

Jozue 8



1 I řekl Hospodin k Jozue: Neboj se, ani se strachuj; pojmi s sebou všecken lid bojovný, a vstana, táhni k Hai. Aj, dal jsem v ruku tvou krále Hai a lid jeho, město i zemi jeho.

2 A učiníš Hai a králi jeho, jako jsi učinil Jerichu a králi jeho, loupež však a dobytky jeho rozbitujete mezi sebe. Zdělejž sobě zálohy k městu po zadu.

3 Tedy vstal Jozue a všecken lid bojovný, aby táhli k Hai. I vybral Jozue třidcet tisíců mužů velmi silných, a předeslal je v noci.

4 A přikázal jim, řka: Šetřtež vy, kteříž uděláte zálohy městu po zadní straně města, abyste nebyli příliš daleko od něho, ale buďte všickni pohotově.

5 Já pak i všecken lid, kterýž se mnou jest, přitáhneme k městu. A když oni nám vyjdou vstříc, jako prvé, utíkati budeme před nimi.

6 Tedy honiti budou nás, až bychom poodvedli jich od města, (nebo řeknou: Utíkají před námi, jako prvé), utíkajíce před nimi.

7 Vy mezi tím vyskočíte z záloh, a vyženete ostatní obyvatele města, nebo dá je Hospodin Bůh váš v ruku vaši.

8 A když vezmete město, zapálíte je ohněm, podlé slova Hospodinova učiníte; šetřtež toho, což jsem přikázal vám.

9 I poslal Jozue, a oni šli k zálohám, a zůstali mezi Bethel a Hai, od západní strany Hai; Jozue pak zůstal té noci u prostřed lidu.

10 Potom vstav Jozue velmi ráno, sečtl lid, i bral se napřed, on a starší Izraelští před lidem k Hai.

11 Všecken také lid bojovný, kterýž byl s ním, táhnouce, přiblížili se, až přišli naproti městu, a položili se po straně půlnoční Hai; údolí pak bylo mezi nimi a mezi Hai.

12 Vzal pak byl okolo pěti tisíc mužů, kteréž postavil v zálohách mezi Bethel a Hai, od západní stany města.

13 I přiblížil se lid, totiž všecko vojsko, kteréž bylo od půlnoční strany města, a kteříž byli v zálohách jeho od západní strany města; a tak vtáhl Jozue noci té do prostřed údolí.

14 I stalo se, že když je uzřel král Hai, pospíšili, a ráno vstavše, vyšli lidé města vstříc Izraelovi k boji, on i všecken lid jeho toho času před rovinu; nevěděl pak, že zálohy udělány byly jemu po zadu města.

15 I postoupil Jozue a všecken Izrael před nimi, a utíkali cestou pouště.

16 I svolán jest všecken lid v městě, aby je honili. I honili Jozue, a vzdálili se od města svého,

17 Tak že nezůstal žádný z obyvatelů Hai a Bethel, kdo by nevyšel, aby honil Izraele; a nechali města otevřeného, a honili Izraele.

18 Řekl pak Hospodin k Jozue: Zdvihni korouhev, kterouž máš v rukou svých, proti Hai, nebo v ruce tvé dám je. I zdvihl Jozue korouhev, kterouž měl v ruce své, proti městu.

19 Tedy, kteříž byli v zálohách, rychle vyskočili z místa svého, a běželi, když pozdvihl ruky své, a všedše do města, vzali je, a spěšně zapálili město ohněm.

20 Muži pak města Hai ohlédše se nazpět, uzřeli, a aj, vstupoval dým města k nebi, a neměli místa k utíkání sem ani tam; nebo lid, kterýž utíkati počal k poušti, obrátil se na ty, kteříž je honili.

21 Jozue zajisté a všecken Izrael, když viděli, že z záloh vzali město, a že se vznáší dým města, obrátili se, a bili muže Hai.

22 Onino také vyšli z města proti nim, a obklíčil Izrael nepřátely své, jedni odsud, druzí od onud; a zmordovali je, tak že žádný živ nezůstal ani neušel.

23 Ale krále Hai jali živého, a přivedli ho k Jozue.

24 Když pak pomordoval Izrael všecky obyvatele Hai v poli, totiž na poušti, kamž je honili, a padli ti všickni od ostrosti meče, až i zahlazeni jsou: navrátil se všecken Izrael do Hai, a zmordovali ostatky jeho mečem.

25 A bylo všech, kteříž padli v ten den, od muže až do ženy, dvanácte tisíců; všickni ti byli z Hai.

26 Ale Jozue nespustil ruky své, kterouž vyzdvihl korouhev, dokudž nebyli zmordováni všickni obyvatelé Hai.

27 Toliko hovada a loupež města toho rozbitovali mezi sebou synové Izraelští podlé slova Hospodinova, kteréž on přikázal Jozue.

