

2 Samuel 4:4



4 Oli myös Jonatanilla Saulin pojalla yksi poika, joka oli saattamatoin jaloista, ja oli jo viiden ajastaikainen, kuin sanoma Saulista ja Jonatanista tuli Jisreelistä; ja hänen imettäjänsä otti hänen ja pakeni. Ja koska hän kiiruusti pakeni, lankesi hän ja tuli saattamattomaksi, ja hänen nimensä oli MephiBoset.

SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)





Saul was the first king of Israel, anointed by Samuel when the people insisted on having a king. Like all the kings, both good and bad, he represents the Lord, especially the idea of the Lord expressed in ways that the wise can understand. This seems contrary, because Saul turned evil as his reign went on, and many of the kings that followed were far worse. Because they were anointed with oil, which represents the Lord's pure, infinite love, they could represent the expression of that love even though they were personally evil. At specific points, however, the representation can turn into the exact opposite. In Saul's case, this was when he was taken over by his evil moods, the foul humors that caused him to try to kill both David and his own son, Jonathan. In those moments Saul represents false ideas that attack and try to destroy the idea of the Lord.