde durch seine Kraft gemacht und den Weltkreis durch seine Weisheit bereitet und den Himmel ausgebreitet durch seinen Verstand.

16 Wenn er donnert, so ist da Wasser die Menge unter dem Himmel; er zieht die Nebel auf vom Ende der Erde; er macht die Blitze im Regen und läßt den Wind kommen aus seinen Vorratskammern.

17 Alle Menschen sind Narren mit ihrer Kunst, und die Goldschmiede bestehen mit Schanden mit ihren Bildern; denn ihre Götzen sind Trügerei und haben kein Leben.

18 Es ist eitel Nichts und verführerisches Werk; sie müssen umkommen, wenn sie heimgesucht werden.

19 Aber also ist der nicht, der Jakobs Schatz ist; sondern der alle Dinge schafft, der ist's, und Israel ist sein Erbteil. Er heißt HERR Zebaoth.

20 Du bist mein Hammer, meine Kriegswaffe; durch dich zerschmettere ich die Heiden und zerstöre die Königreiche;

21 durch dich zerschmettere ich Rosse und Reiter und zerschmettere Wagen und Fuhrmänner;

22 durch dich zerschmettere ich Männer und Weiber und zerschmettere Alte und Junge und zerschmettere Jünglinge und Jungfrauen;

23 durch dich zerschmettere ich Hirten und Herden und zerschmettere Bauern und Joche und zerschmettere Fürsten und Herren.

24 Und ich will Babel und allen Einwohnern in Chaldäa vergelten alle ihre Bosheit, die sie an Zion begangen haben, vor euren Augen, spricht der HERR.

25 Siehe, ich will an dich, du schädlicher Berg, der du alle Welt verderbest, spricht der HERR; ich will meine Hand über dich strecken und dich von den Felsen herabwälzen und will einen verbrannten Berg aus dir machen,

26 daß man weder Eckstein noch Grundstein aus dir nehmen könne, sondern eine ewige Wüste sollst du sein, spricht der HERR.

27 Werfet Panier auf im Lande, blaset die Posaune unter den Heiden, heiliget die Heiden wider sie; rufet wider sie die Königreiche Ararat, Minni und Askenas; bestellt Hauptleute wider sie; bringt Rosse herauf wie flatternde Käfer!

28 Heiligt die Heiden wider sie, die Könige aus Medien samt allen ihren Fürsten und Herren und das ganze Land ihrer Herrschaft,

29 daß das Land erbebe und erschrecke; denn die Gedanken des HERRN wollen erfüllt werden wider Babel, daß er das Land Babel zur Wüste mache, darin niemand wohne.

30 Die Helden zu Babel werden nicht zu Felde ziehen, sondern müssen in der Festung bleiben, ihre Stärke ist aus, sie sind Weiber geworden; ihre Wohnungen sind angesteckt und ihre Riegel zerbrochen.

31 Es läuft hier einer und da einer dem andern entgegen, und eine Botschaft begegnet der andern, dem König zu Babel anzusagen, daß seine Stadt gewonnen sei bis ans Ende

32 und die Furten eingenommen und die Seen ausgebrannt sind und die Kriegsleute seien blöde geworden.

33 Denn also spricht der HERR Zebaoth, der Gott Israels: "Die Tochter Babel ist wie eine Tenne, wenn man darauf drischt; es wird ihre Ernte gar bald kommen."

34 Nebukadnezar, der König zu Babel, hat mich gefressen und umgebracht; er hat aus mir ein leeres Gefäß gemacht; er hat mich verschlungen wie ein Drache; er hat seinen Bauch gefüllt mit meinem Köstlichsten; er hat mich verstoßen.

35 Nun aber komme über Babel der Frevel, an mir begangen und an meinem Fleische, spricht die Einwohnerin zu Zion, und mein Blut über die Einwohner in Chaldäa, spricht Jerusalem.

36 Darum spricht der HERR also: Siehe, ich will dir deine Sache ausführen und dich rächen; ich will ihr Meer austrocknen und ihre Brunnen versiegen lassen.

