

Mooseksen kirja 19



1 Ja Herra puhui Moosekselle sanoen:

2 "Puhu kaikelle israelilaisten seurakunnalle ja sano heille: Olkaa pyhät, sillä minä, Herra, teidän Jumalanne, olen pyhä.

3 Jokainen teistä peljätköön äitiänsä ja isäänsä, ja pitäkää minun sapattini. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.

4 Älkää kääntykö epäjumalien puoleen älkääkä tehkö itsellenne valettuja jumalankuvia. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.

5 Ja kun te uhraatte yhteysuhria Herralle, uhratkaa se niin, että hänen mielisuosionsa tulee teidän osaksenne.

6 Syökää se samana päivänä, jona te uhraatte, tai seuraavana päivänä; mutta mitä tähteeksi jää kolmanteen päivään, se poltettakoon tulessa.

7 Jos sitä syödään kolmantena päivänä, niin se on saastaista, ei otollista.

8 Ja joka sitä syö, joutuu syynalaiseksi, sillä hän on häväissyt Herran pyhän, ja hänet hävitettäköön kansastansa.

9 Kun te korjaatte eloa maastanne, niin älä leikkaa viljaa pelloltasi reunoja myöten äläkä poimi tähkäpäitä leikkuun jälkeen.

10 Älä myöskään korjaa tyhjäksi viinitarhaasi äläkä poimi varisseita marjoja, vaan jätä ne köyhälle ja muukalaiselle. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.

11 Älkää varastako, älkää valhetelko älkääkä lähimmäistänne pettäkö.

12 Älkää vannoko väärin minun nimeeni, ettet häpäisisi Jumalasi nimeä. Minä olen Herra.

13 Älä tee lähimmäisellesi vääryyttä äläkä ota mitään väkisin. Päivämiehesi palkka älköön olko sinun takanasi huomiseen asti.

14 Älä kiroa kuuroa äläkä pane kompastusta sokean eteen, vaan pelkää Jumalaasi. Minä olen Herra.

15 Älkää tehkö vääryyttä tuomitessanne; älä ole puolueellinen köyhän hyväksi äläkä pidä ylhäisen puolta, vaan tuomitse lähimmäisesi oikein.

16 Älä liiku panettelijana kansasi keskellä äläkä vaani lähimmäisesi verta. Minä olen Herra.

17 Älä vihaa veljeäsi sydämessäsi, vaan nuhtele lähimmäistäsi, ettet joutuisi hänen tähtensä syynalaiseksi.

18 Älä kosta äläkä pidä vihaa kansasi lapsia vastaan, vaan rakasta lähimmäistäsi niinkuin itseäsi. Minä olen Herra.

19 Noudattakaa minun käskyjäni. Älä anna karjassasi kahden erilaisen eläimen pariutua, älä kylvä peltoosi kahdenlaista siementä, älköönkä kahdenlaisista langoista kudottua vaatetta tulko yllesi.

20 Jos mies makaa naisen, joka on orjatar ja toisen miehen oma eikä ole lunastettu eikä vapaaksi laskettu, rangaistakoon heitä, ei kuitenkaan kuolemalla, koska nainen ei ollut vapaa.

21 Ja mies tuokoon hyvityksenään Herralle vikauhri-oinaan ilmestysmajan ovelle.

22 Ja kun pappi on toimittanut hänelle vikauhri-oinaalla Herran edessä sovituksen siitä synnistä, jonka hän on tehnyt, annetaan hänelle hänen tekemänsä synti anteeksi.

23 Kun te tulette siihen maahan ja istutatte kaikkinaisia hedelmäpuita, niin jättäkää niiden hedelmä, niiden esinahka, koskemattomaksi; kolmena vuotena pitäkää ne ympärileikkaamattomina, älkää niitä syökö.

24 Mutta neljäntenä vuotena pyhitettäköön kaikki niiden hedelmät ilojuhlassa Herralle,

25 ja vasta viidentenä vuotena syökää niiden hedelmää; näin te lisäätte niiden tuottoa. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.

26 Älkää syökö mitään verinensä. Älkää merkeistä ennustelko älkääkä harjoittako noituutta.

27 Älkää keritkö tukkaanne päälaen ympäriltä, äläkä leikkaamalla turmele partasi reunaa.

