

maastamuutto 29



1 "Tee heille näin, pyhittääksesi heidät pappeina palvelemaan minua: Ota mullikka ja kaksi virheetöntä oinasta

2 ja happamatonta leipää ja öljyyn leivottuja happamattomia kakkuja ja öljyllä voideltuja happamattomia ohukaisia; leivo ne lestyistä nisujauhoista.

3 Ja pane ne samaan koriin ja tuo ne korissa, samalla kertaa kuin tuot mullikan ja kaksi oinasta.

4 Tuo sitten Aaron poikinensa ilmestysmajan ovelle ja pese heidät vedellä.

5 Ja ota vaatteet ja pue Aaronin ylle ihokas ja kasukan viitta ja kasukka ja rintakilpi; ja sido hänen ympärilleen kasukan vyö.

6 Pane myös käärelakki hänen päähänsä ja kiinnitä pyhä otsalehti käärelakkiin.

7 Ja ota voiteluöljyä ja vuodata hänen päähänsä ja voitele hänet.

8 Ja tuo hänen poikansa esille ja pue heidän ylleen ihokkaat.

9 Ja vyötä heidät vyöllä, sekä Aaron että hänen poikansa, ja sido päähineet heidän päähänsä, että pappeus olisi heillä ikuisena säätynä. Vihi näin virkaansa Aaron ja hänen poikansa.

10 Ja tuo mullikka ilmestysmajan eteen, ja Aaron poikineen laskekoon kätensä mullikan pään päälle.

11 Ja teurasta sitten mullikka Herran edessä, ilmestysmajan ovella.

12 Ja ota mullikan verta ja sivele sitä sormellasi alttarin sarviin; mutta kaikki muu veri vuodata alttarin juurelle.

13 Ja ota kaikki sisälmyksiä peittävä rasva ja maksanlisäke ja molemmat munuaiset ynnä niiden päällä oleva rasva, ja polta ne alttarilla.

14 Mutta mullikan liha, nahka ja rapa polta tulessa leirin ulkopuolella. Se on syntiuhri.

15 Ja ota toinen oinaista, ja Aaron poikinensa laskekoon kätensä sen oinaan pään päälle.

16 Teurasta sitten oinas ja ota sen veri ja vihmo se alttarille ympärinsä;

17 ja leikkele oinas määräkappaleiksi ja pese sen sisälmykset ja jalat ja pane ne kappaleiden ja pään päälle.

18 Ja polta koko oinas alttarilla. Se on polttouhri Herralle, se on suloisesti tuoksuva uhri Herralle.

19 Ota sitten toinen oinas, ja Aaron poikinensa laskekoon kätensä oinaan pään päälle.

20 Ja teurasta oinas ja ota sen verta ja sivele Aaronin ja hänen poikiensa oikean korvan lehteen ja oikean käden peukaloon ja heidän oikean jalkansa isoonvarpaaseen, mutta vihmo muu veri alttarille ympärinsä.

21 Ja ota alttarilla olevaa verta ja voiteluöljyä ja pirskoita Aaronin ja hänen vaatteidensa päälle, ja samoin hänen poikiensa ja heidän vaatteidensa päälle. Näin hän tulee pyhäkölle pyhitetyksi, sekä hän itse että hänen vaatteensa, ja samoin hänen poikansa ja hänen poikiensa vaatteet.

22 Ota sitten oinaasta rasva ja rasvahäntä ja sisälmyksiä peittävä rasva ja maksanlisäke ja molemmat munuaiset ynnä niiden päällä oleva rasva ja oikea reisi, sillä tämä on vihkiäisoinas.

23 Ja ota pyöreä leipä ja öljyyn leivottu kakku ja ohukainen happamattomien leipien korista, joka on Herran edessä.

24 Ja pane kaikki nämä Aaronin käsiin ja hänen poikiensa käsiin, että toimitettaisiin niiden heilutus Herran edessä.

25 Ota ne sitten heidän käsistään ja polta alttarilla, polttouhrin päällä, suloiseksi tuoksuksi Herran edessä. Se on Herran uhri.

