

Joshua 14



1 Ja need on maa-alad, mis Iisraeli lapsed said pärisosaks Kaananimaal, mis neile pärisosaks andsid preester Eleasar ja Joosua, Nuuni poeg, ja Iisraeli laste suguharude perekondade peamehed,

2 pärisosaks liisu läbi, nagu Issand Moosese läbi oli käskinud anda üheksale ja poolele suguharule.

3 Sest Mooses oli kahele ja poolele suguharule andnud pärisosa sealpool Jordanit ja leviitidele ta ei olnud andnudki pärisosa nende keskel -

4 Joosepi lapsi oli aga kaks suguharu - Manasse ja Efraim - ja leviitidele ei antudki maast osa, vaid ainult linnad elamiseks juurdekuuluvate karjamaadega nende karjade ja omandi jaoks.

5 Nõnda nagu Issand Moosest oli käskinud, nõnda Iisraeli lapsed tegid, ja nad jaotasid maa.

6 Siis astusid Juuda lapsed Gilgalis Joosua ette, ja kenislane Kaaleb, Jefunne poeg, ütles temale: 'Sina tead seda sõna, mis Issand ütles minu ja sinu kohta jumalamehele Moosesele Kaades-Barneas.

7 Mina olin nelikümmend aastat vana, kui Issanda sulane Mooses läkitas mind Kaades-Barneast maad kuulama ja ma tõin temale sõnumeid oma parima arusaamise järgi.

8 Aga mu vennad, kes olid käinud koos minuga, tegid rahva südame araks, kuna mina käisin täiesti Issanda, oma Jumala järel.

9 Siis Mooses vandus sel päeval, öeldes: Tõesti, maa, mida su jalg on tallanud, peab saama igavesti pärisosaks sinule ja su lastele, sellepärast et sa käisid täiesti Issanda, mu Jumala järel!

10 Ja nüüd, vaata, Issand on mind lasknud elada nõnda, nagu ta ütles; on aga juba nelikümmend viis aastat sellest, kui Issand kõneles selle sõna Moosesele, siis kui Iisrael rändas kõrbes. Ja nüüd, vaata, ma olen praegu kaheksakümmend viis aastat vana.

11 Aga ometi olen ma tänagi veel nii tugev nagu sel päeval, kui Mooses mind läkitas: nagu mu ramm oli siis, on mu ramm ka nüüd sõjaks, minekuks ja tulekuks.

12 Anna siis nüüd mulle see mäestik, millest Issand sel päeval rääkis, sest sa kuulsid sel päeval ise, et seal on anaklased ja suured kindlustatud linnad. Vahest on Issand minuga ja ma ajan nad ära, nõnda nagu Issand on öelnud.'

13 Siis Joosua õnnistas teda ja andis Hebroni pärisosaks Kaalebile, Jefunne pojale.

14 Hebron on tänapäevani pärisosaks kenislasele Kaalebile, Jefunne pojale, sellepärast et ta täiesti oli käinud Issanda, Iisraeli Jumala järel.

15 Aga Hebroni nimi oli muiste Kirjat-Arba; Arba oli olnud suurim mees anaklaste hulgas. Ja maa puhkas sõjast.




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 14

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 14: The territories west of the Jordan, and Caleb’s inheritance.

This chapter tells how the land of Canaan would be distributed among the remaining nine-and-a-half tribes, which would be determined by drawing lots. The tribe of Levi, the priests of Israel, would not receive their own territory, but would be given cities to live in across the land. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph, were each recognized as a tribe of Israel to make the number of tribes receiving land equal twelve. Caleb and his people received Mount Hebron as a special inheritance, because he had fully and whole-heartedly followed the Lord God of Israel many years ago.

Casting lots was used in those days to decide many things, because people believed that the outcome showed the will of God. Lots were often sticks or stones, each marked with a symbol, which would be cast much like rolling dice. Then the result would be examined to make a decision. The spiritual meaning of casting lots is that we should allow the Lord to show us what is required, and believe that His providence extends over everything in our lives (see Swedenborg’s work, Arcana Caelestia 10773). “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord” (Proverbs 16:33).

The tribe of Levi, the third of the twelve sons of Jacob, had been set apart from the other tribes during their time in the wilderness; when the war cry “Who is on the Lord’s side?” was given before a battle, it was only the tribe of Levi who had responded. They were appointed as the priests of Israel for this dedication to God. Here, now, we are told that they are to live throughout the land (Arcana Caelestia 6998).

On a spiritual level, the Levites stand for the Lord’s presence throughout the whole of our life. Another way of putting this is that our spirit (and our life) is there throughout the whole of our body. And a third way of seeing this is that every part of our life should be guided by our love for the Lord. Other references to the Levites mention that all the people of Israel are to provide food and gifts for the Levites, reinforcing this same idea.

Caleb gets special treatment; he is given Mount Hebron as a new home for his people. Caleb and Joshua had been sent with 10 other men to spy out the land of Canaan 40 years earlier. They had given it a good report, and had - unsuccessfully - urged the Children of Israel to follow the Lord's leading and conquer the land at that time. Now, Caleb reminds Joshua about the Lord’s words to Moses regarding them, and Moses’ promise to give Caleb an inheritance. At the age of eighty-five, Caleb was still as strong as when spied out the land. He tells Joshua: “Now therefore, give me this mountain and the Lord will be with me to drive out the enemy” (Joshua 14:12). And it is given to him with a blessing from Joshua.

Mount Hebron is in the territory of Judah, west of the Dead Sea and south of what is now Jerusalem. Its name means ‘bound by a common bond’ or ‘accord’. Its spiritual meaning is that it brings diversity into unity, many into one, and for us, harmony in our spiritual life (Arcana Caelestia 3241[2]).

Caleb’s name means ‘bold, fearless, ferocious to enemies’. For us, Caleb is a picture of sureness and determination that to follow the Lord will always lead to success. Caleb never led Israel, but he acts as a right-hand-man to Joshua. Even though Joshua was the one to lead the children of Israel, there is still the need in each of us for Caleb’s enthusiasm, conviction and assurance to move forward with full confidence. His strength never left him, because he felt and lived the strength which the Lord gave him (see Swedenborg’s work, True Christian Religion 137[5]).



Proverbs 16:33



33 The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.