

Jérémie 50



1 La parole que l'Eternel prononça contre Babylone, [et] contre le pays des Caldéens, par le moyen de Jérémie le Prophète.

2 Faites savoir parmi les nations, et publiez-le, et levez l'enseigne; publiez-le, ne le cachez point; dites : Babylone a été prise; Bel est rendu honteux; Mérodac est brisé, ses idoles sont rendues honteuses, et leurs dieux de fiente sont brisés.

3 Car une nation est montée contre elle de devers l'Aquilon, qui mettra son pays en désolation, et il n'y aura personne qui y habite; les hommes et les bêtes s'en sont fuis, ils s'en sont allés.

4 En ces jours-là, et en ce temps-là, dit l'Eternel, les enfants d'Israël viendront, eux et les enfants de Juda ensemble; ils marcheront allant et pleurant, et cherchant l'Eternel leur Dieu.

5 Ceux de Sion s'enquerront du chemin vers lequel [ils devront dresser] leurs faces, [et ils diront] : venez, et vous joignez à l'Eternel. Il y a une alliance éternelle, elle ne sera jamais mise en oubli.

6 Mon peuple a été comme des brebis perdues; leurs pasteurs les ont fait égarer, et les ont fait errer par les montagnes; ils sont allés de montagne en colline, et ils ont mis en oubli leur gîte.

7 Tous ceux qui les ont trouvées les ont mangées, et leurs ennemis ont dit : nous ne serons coupables d'aucun mal, parce qu'ils ont péché contre l'Eternel, contre le séjour de la justice; et l'Eternel a été l'attente de leurs pères.

8 Fuyez hors de Babylone, et sortez du pays des Caldéens, et soyez comme les boucs qui vont devant le troupeau.

9 Car voici, je m'en vais susciter et faire venir contre Babylone une assemblée de grandes nations du pays de l'Aquilon, qui se rangeront en bataille contre elle, de sorte qu'elle sera prise. Leurs flèches seront comme celles d'un homme puissant, qui ne fait que détruire, et qui ne retourne point à vide.

10 Et la Caldée sera abandonnée au pillage, et tous ceux qui la pilleront seront assouvis, dit l'Eternel.

11 Parce que vous vous êtes réjouis, parce que vous vous êtes égayés, en ravageant mon héritage, parce que vous vous êtes engraissés comme une génisse qui est à l'herbe, et que vous avez henni comme de puissants chevaux.

12 Votre mère est devenue fort honteuse, et celle qui vous a enfantés a rougi; voici, elle sera toute la dernière entre les nations, elle sera un désert, un pays sec, une lande.

13 Elle ne sera plus habitée à cause de l'indignation de l'Eternel, elle ne sera tout entière que désolation; quiconque passera près de Babylone sera étonné, et lui insultera à cause de toutes ses plaies.

14 Rangez-vous en bataille contre Babylone, mettez-vous tout alentour; vous tous qui tendez l'arc, tirez contre elle, et n'épargnez point les traits; car elle a péché contre l'Eternel.

15 Jetez des cris de joie contre elle tout alentour; elle a tendu sa main; ses fondements sont tombés, ses murailles sont renversées; car c'est ici la vengeance de l'Eternel; vengez-vous d'elle; faites-lui comme elle a fait.

16 Retranchez de Babylone le semeur, et celui qui tient la faucille au temps de la moisson; que chacun s'en retourne vers son peuple, et que chacun s'enfuie vers son pays, à cause de l'épée de l'oppresseur.

17 Israël est comme une brebis égarée que les lions ont effarouchée. Le Roi d'Assur l'a dévorée le premier, mais ce dernier-ci, Nébucadnetsar Roi de Babylone, lui a brisé les os.

18 C'est pourquoi ainsi a dit l'Eternel des armées, le Dieu d'Israël : voici, je m'en vais visiter le Roi de Babylone et son pays, comme j'ai visité le Roi d'Assyrie.

19 Et je ferai retourner Israël en ses cabanes; il paîtra en Carmel et en Basan, et son âme sera rassasiée en la montagne d'Ephraïm, et de Galaad.

