

2 Samuel 6



1 David samlede alt udsøgt Mandskab i Israel, 30000 Mand.

2 Derpå brød David op med alle sine Krigere og drog til Ba'al i Juda for der at hente Guds Ark, over hvilken Hærskarers HE Es Navn er nævnet, han, som troner over Keruberne.

3 De satte da Guds Ark på en ny Vogn og førte den bort fra Abinadabs Hus på Højen, og Abinadabs Sønner Uzza og Ajo kørte Vognen,

4 således at Uzza gik ved Siden af og Ajo foran Guds Ark.

5 David og hele Israel legede af alle Kræfter for HE ENs Åsyn til Sang og til Citre, Harper, Pauker, Bjælder og Cymbler.

6 Men da de kom til Nakons Tærskeplads, rakte Uzza Hånden ud og greb fat i Guds Ark, fordi Okserne snublede.

7 Da blussede HE ENS Vrede op mod Uzza, og Gud slog ham der, fordi han rakte Hånden ud mod Arken, og han døde på Stedet ved Siden af Guds Ark.

8 Men David græmmede sig over, at HE EN havde tilføjet Uzza et Brud. Derfor kaldte man Stedet Perez-Uzza, som det hedder den Dag i Dag.

9 Og David grebes den Dag af Frygt for HE EN og sagde: "Hvor kan da HE ENs Ark komme hen hos mig!"

10 Og David vilde ikke flytte HE ENs Ark hen hos sig i Davidsbyen, men lod den sætte ind i Gatiten Obed-Edoms Hus.

11 HE ENs Ark blev så i Gatiten Obed-Edoms Hus tre Måneder, og HE EN velsignede Obed-Edom og hele hans Hus.

12 Da nu Kong David fik Underretning om, at HE EN for Guds Arks Skyld havde velsignet Obed-Edoms Hus og alt, hvad hans var, gik han hen og lod under Festglæde Guds Ark bringe op fra Obed-Edoms Hus til Davidsbyen.

13 Og da de, som bar HE ENs Ark, havde gået seks Skridt, ofrede han en Okse og en Fedekalv.

14 Og David dansede af alle Kræfter for HE ENs Åsyn, iført en linned Efod.

15 Således bragte David og hele Israel HE ENs Ark op under Festjubel og Hornblæsning.

16 Men da HE ENs Ark kom til Davidsbyen, så Sauls Datter Mikal ud af Vinduet; og da hun så Kong David springe og danse for HE ENs Åsyn, ringeagtede hun ham i sit Hjerte.

17 De førte så HE ENs Ark ind og stillede den på Plads midt i det Telt, David havde rejst den, og David ofrede Brændofre og Takofre for HE ENs Åsyn.

18 Og da David var færdig med Brændofrene og Takofrene, velsignede han Folket i Hærskarers HE Es Navn

19 og uddelte til alt Folket, til hver enkelt af hele Israels Mængde, både Mand og Kvinde, et Brød, et Stykke Kød og en osinkage; derpå gik alt Folket hver til sit.

20 Men da David vendte hjem for at velsigne sit Hus, gik Sauls Datter Mikal ham i Møde og sagde: "Hvor ærbart Israels Konge opførte sig i Dag, da han blottede sig for sine Undersåtters Trælkvinders Øjne, som letfærdige Mennesker plejer at gøre!"

21 David svarede Mikal: "For HE ENs Åsyn vil jeg lege, så sandt HE EN lever, som udvalgte mig fremfor din Fader og hele hans Hus, så han satte mig til Fyrste over HE ENs Folk Israel; jeg vil lege for HE ENs Åsyn,

22 selv om jeg derved nedværdiges og synker endnu dybere i dine Øjne; men hos Trælkvinderne, du talte om, skal jeg vinde Ære!"

23 Og Sauls Datter Mikal fik til sin Dødedag intet Barn.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University




Depiction of Noah sending off a dove from the ark by DREUX, Jean;   MASTER of Margaret of York;   HENNECART, Jean

The third ark represents the third or inmost heaven where the angels are closest to the Lord, and the Lord Himself is represented by the two tables of stone which had on them His law, written by His finger. For this reason it was the most holy possession that the children of Israel had and it had power to affect the Jordan river and to discomfit Israel's enemies. It was kept in the closed part of the tabernacle where only Moses and Aaron could go. From the ark in its chamber the holiness rested in a lower degree in the outer room of the tabernacle, which represented the second or middle heaven, and in an even lower degree in the courtyard, inside the curtain fence, which represented the first or outer heaven.The ark for Moses, made of rushes was also sealed inside and out. Moses represents the Lord's Word, and because he was then an infant, our first ideas about the holiness of the Word when we are very young. So it isn't a solid and lasting structure, but a crude one because our young ideas are so unformed as yet. It also represents the first ideas of the Word in the mind of JesusAt the time of Noah the very first church, represented by Adam, had come to its end, and a new one had to be opened by the Lord. The minds of the people that were in that church are represented by the ark, and all the animals represented loves and affections, both good and bad, that those people had. The minds of these people were not the same as those of the people of the former church. The old selfish will inherited from their ancestors is represented by the gopher wood from which the basic ark was built, but which was sealed off inside and out by the bitumin. Their ancestors, the Adamites, didn't have this "sealing off" and so couldn't divide what they knew from what they desired. Noah and his family represent the ruling loves and the wish to follow the Lord. The ark keeps the flood of falsities from drowning those minds, and the door and window represent the hearing and seeing of truth from the doctrines that remained from the Adamic church. And so, held safe, they could use those principles, learned from doctrine, to form a conscience, which if followed would allow the Lord to build a new will for good in the mind. This separation of the will and understanding that can be made in the mind still reflects today the way we are, and still allows us to build a conscience, despite our own selfish will.There are three arks mentioned in the Word, the ark of Noah, the ark of bulrushes for the baby Moses, and the ark of the covenant in the tabernacle. All three of these represent the human mind at some point in its development