37 Und Babel soll zum Steinhaufen und zur Wohnung der Schakale werden, zum Wunder und zum Anpfeifen, daß niemand darin wohne.

38 Sie sollen miteinander brüllen wie die Löwen und schreien wie die jungen Löwen.

39 Ich will sie mit ihrem Trinken in die Hitze setzen und will sie trunken machen, daß sie fröhlich werden und einen ewigen Schlaf schlafen, von dem sie nimmermehr aufwachen sollen, spricht der HERR.

40 Ich will sie herunterführen wie Lämmer zur Schlachtbank, wie die Widder mit den Böcken.

41 Wie ist Sesach so gewonnen und die Berühmte in aller Welt so eingenommen! Wie ist Babel so zum Wunder geworden unter den Heiden!

42 Es ist ein Meer über Babel gegangen, und es ist mit seiner Wellen Menge bedeckt.

43 Ihre Städte sind zur Wüste und zu einem dürren, öden Lande geworden, zu einem Lande, darin niemand wohnt und darin kein Mensch wandelt.

44 Denn ich habe den Bel zu Babel heimgesucht und habe aus seinem Rachen gerissen, was er verschlungen hatte; und die Heiden sollen nicht mehr zu ihm laufen; denn es sind auch die Mauern zu Babel zerfallen.

45 Ziehet heraus, mein Volk, und errette ein jeglicher seine Seele vor dem grimmigen Zorn des HERRN!

46 Euer Herz möchte sonst weich werden und verzagen vor dem Geschrei, das man im Lande hören wird; denn es wird ein Geschrei übers Jahr gehen und darnach im andern Jahr auch ein Geschrei über Gewalt im Lande und wird ein Fürst wider den andern sein.

47 Darum siehe, es kommt die Zeit, daß ich die Götzen zu Babel heimsuchen will und ihr ganzes Land zu Schanden werden soll und ihre Erschlagenen darin liegen werden.

48 Himmel und Erde und alles was darinnen ist, werden jauchzen über Babel, daß ihre Verstörer von Mitternacht gekommen sind, spricht der HERR.

49 Und wie Babel in Israel die Erschlagenen gefällt hat, also sollen zu Babel die Erschlagenen fallen im ganzen Lande.

50 So ziehet nun hin, die ihr dem Schwert entronnen seid, und säumet euch nicht! Gedenket des HERRN im fernen Lande und lasset euch Jerusalem im Herzen sein!

51 Wir waren zu Schanden geworden, da wir die Schmach hören mußten, und die Scham unser Angesicht bedeckte, da die Fremden über das Heiligtum des Hauses des HERRN kamen.

52 Darum siehe, die Zeit kommt, spricht der HERR, daß ich ihre Götzen heimsuchen will, und im ganzen Lande sollen die tödlich Verwundeten seufzen.

53 Und wenn Babel gen Himmel stiege und ihre Macht in der Höhe festmachte, so sollen doch Verstörer von mir über sie kommen, spricht der HERR.

54 Man hört ein Geschrei zu Babel und einen großen Jammer in der Chaldäer Lande;

55 denn der HERR verstört Babel und verderbt sie mit großem Getümmel; ihre Wellen brausen wie die großen Wasser, es erschallt ihr lautes Toben.

56 Denn es ist über Babel der Verstörer gekommen, ihre Helden werden gefangen, ihre Bogen zerbrochen; denn der Gott der Rache, der HERR, bezahlt ihr.

57 Ich will ihre Fürsten, Weisen, Herren und Hauptleute und Krieger trunken machen, daß sie einen ewigen Schlaf sollen schlafen, davon sie nimmermehr aufwachen, spricht der König, der da heißt HERR Zebaoth.

58 So spricht der HERR Zebaoth: Die Mauern der großen Babel sollen untergraben und ihre hohen Tore mit Feuer angesteckt werden, daß der Heiden Arbeit verloren sei, und daß verbrannt werde, was die Völker mit Mühe erbaut haben.