20 En ces jours-là, et en ce temps-là, dit l'Eternel, on cherchera l'iniquité d'Israël, mais il n'y en aura point; et les péchés de Juda, mais ils ne seront point trouvés; car je pardonnerai à ceux que j'aurai fait demeurer de reste.

21 [Venez] contre ce pays-là, vous [deux] rebelles; monte contre lui, et contre les habitants destinés à la visitation; taris, et détruis à la façon de l'interdit après eux, dit l'Eternel, et fais selon toutes les choses que je t'ai commandées.

22 L'alarme est au pays, et une grande calamité.

23 Comment est mis en pièces et est rompu le marteau de toute la terre! Comment Babylone est-elle réduite en sujet d'étonnement parmi les nations!

24 Je t'ai tendu des filets, et aussi as-tu été prise, ô Babylone! et tu n'en savais rien; tu as été trouvée, et même attrapée, parce que tu t'en es prise à l'Eternel.

25 L'Eternel a ouvert son arsenal, et en a tiré les armes de son indignation; parce que le Seigneur L'Eternel des armées a une entreprise à exécuter dans le pays des Caldéens.

26 Venez contre elle des bouts de la terre, ouvrez ses granges, foulez-la comme des javelles; détruisez-la à la façon de l'interdit, et qu'elle n'ait rien de reste.

27 Coupez la gorge à tous ses veaux, et qu'ils descendent à la tuerie; malheur à eux! car le jour est venu, le temps de leur visitation.

28 [On entend] la voix de ceux qui s'enfuient, et qui sont échappés du pays de Babylone, pour annoncer dans Sion la vengeance de l'Eternel notre Dieu, la vengeance de son Temple.

29 Assemblez à cri public les archers contre Babylone; vous tous qui tirez de l'arc, campez-vous contre elle tout alentour; que personne n'échappe; rendez-lui selon ses œuvres; faites-lui selon tout ce qu'elle a fait; car elle s'est fièrement portée contre l'Eternel, contre le Saint d'Israël.

30 C'est pourquoi ses gens d'élite tomberont dans les places, et on fera perdre la parole à tous ses gens de guerre en ce jour-là, dit l'Eternel.

31 Voici, j'en veux à toi, qui es la fierté même, dit le Seigneur l'Eternel des armées; car ton jour est venu, le temps auquel je te visiterai.

32 La fierté bronchera et tombera, et il n'y aura personne qui la relève; j'allumerai aussi le feu en ses villes, et il dévorera tous ses environs.

33 Ainsi a dit l'Eternel des armées : les enfants d'Israël et les enfants de Juda ont été ensemble opprimés; tous ceux qui les ont pris les retiennent, et ont refusé de les laisser aller.

34 Leur Rédempteur est fort, son Nom [est] l'Eternel des armées; il plaidera avec chaleur leur cause, pour donner du repos au pays, et mettre dans le trouble les habitants de Babylone.

35 L'épée est sur les Caldéens, dit l'Eternel, et sur les habitants de Babylone, sur ses principaux, et sur ses sages.

36 L'épée est tirée contre ses Devins, et ils en perdront l'esprit; l'épée est sur ses hommes forts, et ils [en] seront épouvantés.

37 L'épée est sur ses chevaux, et sur ses chariots, et sur tout l'amas de diverses sortes de gens lequel [est] au milieu d'elle, et ils deviendront [comme] des femmes; l'épée est sur ses trésors, et ils seront pillés.

38 La sécheresse sera sur ses eaux, et elles tariront; parce que c'est un pays d'images taillées, et ils agiront en insensés à l'égard de leurs dieux qui les épouvantent.

39 C'est pourquoi les bêtes sauvages des déserts avec celles des Iles y habiteront, et les chats-huants y habiteront aussi; et elle ne sera plus habitée à jamais, et on n'y demeurera point en quelque temps que ce soit.

40 Il n'y demeurera personne, a dit l'Eternel, et aucun fils d'homme n'y habitera, comme dans la subversion que Dieu a faite de Sodome et de Gomorrhe, et de leurs lieux circonvoisins.