26 Ja ota rintaliha Aaronin vihkiäisoinaasta ja toimituta sen heilutus Herran edessä; ja se olkoon sinun osasi.

27 Näin sinun on pyhitettävä heilutettu rintaliha ja anniksi annettu reisi, se, mitä on heilutettu ja anniksi annettu Aaronin ja hänen poikiensa vihkiäisoinaasta.

28 Ja ne olkoot Aaronin ja hänen poikiensa ikuinen osuus, israelilaisilta saatu, sillä se on anti. Se olkoon israelilaisten anti heidän yhteysuhreistaan, heidän antinsa Herralle.

29 Aaronin pyhät vaatteet tulkoot hänen pojillensa hänen jälkeensä, että heidät niissä voideltaisiin ja vihittäisiin virkaansa.

30 Seitsemänä päivänä on sen hänen pojistaan, joka tulee papiksi hänen sijaansa, puettava ne ylleen, kun hän menee ilmestysmajaan toimittamaan virkaansa pyhäkössä.

31 Ja ota vihkiäisoinas ja keitä sen liha pyhässä paikassa.

32 Ja Aaron poikinensa syököön ilmestysmajan ovella oinaan lihan ynnä leivän, joka on korissa.

33 He syökööt sen, mitä käytettiin heidän sovittamisekseen, kun heidät vihittiin virkaansa ja pyhitettiin, mutta syrjäinen älköön sitä syökö, sillä se on pyhää.

34 Jos jotakin jää tähteeksi vihkiäislihasta tai leivästä seuraavaan aamuun, polta tähteeksi jäänyt tulessa; älköön sitä syötäkö, sillä se on pyhää.

35 Tee näin Aaronille ja hänen pojillensa, aivan niinkuin minä olen sinua käskenyt. Seitsemän päivää kestäköön heidän vihkimisensä.

36 Ja uhraa joka päivä syntiuhrimullikka sovitukseksi, ja puhdista alttari toimittamalla sen sovitus ja voitele se pyhittääksesi sen.

37 Seitsemänä päivänä toimita alttarin sovitus ja pyhitä se. Näin tulee alttarista korkeasti-pyhä; jokainen, joka alttariin koskee, on pyhäkölle pyhitetty.

38 Ja uhraa alttarilla tämä: kaksi vuodenvanhaa karitsaa joka päivä, ainiaan.

39 Uhraa toinen karitsa aamulla ja toinen karitsa iltahämärässä,

40 ja kumpaakin karitsaa kohti kymmenennes lestyjä jauhoja, sekoitettuna neljännekseen hiin-mittaa survomalla saatua öljyä, ja juomauhriksi neljännes hiin-mittaa viiniä.

41 Ja uhraa toinen karitsa iltahämärässä; uhrattakoon se toimittamalla samankaltainen ruokauhri ja juomauhri kuin aamullakin, suloisesti tuoksuvaksi uhriksi Herralle.

42 Tämä olkoon teillä jokapäiväinen polttouhri sukupolvesta sukupolveen ilmestysmajan ovella Herran edessä, jossa minä ilmestyn teille puhuakseni sinun kanssasi.

43 Siinä minä ilmestyn israelilaisille, ja se on oleva minun kirkkauteni pyhittämä.

44 Ja minä pyhitän ilmestysmajan ja alttarin; ja minä pyhitän Aaronin poikinensa pappeina palvelemaan minua.

45 Ja minä asun israelilaisten keskellä ja olen heidän Jumalansa.

46 Ja he tulevat tietämään, että minä olen Herra, heidän Jumalansa, joka vein heidät pois Egyptin maasta, asuakseni heidän keskellään. Minä olen Herra, heidän Jumalansa."