59 Dies ist das Wort, das der Prophet Jeremia befahl Seraja dem Sohn Nerias, des Sohnes Maasejas, da er zog mit Zedekia, dem König in Juda, gen Babel im vierten Jahr seines Königreichs. Und Seraja war der Marschall für die Reise.

60 Und Jeremia schrieb all das Unglück, so über Babel kommen sollte, in ein Buch, nämlich alle diese Worte, die wider Babel geschrieben sind.

61 Und Jeremia sprach zu Seraja: Wenn du gen Babel kommst, so schaue zu und lies alle diese Worte

62 und sprich: HERR, du hast geredet wider diese Stätte, daß du sie willst ausrotten, daß niemand darin wohne, weder Mensch noch Vieh, sondern daß sie ewiglich wüst sei.

63 Und wenn du das Buch hast ausgelesen, so binde einen Stein daran und wirf es in den Euphrat

64 und sprich: also soll Babel versenkt werden und nicht wieder aufkommen von dem Unglück, das ich über sie bringen will, sondern vergehen. So weit hat Jeremia geredet.


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Apocalypse Explained # 727

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727. "Rod and staff" signify power, and indeed, the power of Divine truth, chiefly for the reason that they were branches or boughs of trees, and these signify the knowledges of truth and good, which are the truths of the natural man; and as they also supported the body, they signified power. This is still more true of an "iron rod," because iron likewise signifies the truth of the natural man, and because of its hardness it signifies power that cannot be resisted. That "rods and staffs" thence signify the power of Divine truth is derived from correspondence. Therefore in the spiritual world, where all things that appear are correspondences, the use of staffs is a representative of the power of those that use them. It was similar in the Jewish Church, which, like the ancient churches, was a representative church. This is why Moses wrought miracles and signs in Egypt, and afterwards in the desert, by stretching forth his staff, as that:

The waters smitten with the staff were turned into blood (Exodus 7:1-21).

Frogs came up from the rivers and pools, over which the staff was stretched forth (Exodus 8:1).

From the dust smitten with the staff there came lice (Exodus 8:12).

When the staff was stretched toward heaven there came thunders and hail (Exodus 9:23.).

Locusts came forth (Exodus 10:12 seq.).

The Sea Suph when the staff was stretched forth over it was divided, and afterwards returned (Exodus 14:16, 21, 26).

From the rock in Horeb, smitten with the staff, waters came forth (Exodus 17:5; Numbers 20:7-13).

Joshua prevailed over Amelek when Moses held up his hand with the staff, and Amelek prevailed when Moses let it down (Exodus 17:9-12).

Also fire went up out of the rock and consumed the flesh and the unleavened cakes which Gideon offered, when the angel of Jehovah touched it with the end of his staff (Judges 6:21).

These miracles were wrought by the stretching forth of a staff, because a "staff" from correspondence signifies the power of the Lord through Divine truth (which power was treated of in the article immediately preceding).

[2] Divine truth in respect to power is signified elsewhere in the Word by "rods" and "staffs," as can be seen from the following passages.

In David:

Yea, when I shall walk in the shady valley I will fear no evil to me; Thy rod and Thy staff will comfort me; Thou wilt make ready before me a table in the presence of mine enemies; and Thou wilt make fat my head with oil and my cup will abound (Psalms 23:4, 5).

"To walk in a shady valley" signifies in the spiritual sense an obscure understanding that does not see truths from light; "Thy rod and Thy staff will comfort me" signifies that spiritual Divine truth together with natural Divine truth will protect, for these have power; "rod" meaning spiritual Divine truth, "staff" natural Divine truth, the two together meaning these in respect to their power to protect, for "to comfort" means to protect. As "rod and staff" signify Divine truth in respect to power, it is next said, "Thou wilt make ready before me a table, Thou wilt make fat my head with oil, my cup will abound," which signifies spiritual nourishment through Divine truth; for "to make ready a table" signifies to be nourished spiritually; "to make fat the head with oil" signifies with the good of love, and "cup" signifies with the truth of doctrine from the Word, "cup" standing here for "wine."