41 Voici, un peuple et une grande nation vient de l'Aquilon, et plusieurs Rois se réveilleront du fond de la terre.

42 Ils prendront l'arc et l'étendard; ils sont cruels, et ils n'auront point de compassion; leur voix bruira comme la mer, et ils seront montés sur des chevaux; chacun d'eux est rangé en homme de guerre contre toi, fille de Babylone.

43 Le Roi de Babylone en a ouï le bruit, et ses mains en sont devenues lâches; l'angoisse l'a saisi, [et] un travail comme de celle qui enfante.

44 Voici, il montera comme un lion à cause de l'enflure du Jourdain, vers la demeure du pays rude, et après que je les aurai fait reposer je les ferai courir hors de la Caldée, et qui est d'élite, que je lui donne commission contre elle? Car qui est semblable à moi? et qui me déterminera le temps? et qui sera le Pasteur qui tiendra ferme contre moi?

45 C'est pourquoi écoutez la résolution que l'Eternel a prise contre Babylone, et les desseins qu'il a faits contre le pays des Caldéens : si les plus petits du troupeau ne les traînent par terre, et si on ne réduit en désolation leurs cabanes sur eux.

46 La terre a été ébranlée du bruit de la prise de Babylone, et le cri en a été ouï parmi les nations.




Psaumes 137:8



8 Fille de Babylone, [qui va être] détruite, heureux celui qui te rendra la pareille [de ce] que tu nous as fait!

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Arcana Coelestia # 6435

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6435. 'Even as far as the desire of the everlasting hills' means as far as celestial mutual love. This is clear from the meaning of 'the everlasting hills' as aspects of mutual love, dealt with below; for the vision that the spiritual Church may arrive at that love is meant by 'even as far as the desire of the everlasting hills'. Before other places in the Word are introduced to show that mutual love is meant by 'the everlasting hills' something must be said first about what one means by mutual love, a goal which the member of the spiritual Church represented by 'Joseph' has more than enough to do to reach. What has often been stated and shown already shows that there are two kingdoms constituting heaven - the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. The difference between those two kingdoms is that the internal good of the celestial kingdom is the good of love to the Lord, while its external good is the good of mutual love. Members of that kingdom are governed by the good of love, not by truth that is called the truth of faith; for such truth is so integrated into the good of that kingdom that it cannot be seen in isolation from good. This being so, members of that kingdom cannot even utter the word faith, 202, 103, 4448; for with them the good of mutual love stands in place of the truth of faith. But in the spiritual kingdom the good of charity towards the neighbour constitutes the internal aspect of it and the truth of faith the external aspect.

[2] From all this one may see what the difference is between the two kingdoms, and also that they meet each other, in that the external aspect of the celestial kingdom coincides with the internal of the spiritual kingdom through an intermediary called the celestial of the spiritual. For as stated above, the external of the celestial kingdom is the good of mutual love, and the internal of the spiritual kingdom is the good of charity towards the neighbour. But the good of mutual love is more internal than the good of charity towards the neighbour, because the former springs from the rational, the latter from the natural. But although the good of mutual love, which is the external of the celestial Church, is more internal, while the good of charity towards the neighbour is more external, the Lord nevertheless joins the two kinds of good together through, as has just been stated, an intermediary, and in that way joins the two kingdoms together.

[3] To distinguish between the external good of the celestial Church and the internal good of the spiritual Church, let the former kind of good be called in what follows below the good of mutual love and let the latter kind be called the good of charity towards the neighbour - a difference that has not been observed in previous sections. Once these things are known, what is meant by 'even as far as the desire of the everlasting hills', one of Israel's blessings regarding this spiritual Church, can be stated, which is the vision that the spiritual kingdom may rise above the good of charity and reach even as far as the good of mutual love which belongs to the celestial kingdom, and thus the two kingdoms may be joined together at a very deep level. These are the things that are meant by those words.