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 2177

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2177. That 'meal of fine flour' means the spiritual and celestial ingredients [of the rational] which were present at that time with the Lord, and 'cakes' the same when both had been joined together, is quite clear from the sacrifices of the representative Church and from the minchah presented at the same time, which consisted of fine flour mixed with oil and made into cakes. Representative worship consisted primarily in burnt offerings and sacrifices. What these represented has been stated above where 'bread' was the subject, in 2165, namely the celestial things of the Lord's kingdom in heaven and of the Lord's kingdom on earth, which is the Church, and also the things of the Lord's kingdom or Church as it exists with every individual, and in general everything that is in essence love and charity, since these are celestial entities. In those times all the sacrifices were called 'bread'. Along with those sacrifices a minchah was included - which, as has been stated, consisted of fine flour mixed with oil to which also incense was added - and also a wine-offering.

[2] What these latter represented becomes clear too, namely things similar to those represented by sacrifices but of a lower order, thus the things which belong to the spiritual Church, and also those which belong to the external Church. It may become clear to anyone that such things would never have been prescribed unless they had represented Divine things, and also that each one represented some specific thing. For unless they had represented Divine things they would have been no different from similar things found among gentiles, among whom also there were sacrifices, minchahs, libations, and incense, as well as perpetual fires and many other things which had come down to them from the Ancient Church, especially from the Hebrew Church. But because they were separated from the internal, that is, the Divine things represented by them, those external forms of worship were nothing but idolatrous, as they also came to be among the Jews, who likewise sank into all kinds of idolatry. From this it may become clear to anyone that heavenly arcana were present within every form of ritual, especially so within the sacrifices and every detail of them.

[3] As regards the minchah, the nature of it and how it was to be made into cakes is described in a whole chapter in Moses - in Leviticus 2; also Numbers 15, and elsewhere. The law regarding the minchah is described in Leviticus in the following words,

Fire shall be kept burning unceasingly on the altar; it shall not be put out. And this is the law of the minchah: Aaron's sons shall bring it before Jehovah to the front of the altar, and he shall take up from it a fistful of fine flour of the minchah and of the oil of it and all the frankincense which is on the minchah, and he shall burn it on the altar; it is an odour of rest for a memorial to Jehovah. And the rest of it Aaron and his sons shall eat. Unleavened bread shall be eaten in a holy place. In the court of the tent of meeting shall they eat it. It shall not be cooked leavened; I have given it as their portion from My fire-offerings; it is most holy. Leviticus 6:13-17.

[4] The fire which was to be kept burning unceasingly on the altar represented the Lord's love, that is, His mercy, which is constant and eternal. 'Fire' in the Word means love, see 934, and therefore 'the fire-offerings made for an odour of rest' means the good pleasure which the Lord takes in those things that belong to love and charity. That 'odour' means good pleasure, that is, that which is pleasing, see 925, 1519. Their 'taking a fistful' represented their being required to love with all their soul or strength, for 'the hand' or 'the palm' of the hand means power, as shown in 878, from which 'the fist' also means the same. 'The fine flour together with the oil and the frankincense' represented all things of charity - 'fine flour' the spiritual ingredient of it, 'oil' the celestial, and 'frankincense' that which was in this manner pleasing. That 'fine flour' represents the spiritual ingredient is evident from what has just been stated and from what is stated below. That 'oil' represents the celestial ingredient, or the good or charity, see 886, and that 'frankincense' on account of its odour represents that which is pleasing and acceptable, 925.

[5] Its being 'unleavened bread' or not fermented means that it was to be genuine, thus something offered from genuineness of heart and having no uncleanness. The eating of the rest by Aaron and his sons represented man's reciprocation and his making it his own, and thus represented conjunction by means of love and charity; and it is for this reason that they were commanded to eat it 'in a holy place'. Hence it is called something most holy. These were the things which were represented by the minchah. It was also the way in which the representatives themselves were perceived in heaven; and when the member of the Church understood them in the same way his ideas were like the perception which the angels possess, so that he was in the Lord's kingdom in heaven even though he was on earth.