28 Älkää viileskelkö ihoanne vainajan tähden älkääkä koristelko itseänne ihopiirroksilla. Minä olen Herra.

29 Älä häpäise tytärtäsi antamalla hänen tulla portoksi, ettei maa harjoittaisi haureutta ja tulisi täyteen iljettävyyttä.

30 Pitäkää minun sapattini ja peljätkää minun pyhäkköäni. Minä olen Herra.

31 Älkää kääntykö vainaja-ja tietäjähenkien puoleen; älkää etsikö heitä, ettette tulisi heistä saastutetuiksi. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.

32 Nouse harmaapään edessä ja kunnioita vanhusta sekä pelkää Jumalaasi. Minä olen Herra.

33 Kun muukalainen asuu luonasi teidän maassanne, älkää sortako häntä.

34 Muukalainen, joka asuu teidän luonanne, olkoon niinkuin maassa syntynyt teikäläinen. Rakasta häntä niinkuin itseäsi, sillä tekin olitte muukalaisina Egyptin maassa. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.

35 Älkää tehkö vääryyttä tuomitessanne älkääkä käyttäessänne pituus-,paino-tai astiamittaa.

36 Olkoon teillä oikea vaaka, oikeat punnukset, oikea eefa-mitta ja oikea hiin-mitta. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne, joka vein teidät pois Egyptin maasta.

37 Noudattakaa kaikkia minun käskyjäni ja kaikkia minun säädöksiäni ja pitäkää ne. Minä olen Herra."


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 204

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204. These things saith he that is holy, he that is true. That this signifies from whom is that faith is evident from the signification of holy and true, when said of the Lord, as denoting that charity and faith are from Him, the term holy being used in reference to charity, and the term true, to faith. That the Lord is called holy because charity is from Him, and hence, that holiness in the Word is said of charity and of faith therefrom, will be seen presently. But that the Lord is called true because faith is from Him, and that hence truth in the Word is spoken of faith, is because all truth has reference to faith: for that is said to be true which is believed; other things have not reference to faith, because they are not believed. But as the subject now treated of is the faith of charity, something shall first be said concerning faith and its quality.

[2] There is spiritual faith, and there is merely natural faith. Spiritual faith is wholly from charity, and in its essence is charity. Charity, or love towards the neighbour, is to love what is true, sincere and just, and, from the will, to act accordingly. For the neighbour, in the spiritual sense, is not any particular man, but is that which is in man; if this is what is true, sincere and just, and a man be loved from these, then the neighbour is loved. That this is meant by charity in the spiritual sense, any one may know if he will but reflect; for every one loves another, not for the sake of his person, but for the sake of that which is in him; this is the source of all friendship, favour and honour.

From this it follows, that to love men for the sake of what is true, sincere and just in them, is spiritual love; for truth, sincerity and justice are spiritual things, because they are out of heaven from the Lord. No one thinks, wills and does anything good, which is good in itself, but everything is from the Lord; and truth, sincerity and justice are the goods which are essentially good when from the Lord. These things, now, are the neighbour in the spiritual sense; it is therefore clear what is meant in that sense by love towards the neighbour, or charity. This is the source of spiritual faith; for whatever is loved is said to be true when it is thought of. That this is the case every one may know if he but reflects; for every one confirms what he loves by many things in his thought, and all these he calls truths; no one has any truth but from this source: it therefore follows that, according to the quality of a man's love, such are his truths; consequently, if that love is spiritual, so also will be the truths, because they act in unity with the love. All truths in the aggregate, because they are believed, are called faith; hence it is clear, that spiritual faith in its essence is charity.