[4] Very many places in the prophetical part of the Word mention mountains and hills, by which forms of the good of love are meant in the internal sense. 'Mountains' means the good of love to the Lord, which is the internal of the celestial kingdom, while 'hills' means the good of mutual love, which is the external of the same kingdom. But when the spiritual kingdom is the subject 'mountains' means the good of charity towards the neighbour, which is the internal of that kingdom, while 'hills' means the truth of faith, which is its external. It should be recognized that every one of the Lord's Churches is internal and external; and so too are both His kingdoms.

[5] This meaning of 'hills' becomes clear from the following places: In Isaiah,

In the latter days it will be, that the mountain of Jehovah will be on the top of the mountains, and raised above the hills. Isaiah 2:2; Micah 4:1.

'The mountain of Jehovah', which is Zion, stands for the Lord's celestial kingdom, thus for the good of that kingdom, which is the good of love to the Lord, and so in the highest sense is the Lord Himself since all love and all good in the celestial kingdom are the Lord's.

[6] 'Mount Zion' has the same meaning in other places in the Word; and by 'its hill' is meant the good of mutual love, as in Isaiah,

Jehovah Zebaoth will come down to fight on Mount Zion and on its hill. Isaiah 31:4.

Here 'hill' stands for the good of mutual love; and since 'hill' means the good of mutual love, and 'mountain' the good of celestial love, which is that of love to the Lord, it says 'Jehovah will come down to fight on that mountain'. Jehovah does not fight actually on Mount Zion and its hill; rather, where the good of love exists, that is what the Lord, meant here by Jehovah, fights for, that is, He fights for those with whom that good exists. If He ever did fight for Zion and Jerusalem, it was because they represented the celestial Church. This also explains why Mount Zion was called holy, and so also why Jerusalem was termed holy, when in fact it was unclean, as is evident in the Prophets where its abominations are referred to.

[7] In David,

The mountains will bring peace, and the hills, in righteousness. Psalms 72:3.

In the same author,

Praise Jehovah, mountains and all hills. Psalms 148:9.

In the same author,

The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like lambs. 1 Psalms 104:4, 6.

In the same author,

A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan; a mountain of hills is the mountain of Bashan. Why do you leap up, O mountains, hills of mountains? God desires to inhabit it; yes, Jehovah will inhabit it perpetually. Psalms 68:15-16.

In these places 'mountains' stands for celestial love, and 'hills' for spiritual love. Mountains are obviously not what is meant, nor hills, nor even those who were on mountains and hills.

[8] In Isaiah,

It will be that on every high mountain, and on every lofty hill, there will be brooks, streams of water. Isaiah 30:25.

'Streams of water' stands for cognitions of good and truth, which are said to be 'on every high mountain, and on every lofty hill', for those cognitions flow from forms of the good of celestial and spiritual love.

[9] In Habakkuk,

Jehovah stood and measured the earth; He looked and scattered the nations, because the eternal mountains were dissolved, the everlasting hills sank down. Habakkuk 3:6.

'The eternal mountains' stands for the good of love that existed with the Most Ancient Church, which was celestial, and 'the everlasting hills' for the good of mutual love that existed with that Church - the former good being its internal, the latter its external. When that Church is what is meant in the Word, there is frequently added, because it was the Most Ancient Church, the word 'eternal', as in the expression 'the eternal mountains' used here, and in the expression 'eternal days' or 'days of eternity' used elsewhere, 6239. Also added was the word 'everlasting', as in the expression 'the everlasting hills' used here, as well as 'as far as the desire of the everlasting hills' appearing in Israel's prophetic utterances. From this one may see that 'the everlasting hills' means forms of the good of mutual love belonging to the celestial Church or the Lord's celestial kingdom.

[10] Something similar occurs in Moses' prophetic utterance concerning Joseph,

. . . in regard to the first fruits of the mountains of the east, and to the precious things of the eternal hills . . . Let them come upon the head of Joseph. Deuteronomy 33:15-16.

In Isaiah,

The mountains and the hills will resound with song, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12.

In Joel,

On that day the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills will flow with milk, and all the streams of Judah will flow with water. Joel 3:18; Amos 9:13.

In Ezekiel,

My sheep wander in all the mountains and on every high hill, and over all the face of the earth they were dispersed. I will give them and the places around My hill a blessing, and I will send down the rain in its season. Ezekiel 34:6, 26.

