

Joshua 16



1 For Josefs Sønner faldt Loddet således: Mod Øst går Grænsen fra Jordan ved Jeriko, ved Jerikos Vande, op gennem Ørkenen, som fra Jeriko strækker sig op i Bjergland,et til Betel;

2 fra Betel fortsætter den videre til Arkiternes Landemærke, til Atarot,

3 og strækker sig nedad mod Vest til Ja Detiternes Landemærke, til Nedre Bet Horons Landemærke og til Gezer og ender ved Havet.

4 Og Josefs Sønner, Manasse og Efraim, fik Arvelodder.

5 Efraimiternes Landemærke efter deres Slægter var følgende: Grænsen for deres Arvelod er mod Øst Atarot Addar og går til Øvre Bet Horon;

6 derpå går Grænsen ud til Havet. Mod Nord er Grænsen Mikmetat; Grænsen går så mod Øst til Ta'anat Sjilo, løber videre østen om Janoa,

7 strækker sig så fra Janoa ned til Atarot og Na'ara, støder op til Jeriko og ender ved Jordan.

8 Fra Tappua går Grænsen mod Vest til Kanabækken og ender ved Havet. Det er Efraimiternes Stammes Arvelod efter deres Slægter.

9 Dertil kommer de Byer, som udskiltes til Efraimiterne inden for Manassiternes Arvelod, alle Byerne med Landsbyer.

10 Men de fordrev ikke Kana'anæerne, som boede i Gezer, og således er Kana'anæerne blevet boende midt i Efraim indtil den Dag i Dag, idet de siden blev Hoveriarbejdere.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Jordan (the river)

Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant, by Benjamin West

The river Jordan separates the land of Canaan from the lands to the east. This separation represents the division of the human mind into an internal part and an external part, and it is the internal mind where the church is formed in a person. The river is also limited by two lakes in the north, Merom and Galilee, and the Dead Sea in the south. Inside these limits are the interior things of the mind, and outside are the exterior things. The countries outside, as they are mentioned in the Bible, can be helpful. They represent basic knowledge, reasoning ability, rationality, curiosity, and other qualities that, as friends, can support our religious beliefs, or as enemies can argue against them or conjure up false gods for us to worship. The land inside represents a regenerating state, or it can represent the ultimate end of that state, which is heaven. From outside, then, the Jordan is the entrance to something better, the goal of the journey, and its waters represent the mental washing of repentance, which is the first thing of the church, which is why John baptized there, and Naaman washed there. From the inside the Jordan is the edge of what is outside the church, and for this reason the Children of Israel were so often troubled by those nations outside: the Midianites, the Ammonites, the Syrians, Egypt, and Babylon, and the other nations we read about in the Books of Judges and Kings, and in the Prophets. The mental abilities of our external minds can work for what is good, but they can also work for what is bad.