[3] So far concerning spiritual faith; but faith merely natural is not the faith of the church, although it is called faith; but is mere knowledge (scientia). The reason of this is, that it proceeds not from love towards the neighbour, or charity, which is the very spiritual itself whence faith is derived, but from some natural love which has reference either to the love of self or of the world; and whatever proceeds from these loves is natural. Love forms man's spirit, for a man as to his spirit is entirely his love, as it were: hence he thinks, wills and acts; therefore no other truth constitutes his faith but that which comes from his love; and truth which belongs to the love of self or of the world is merely natural, because it comes from man and from the world, and not from the Lord and out of heaven; for he loves truth, not for its own sake, but for the sake of honour, gain and reputation, to which it is subservient; and because his truth is of such a quality, such also is his faith. This is why such faith is not the faith of the truth of the church, or faith in a spiritual sense, but in a natural sense, which is knowledge (scientia): therefore also, because nothing thereof is in man's spirit, but only in his memory, together with other worldly things, it is dissipated after death. For that alone remains with a man after death that belongs to his love; for, as has been said, love forms man's spirit, and man as to his spirit is entirely such as his love is. Other things concerning charity and faith therefrom, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, where charity and faith are treated of (n. 84-106, and n. 108-122); also in the small work, The Last Judgment 33-39), where it is shown that there is no faith where there is no charity.

[4] That the term holy in the Word is used in reference to Divine truth, and hence to charity and its faith, is evident from the passages where it is used. There are two things that proceed from the Lord and are received by the angels - Divine good and Divine truth; these proceed unitedly from the Lord, but are received by the angels variously; some receive Divine good more than Divine truth, and some receive Divine truth more than Divine good. The former constitute the celestial kingdom of the Lord, and are called celestial angels, and, in the Word, they are called the just; but the latter constitute the spiritual kingdom of the Lord, and are called spiritual angels, and in the Word holy (concerning those two kingdoms and the angels thereof, see the work, Heaven and Hell 20-28). This is why by just and justice in the Word is meant Divine good and what thence proceeds, and by holy and holiness is meant Divine truth and what thence proceeds.

From these considerations it will be seen what is meant in the Word by being justified, and what by being sanctified, as in the Apocalypse:

"He that is just let him be just still, and he that is holy let him be holy still" (22:11).

And in Luke:

"To serve him in holiness and justice" (1:74).

[5] Because Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is meant by holy, therefore in the Word the Lord is called the Holy One, the Holy One of God, the Holy One of Israel, the Holy One of Jacob; and therefore, also, angels are called holy, and also prophets and apostles; hence also Jerusalem is called holy. That the Lord is called the Holy One, the Holy One of God, the Holy One of Israel and the Holy One of Jacob, may be seen in Isaiah 29:23; 31:1; 40:25; 41:14, 16; 43:3; 49:7; Dan. 4:13; 9:24; Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34. He is also called King of saints in the Apocalypse:

"Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints" (15:3).

The reason why the Lord is called the Holy One, the Holy One of God, the Holy One of Israel and the Holy One of Jacob, is, because He alone and none else is holy, which is also declared in the Apocalypse:

"Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy" (15:4).

[6] The reason why angels, prophets and apostles are called holy is, that by them, in the spiritual sense, is meant Divine truth; and the reason why Jerusalem is called the holy city is, that by that city, in the spiritual sense, is meant the church as to the doctrine of truth. That angels are in the Word called holy, may be seen in Matthew 25:31; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26. That prophets are called holy, may be seen, Mark 6:20; Luke 1:70; Apoc. 18:20. That the apostles are called holy, may be seen, Apoc. 18:20. And that Jerusalem is called the holy city, may be seen, Isaiah 48:2; 66:20, 22; Dan. 9:24; Matthew 27:53; Apoc. 21:2, 10. (That by angels in the Word is meant Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, may be seen above, 130, 200; that the same is signified by prophets, may be seen in Arcana Coelestia 2534, 7269; as also by the apostles, see above, n. 100; that by Jerusalem in the Word is meant the church as to the doctrine of truth, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 6.)

From these considerations it is evident why the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is called the Spirit of truth, and the Holy Spirit, as may be seen above (n. 183), also why heaven is called the habitation of holiness (Isaiah 63:15; Deuteronomy 26:15), and why the church is called the sanctuary (Jeremiah 17:12; Lamentations 2:7; Psalms 68:35).

[7] That holiness is said of Divine truth, is clear in the following passages. In John:

Jesus, when praying, said, "Father, sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified in the truth (17:17, 19).

Here to be sanctified is clearly said of Divine truth, and sanctified of those who receive Divine truth from the Lord. In Moses:

"Jehovah came from Sinai, out of the myriads of holiness; from his right hand they had the fire of the law; even he who loveth the people, in thy hand are all his saints, and they are prostrated at thy foot; he shall receive of thy words" (Deuteronomy 33:2, 3).