In Jeremiah,

On all the hills in the wilderness those who cause devastation have come, for the sword of Jehovah is devouring. Jeremiah 11:12.

In these places forms of the good of celestial love are meant by 'the mountains', and much the same, but in a lower degree, by 'the hills'.

[11] Because mountains and hills were signs that meant things such as these, Divine worship as well took place in the Ancient Church on mountains and hills. And later still the Hebrew nation set up altars on mountains and hills, offering sacrifice and incense there; or where there were no hills they built high places. But that worship became idolatrous, owing to the fact that they considered the actual mountains and hills to be holy and gave no thought at all to the holy things that they were signs of; and because that worship had become idolatrous the Israelite and Jewish people were forbidden to practise it, for those people were extremely prone, more than all others, to engage in idolatrous worship. But so as to retain that representative feature of mountains and hills which had existed in ancient times, Mount Zion was selected, which in the highest sense represented the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Love, and in the relative sense the Divine Celestial and Divine Spiritual in His kingdom.

[12] Since mountains and hills were signs meaning such things, Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah. it was also on a mountain that the Lord appeared to Moses, and from upon a mountain that the Law was proclaimed; for He appeared to Moses on Mount Horeb, and the Law was proclaimed on Mount Sinai. And in addition the temple in Jerusalem was built on a mountain.

[13] The fact that it was an age-old religious practice that led those people to celebrate sacred worship on mountains and hills, and that subsequently led the gentiles, also idolatrous Israelites and Jews, to offer sacrifice and incense on them, is evident in Jeremiah,

Your adulterous acts and your neighings, the wickedness of your whoredom committed on the hills, in the field - I have seen your abominations. Jeremiah 13:27.

This refers to Jerusalem. In Ezekiel,

When their slain will be in the midst of their idols, around their altars on every high hill, on all the mountain tops, and under every green tree, and under every entangled oak. Ezekiel 6:13.

In Jeremiah,

On every high hill, and under every green tree, you are a sinful prostitute. Jeremiah 2:20; 3:6.

And there are other places besides these - 1 Kings 14:23; 2 Kings 16:4; 17:10.

[14] Because idolatrous worship was performed on mountains and hills, the evils of self-love are meant by them in the contrary sense, as in Jeremiah,

[I saw] the mountains; and behold, they are shaken, and all the hills are overturned. I looked, and behold, there was no man, and every bird of the air had flown away. Jeremiah 4:24-25.

In Isaiah,

Every valley will be lifted up, and every mountain and hill made low. Isaiah 40:4.

In the same prophet,

Behold, I have made you into a new threshing-sledge 2 provided with sharp points. You are to thresh the mountains and crush them, and you are to make the hills like chaff. Isaiah 41:15.

In the same prophet,

I will lay waste mountains and hills, and dry up every plant on them. Isaiah 42:15.

In Micah,

Hear now what Jehovah is saying, Arise, contend with the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice. Micah 6:1.

In Jeremiah,

Lost sheep have My people been, their shepherds have led them astray, O rebellious mountains. They have gone from mountain onto hill, they have forgotten their resting-place. 3 Jeremiah 50:6.

And there are other places besides these, such as Jeremiah 16:16; Nahum 1:5-6.

[15] The reason why 'mountains and hills meant forms of the good of celestial and spiritual love was that they were places that rose up above the earth, and places that rose up high meant things belonging to heaven, and in the highest sense those belonging to the Lord. For 'the land of Canaan' meant the Lord's heavenly kingdom, 1607, 3038, 3481, 3705, 4240, 4447; consequently everything in that land had a spiritual meaning, its mountains and hills meaning the kinds of things that are 'high'. For when the most ancient people, who belonged to the celestial Church, went up a mountain, the idea of height came to mind, and from height the idea of what was holy, for the reason that Jehovah or the Lord was said to live in the most high places, and also for the reason that 'height' in the spiritual sense was the good of love, 650.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, sons of the flock

2. literally, threshing-sledge of a recent threshing-sledge

3. literally, bed

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.