[3] In Ezekiel:

Thy mother was like a vine planted by the waters, whence she had rods of strength, as scepters for them that rule; but she lifted herself on high in her stature among the thick boughs; therefore she was plucked up in wrath, she was cast down to the earth and the east wind dried up her fruit; the rods of her strength were broken off and dried up, the fire devoured everyone. Now she is planted in the wilderness, in a land of drought and thirst; a fire hath gone out from the rod of her branches, and hath devoured her fruit, and so there is not in her a rod of strength, a scepter of them that rule 1 (Ezekiel 19:10-14).

This describes the desolation of all truth in the Jewish church; the "princes" against whom is the lamentation signify truths, and the "mother" who was made a lioness signifies the church; about these this is said, "Thy mother was like a vine planted by the waters" signifies that the spiritual church, from its establishment had been instructed in truths; "mother" meaning the church in general; "vine" the spiritual church in particular; "waters" truths, and "to be planted" to be established. "Whence she had rods of strength as scepters for them that rule" signifies that the church had Divine truth in its power, and thus dominion over the falsities of evil which are from hell, "rods of strength" signifying Divine truth in respect to power, and "scepters" Divine truth in respect to dominion, for the scepters of kings were short staffs from a significative tree, here from the vine; "but she lifted herself on high in her stature among the thick boughs" signifies the pride of self-intelligence from knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man; this pride is signified by "she lifted herself on high in her stature," and the knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man are signified by the "thick boughs." "She was plucked up in wrath, she was cast down to the earth," signifies the destruction of the church by the falsities of evil; "the east wind dried up her fruit" signifies the destruction of its good, "east wind" signifying destruction, and "fruit" good; the good that those have, remaining from the Word, who are in the falsities of evil, is here meant, and its destruction is signified by "the drying up of the fruit by an east wind." "The rods of her strength were broken off and dried up" signifies that all Divine truth was dispersed, consequently that the church had no power against the hells. "The fire consumed everyone" signifies pride from the love of self, which destroyed; "now she is planted in the wilderness, in a land of drought and thirst," signifies that the church is desolated until there is no good of truth or truth of good. "A fire hath gone out from the rod of her branches," signifies pride in every particular of it; "it hath devoured her fruit" signifies the consumption of good; "so that there is not in her a rod of strength, a scepter of them that rule," signifies the desolation of Divine truth in respect to power and in respect to dominion, as above.

[4] In Jeremiah:

Say ye, How is the staff of strength broken, the staff of splendor! Come down from thy glory and sit in thirst, O thou daughter that dwellest in Dibon; for the devastator of Moab hath come up against thee and hath destroyed thy fortresses! (Jeremiah 48:17, 18).

"The daughter of Dibon" signifies the external of the church, and thence the external of the Word, which is the sense of its letter; and "the devastator of Moab" signifies its adulteration. From this it is clear what is signified by "the staff of strength is broken, the staff of splendor," namely, that they have no Divine truth in its power, "staff of strength" meaning Divine truth in the natural sense, and "staff of splendor" meaning Divine truth in the spiritual sense; "come down from thy glory and sit in thirst, O thou daughter that dwellest in Dibon," signifies the deprivation and lack of Divine truth; "to come down from glory" meaning the deprivation of it; "glory" Divine truth in light, and "thirst" the lack of it. "For the devastator of Moab hath come up against thee" signifies the adulteration of the Word, in respect to its literal sense; "and hath destroyed thy fortresses," signifies the taking away of defense; "fortress" meaning defense against falsities and evils; the literal sense of the Word is that defense.

[5] In David:

Jehovah shall send the staff of thy strength out of Zion (Psalms 110:2).

Here also "staff of strength" signifies Divine truth in its power, and "Zion" the church that is in love to the Lord, and is therefore called a celestial church.

[6] In Micah:

Feed Thy people with Thy rod, the flock of Thine heritage; they shall feed in Bashan and Gilead according to the days of an age (Micah 7:14).