[6] For more about the minchah - what it was to consist of in any particular kind of sacrifice; the way in which it was to be baked into cakes; what kind was to be offered by those who were being cleansed, and also what kinds on other occasions (all of which would take too long to introduce and explain here) - see what is said about it in Exodus 29:39-41; Leviticus 5:11-13; 6:16-17, 19-21; 10:12-13; 23:10-13, 6, 17; Numbers 5:15 and following verses; 6:15-17, 19-20; 7: in various places; 28:5, 8, 9, 12-13, 20-21, 28-29; 29:3-4, 9-10, 14-15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 37

[7] 'Fine flour made into cakes' had in general the same representation as bread, namely the celestial ingredient of love, while 'meals represented its spiritual ingredient, as becomes clear in the places indicated above. The loaves which were called 'the bread of the Presence' or 'the shewbread' consisted of fine flour, which was made into cakes and placed on the table to provide an unceasing representation of the Lord's love, that is, of His mercy, towards the whole human race, and man's reciprocation. These loaves are spoken of in Moses as follows,

You shall take fine pour and bake it into twelve cakes; two-tenths [of an ephah] shall there be in one cake And you shall place them in two rows, six in a row, on the clean table before Jehovah. And you shall put pure frankincense on each row, and it shall be bread serving as a memorial, a fire-offering to Jehovah. Every sabbath day [Aaron] shall set it out in order before Jehovah continually; it is from the children of Israel as an eternal covenant. And it shall be for Aaron and his sons, and they shall eat it in a holy place, for it is to him the most holy of fire-offerings to Jehovah, by an eternal statute. Leviticus 24:5-9.

Every item and smallest detail mentioned here represented the holiness of love and charity, 'fine flour' having the same representation as meal of fine flour, namely that which is celestial and that which is spiritual that goes with it, and 'cake' the two when joined together.

[8] From this it is clear what the holiness of the Word is to those who possess heavenly ideas, and indeed what holiness was present within this particular representative observance, on account of which it is called 'most holy'. It is also clear how devoid of holiness the Word is to those who imagine that it does not have anything heavenly within it and who keep solely to externals. Exemplifying the latter are those who in the present verse under consideration perceive 'the meal' to be merely meal, 'the fine flour' merely fine flour, and 'the cake' merely a cake, and who imagine that these things have been stated without each one that is mentioned embodying something of the Divine within it. Their attitude is similar to that of those who imagine that the bread and wine of the Holy Supper are no more than a certain religious observance that does not have anything holy within it. Yet in fact it possesses such holiness that the minds of men are linked by means of it to the minds of those in heaven, when from an internal affection they think that the bread and wine mean the Lord's love and man's reciprocation, and by virtue of that interior thought and affection they abide in holiness.

[9] Much the same was implied by the requirement that when the children of Israel entered the land they were to present as a heave-offering to Jehovah a cake made from the first of their dough, Numbers 15:20. The fact that such things are meant is also evident in the Prophets, from' among whom for the moment let this one place in Ezekiel be introduced here,

You were adorned with gold and silver, and your raiment was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey, and oil. You became exceedingly beautiful, and attained to a kingdom. Ezekiel 16:13.

This refers to Jerusalem, by which is meant the Church, which Church in its earliest days bore an appearance such as this, that is to say, the Ancient Church, which is described by means of raiment and many other adornments. Its affections for truth and good are also described by 'the fine flour, honey, and oil'. It may become clear to anyone that all these details mean in the internal sense something altogether different from what they do in the sense of the letter. And the same applies to Abraham's saying to Sarah, 'Take quickly three measures of meal of fine flour, knead it, and make cakes'. That 'three' means things that are holy has been shown already in 720, 901.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.