Sinai signifies heaven, where the Lord is, from whom proceeds Divine truth, or from whom comes the law, both in a limited and a general sense; myriads of holiness signify Divine truths; the law signifies, in a limited sense, the ten precepts of the Decalogue, and in a general sense, the whole Word, which is Divine truth. Those are called peoples in the Word who are in truths, and those of the people who are in truths are called holy. By they are prostrated at thy foot, he shall receive of thy words, is meant holy reception of Divine truth in ultimates, which is the Word in the sense of the letter, and instruction therefrom.

From these considerations it can be known what the particulars in that prophecy signify in the spiritual sense. (That Sinai in the Word signifies heaven, where the Lord is, from whom is Divine truth, or from whom is the law, both in a limited and a general sense, Arcana Coelestia 8399, 8753, 8793, 8805, 9420. That the law signifies, in a limited sense, the ten precepts of the Decalogue, and, in a general sense, the whole Word, n. 2606, 3382, 6752, 7463. That those who are in truths are called peoples, and nations those who are in goods, n. 1259, 1260, 2928, 3295, 3581, 6451, 6465, 7207, 10288. That foot, a place for the feet, and footstool, when said of the Lord, signify Divine truth in ultimates, thus the Word in the letter, n. 9406.) Hence it is clear that by myriads of holiness are meant Divine truths, and that those who are in Divine truths are called holy.

[8] Again, in Moses:

"Speak unto the whole assembly of the sons of Israel, and say unto them, Ye shall be holy, for I Jehovah of Israel am holy" (Leviticus 19:2).

The subject treated of in that chapter is the statutes, judgments and precepts that were to be observed; and because Divine truths are thereby signified, it is therefore commanded that they should be holy. By Israel is also signified the spiritual church, or the church which is in Divine truths, and therefore it is said, I Jehovah of Israel am holy.

In Moses:

"Ye shall sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy. And ye shall keep my statutes that ye may do them" (Leviticus 20:7, 8).

The subject here treated of is also the statutes, judgments and precepts which were to be observed. Again:

"If they keep my statutes and judgments, they shall be a people holy to Jehovah" (Deuteronomy 26:17, 19).

In David:

"We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, with the holiness of thy temple" (Psalms 65:4).

Here they are said to be satisfied with the goodness of the house of Jehovah, and with the holiness of His temple, because the house of God, in the highest sense, signifies the Lord as to Divine good, and temple as to Divine truth (see Arcana Coelestia 3720). In Zechariah:

"In that day there shall be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto Jehovah" (14:20).

The establishment of a new church is there treated of, and by the bells of the horses are signified scientific truths (scientifica vera) from the Intellectual. (That bells signify scientific truths may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 9921, 9926; and that a horse signifies the Intellectual, may be seen in the small work. The White Horse 1-4.)

[9] From these considerations it is evident what was represented and signified by it being commanded,

That upon the mitre, which was upon the head of Aaron, should be placed a plate of pure gold, upon which was engraved "holiness to Jehovah" (Exodus 28:36-38; 39:30, 31);

for the mitre signified wisdom, which pertains to Divine truth (see Arcana Coelestia 9827, 9949). It may also be known what is signified and represented

By Aaron and his sons, their garments, the altar, the tabernacle, with everything pertaining thereto, being anointed with oil, and that thus "they should be sanctified" (Exodus 29:1-36; 30:22, 24-30; Leviticus 8:1 to the end).

For oil signified the Divine good of the Divine love, and sanctification the proceeding Divine; for it is the Divine good which sanctifies, and the Divine truth is that which is thence holy.

[10] That the word holy is used of charity, is evident from what was said above concerning the angels of heaven, namely, that there are some of them who receive more Divine good than Divine truth, and that there are others who receive more Divine truth than Divine good: the former constitute the celestial kingdom of the Lord, and are those who are in love to the Lord, and because they are in love to the Lord, they are called just; but the latter constitute the spiritual kingdom of the Lord, and are those who are in charity towards the neighbour, and on that account are called holy. (That there are two loves which constitute heaven - love to the Lord, and love towards the neighbour, or charity, and that the heavens are thence distinguished into two kingdoms, a celestial kingdom and a spiritual kingdom, may be seen in the work, Heaven and Hell 13-19 and n. 20-28.)

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.