"Feed Thy people with Thy rod" signifies the instruction of those who are of the church in Divine truths from the Word; "to feed" signifying to instruct; "people" meaning those who are of the church in truths, and "rod" where the Word is because it is Divine truth. "The flock of heritage" signifies those of the church who are in the spiritual things of the Word, which are the truths of its internal sense; "they shall feed in Bashan and Gilead" signifies instruction in the goods of the church and in its truths from the natural sense of the Word.

[7] In Isaiah:

He shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked (Isaiah 11:4).

Here "the rod of Jehovah's mouth" signifies Divine truth or the Word in its natural sense; and "the breath of His lips" signifies Divine truth or the Word in the spiritual sense, both destroying the falsities of evil in the church, which is signified by "smiting the earth and slaying the wicked."

To smite with a rod (Micah 5:1);

And to pierce with his staffs the head of the unfaithful (Habakkuk 3:14);

have a like signification.

[8] In Moses:

Israel sang a song respecting the fountain in Beer; O fountain the princes digged, the nobles of the people digged out, by the Lawgiver, with their staffs (Numbers 21:17, 18).

"The fountain in Beer" here signifies doctrine from the Word, "Beer" meaning in the original tongue a fountain; the "princes" who digged, and "the nobles of the people" who digged out, signify those who are intelligent and those who are wise from the Lord, who is here "the Lawgiver." The "staffs" with which they digged and digged out signify the understanding enlightened in Divine truths.

[9] In Zechariah:

There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and a man in whose hand is a staff because of the multitude of days (Zechariah 8:4).

"Old men and old women" signify those who are intelligent from doctrine and from the affection of truth; "the man in whose hand is a staff [scipio] because of the multitude of days" signifies the wise who trust in the Lord alone and not at all in themselves; that these will be in the church that has the doctrine of genuine truth is signified by "in the streets of Jerusalem," "Jerusalem" meaning the church in respect to doctrine, and "streets" the truths of doctrine, here genuine truths.

[10] In Jeremiah:

Every man has become brutish by knowledge, every refiner is put to shame by the graven image; the portion of Jacob is not like these; but He is the Former of all things, and Israel is the staff of His heritage, Jehovah of Hosts is His name (Jeremiah 10:14, 16; 51:19).

"Every man has become brutish by knowledge" signifies by the knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man separated from the spiritual; "every refiner is put to shame by the graven image" signifies by falsities that are from self-intelligence, "but He is the Former of all things" signifies the Lord from whom is all intelligence of truth; "Israel is the staff of his heritage" signifies the church that has Divine truth, and its power against falsities; and because this treats of intelligence through Divine truth it is added, "Jehovah of Hosts is His name;" the Lord is called "Jehovah of Hosts" from Divine truths in the whole complex, for "hosts" mean armies, and "armies" signify all the truths and goods of heaven and the church.

[11] When the sons of Israel murmured in the desert against Moses and Aaron on account of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, because they were swallowed by the earth, it was commanded that:

The princes of the twelve tribes should place their staffs in the Tent of meeting, before the testimony; and when this was done the staff of Aaron blossomed and brought forth almonds (Numbers 17:2-10).

This was done because they murmured against Jehovah, that is, against the Lord, and indeed against Divine truth which is from Him; for Moses and Aaron represented the Lord in respect to the law, which is the Word; for this reason it was commanded that "the princes of the twelve tribes should place their staffs in the Tent of meeting before the testimony;" for "the twelve tribes," and in particular "their princes," and likewise "their twelve staffs," signified the truths of the church in the whole complex; and "Tent of meeting" represented and thence signified heaven, from which are the truths of the church, and the "testimony" the Lord Himself. "The staff of Aaron" blossomed and brought forth almonds, because his "staff" represented and thence signified truth from the good of love; and because truth from the good of love alone brings forth fruit, which is the good of charity, it was his staff that blossomed and brought forth almonds, "almonds," like as "the tribe of Levi," signifying that good (See above, n. 444. It is be known that "tribe" "staff" are expressed by the same word (as in Numbers 1:16; 2:5, 7); therefore "the twelve staffs" have a like signification as "the twelve tribes," namely, the Divine truth of the church in the whole complex. (On the twelve tribes see above, n. 39, 430, 431, 657.)

[12] As a "staff" signifies the power of Divine truth, it signifies also the power to resist evils and falsities. In Isaiah:

Behold the Lord Jehovih of Hosts doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the staff and the stay, the whole staff of bread, and the whole staff of water, the mighty one and the man of war, the judge and the prophet (Isaiah 3:1, 2).

Here "to take away the whole staff of bread and the whole staff of water" signifies to take away every good and truth of the church, and when these are taken away there is no longer any power to resist evils and falsities, so as to hinder their free entrance; "bread" signifies the good of the church, "water" its truth, and "staff" the same as to their power to resist evils and falsities; therefore it follows that "the mighty one and the man of war, the judge and the prophet," who will also be taken away, "the mighty one and the man of war" signifying truth combating against evil and falsity, and "judge and prophet" the doctrine of good and truth.

[13] In Ezekiel:

Behold I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem, and they shall eat bread by weight and in carefulness, and drink waters by measure and with astonishment (Ezekiel 4:16).

"To break the staff of bread" signifies that good and truth shall fail in the church, for "bread" here signifies good and truth; therefore it follows "they shall eat bread by weight and in carefulness, and drink waters by measure," which signifies a lack of good and truth, and thus of the power to resist evils and falsities:

Breaking the staff of bread and of water (Ezekiel 5:16; 14:13; Psalms 105:16; Leviticus 26:26);

has a like signification.

[14] As "rod and staff" signify the power of Divine truth, and thus Divine truth in respect to power, so in the contrary sense "rod and staff" also signify the power of infernal falsity, and thence infernal falsity in respect to power. In this sense "rod and staff" are mentioned in the following passages. In Isaiah:

Jehovah has broken the staff of the wicked, the rod of them that rule (Isaiah 14:5).

"To break the staff of the wicked" signifies to destroy the power of falsity from evil; and "to break the rod of them that rule" signifies to destroy the rule of falsity.

[15] In David:

The staff of wickedness shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous, that the righteous put not forth their hands to perversity (Psalms 125:3).

"The staff of wickedness" signifies the power of falsity from evil; "upon the lot of the righteous" signifies over truths from good, which the faithful have, and especially with those who are in love to the Lord, for these in the Word are called the "righteous;" "lest the righteous put forth their hands to perversity" signifies lest they falsify truths.

[16] In Lamentations:

I am the man that hath seen affliction by the rod of His fury; He hath led me in darkness, and not into light (Lamentations 3:1, 2).

This is said of the devastation of the church; and "the rod of fury" signifies the rule of infernal falsity; "he hath led me and brought me in darkness and not into light" signifies into mere falsities, and thus not to truths.

[17] In Isaiah:

Thou hast broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his exactor (Isaiah 9:4).

This is said of the Gentiles who were in falsities from ignorance, because they did not have the Word, and therefore did not know the Lord. The evil by which they were oppressed and the falsities by which they were infested are signified by "the yoke of the burden, the staff of the shoulder, and the rod of the exactor," "to break" signifies to destroy these, for "to break" is predicated of a yoke, a staff, and a rod, and to destroy, of evil and falsity, which heavily weigh upon and powerfully persuade and compel to obedience.

[18] In the same:

At the voice of Jehovah Asshur shall be dismayed, he shall be smitten with a staff; then every passage of the rod of foundation upon which Jehovah shall cause to rest shall be with timbrels and harps (Isaiah 30:31, 32).

This is said of the time of the Last Judgment, when there shall be a New Church. "Asshur, who shall be dismayed at the voice of Jehovah, and shall be smitten with a staff" signifies reasoning from falsities that will be dispersed by Divine truth. That the truths of the literal sense of the Word will then be understood and received with joy, is signified by "then the passage of the rod of the foundation shall be with timbrels and harps," "passage" signifying the opening and free reception, and "timbrels and harps" signifying the delights of the affection of truth. The truths of the literal sense of the Word are signified by "the rod of the foundation," because that sense is a foundation for the truths of its spiritual sense; and as the spiritual sense rests upon the literal, it is said "upon which Jehovah shall cause to rest."

[19] In Zechariah:

The pride of Asshur shall be brought down, and the staff of Egypt shall depart (Zechariah 10:11).

"The pride of Asshur" signifies the pride of self-intelligence, and "the staff of Egypt" signifies its power from the confirmation of its falsities by the knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man.

[20] In Isaiah:

Woe to Asshur, the rod of Mine anger and the staff of Mine indignation, which is in their hand; O My people that dwellest in Zion, fear not Asshur that he smite thee with a rod, and lift up his staff upon thee in the way of Egypt (Isaiah 10:5, 24, 26).

Here, too, "Asshur" signifies the reasonings from self-intelligence by which truths are perverted and falsified; the consequent falsities and the perversions of truth are signified by "the rod of Mine anger and the staff of Mine indignation, which is in their hand." That truths will not be perverted with those of the church who are in celestial love and in truths therefrom is signified by "Thou that dwellest in Zion, fear not." That falsity urges and excites and strives to pervert by means of such things as pertain to the natural man is signified by "that he smite thee with a rod, and lift up a staff upon thee in the way of Egypt," "the way of Egypt," signifying the knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man, from which come reasonings. Since "Egypt" signifies the natural man with the things that are in it, and the natural man when separated from the spiritual is in mere falsities:

Egypt is called the staff of a bruised reed, which goeth into and pierceth the hand when one leaneth upon it (Ezekiel 29:6, 7; Isaiah 36:6).

This may be seen explained above n. 627.

[21] In Isaiah:

Be not glad O Philistia, because the rod that smiteth thee 2 is broken; for from the serpent's root shall come forth a basilisk, whose fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent (Isaiah 14:29).

That "Philistia" signifies the religion of faith separated from charity, "the serpent's root" that false principle, "the basilisk" the destruction of the good and truth of the church, and "the fiery flying serpent" reasonings from the falsities of evil, may be seen above n. 386; thus these serpents have a similar signification as "the dragon" in this chapter of Revelation. That "Philistia should not be glad because the rod of him that smiteth her is broken" signifies that she should not boast that the dominion of that falsity is not yet destroyed.

[22] In Hosea:

My people question the wood, and their staff answereth them, for the spirit of whoredoms hath seduced them, and they have committed whoredom under their God (Hosea 4:12).

This is said of the falsification of the Word. "To question the wood or an idol of wood" signifies to consult the intelligence that is from what is one's own [proprium] that favors its loves; "the staff answereth them" signifies the falsity in which one has faith, for when the selfhood [proprium] is consulted falsity responds; the selfhood is of the will, thus of the love, and the falsity thence is of the understanding, thus of the thought. "The spirit of whoredoms that has seduced" signifies the lust of falsifying; "to commit whoredom under their God" signifies to falsify the truths of the Word.

[23] From this now it is clear what "rod and staff" signify in both senses; and from this it can be known what is meant by "the iron rod with which the son, the male is to tend all nations;" likewise by these words in Revelation:

Out of the mouth of Him who sat upon the white horse goeth forth a sharp sword, that with it He may smite the nations; and He shall tend them with an iron rod (Revelation 19:15).

Also by these words above:

He that shall overcome I will give him power over the nations, that he may rule them with an iron rod; as a potter's vessels shall they be broken (Revelation 2:26, 27).

The explanation of this may be seen above n. 176. Like things are signified by these words in David:

Thou shalt break them in pieces with an iron rod, thou shalt shatter them like a potter's vessel (Psalms 2:9).

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The Hebrew has "a scepter to rule," as found in Arcana Coelestia 5215.

2. The Hebrew has "of him that smiteth thee," as found in 386, 581, and 817.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.