28 Tedy vypálil Jozue Hai, a položil je v hromadu věčnou a pustinu, až do tohoto dne.

29 Krále pak Hai oběsil na dřevě, a nechal ho tam až do večera. A když zapadlo slunce, rozkázal Jozue, aby složili tělo jeho s dřeva, a povrhli je u brány města, a nametali na ně hromadu kamení velikou, kteráž trvá až do dnešního dne.

30 Tedy vzdělal Jozue oltář Hospodinu Bohu Izraelskému na hoře Hébal,

31 (Jakož přikázal Mojžíš, služebník Hospodinův, synům Izraelským, jakož psáno jest v knize zákona Mojžíšova,) oltář z kamení celého, nad nímž nebylo zdviženo železo, a obětovali na něm oběti zápalné Hospodinu, obětovali i oběti pokojné.

32 Napsal také tam na kameních výpis zákona Mojžíšova, kterýž psal před syny Izraelskými.

33 Všecken pak Izrael a starší jeho, i správcové i soudcové jeho stáli po obou stranách truhly před kněžími Levítskými, kteříž nosili truhlu smlouvy Hospodinovy, tak cizí jako doma zrozený, polovice jich proti hoře Garizim, a polovice proti hoře Hébal, jakož byl prvé přikázal Mojžíš, služebník Hospodinův, aby dobrořečil lidu Izraelskému nejprvé.

34 A potom četl všecka slova zákona, požehnání i zlořečení, tak jakž psáno jest v knize zákona.

35 Nebylo ani slova ze všeho, což přikázal Mojžíš, jehož by nečetl Jozue přede vším shromážděním Izraelským, i ženami i dětmi i příchozími, kteříž šli u prostřed nich.




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 8

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 8: The fall of Ai and the renewal of the covenant.

The events of this chapter - and their spiritual meaning for us - follow on from the previous chapter. After their first setback at Ai, the Children of Israel take the city of Ai by using a clever ruse. Joshua chose thirty thousand men for the battle. The plan was for five thousand of them to hide near the city, while he led the main army to attack the city. Then, Joshua and his forces would pretend to run away, pursued by the men of Ai. Those who had hidden were then to come out, go into the city, and set it on fire. The men of Ai would see this and run back, get ambushed, and be caught between Joshua’s two armies.

It all happened as planned, and Israel took Ai. (See Arcana Caelestia 1557). As with Jericho, everything in Ai was commanded to be destroyed, except that in this case the livestock and the city’s spoils were to be kept. The whole city was burned and its king was hanged on a tree until sunset and then his body was thrown down at the city entrance with a great heap of stones put over it.

The basic spiritual meaning of any battle in the Bible such as this, is to show how a heavenly principle can and will overcome a hellish or evil attack, especially for us, during some temptation - when we seek to resist and fight back.

Evil is only strong in illusion and fear-mongering; when the light of what is true shines on evil it gets shown for what it is. (Heaven and Hell 49)

The city’s name “Ai” means “a heap”. The word gets used several times in the text of the chapter. A heap implies rubble and rubbish. Cities sometimes look noble and well-planned; in Ai’s case it was the very opposite - a heap, a ruin. (Heaven and Hell 586[2])

While Jericho generally represents our wrong thinking, which first stands in the way of our regeneration and spiritual will, Ai represents our evil emotions and our selfish passions. Both of them must fall before we can make further progress.

Joshua chooses a large number to go against a relatively few in Ai, who nevertheless all rush out to fight Israel. “There was not a man left in Ai or Bethel who did not go out after Israel. Thus they left the city open.” (Joshua 8:17)

Joshua’s tactic of drawing out the men of Ai means our challenge to evil - by confronting it with the truths and commandments we know and obey. Joshua’s pretence of fleeing away draws Ai out in glee, interpreting the flight as a real retreat. Then everything turns, and Joshua’s men go forward representing the power of the truth, the Word and our persuasion of their effectiveness in winning. (Arcana Caelestia 6344[4])

Ai’s men see their city on fire, for other Israelites entered Ai and set it ablaze. This represents the self-condemnation of evil, of hell, when it is exposed to what is true, heavenly and of God. But Joshua’s men, lying in ambush and waiting for the moment, represent our keen observation of how our selfish desires work to cause havoc in us. They are 5,000. Symbolically, in the Bible, five or its multiples always stand for a small amount - but enough to use.

Hanging the king of Ai stands for our need to put down the controlling power of any evil which stirs us. And all Ai is destroyed, because all evil must be turned against and refused.

Then, and only then, Joshua remakes the covenant with the Lord God; he builds an altar, he writes a copy on stones of the Law of Moses in the presence of all Israel, the priests stand in two groups in front of two mountains, then Joshua reads the words of blessing and cursing and all the Law of Moses.

After we resist any evil and its temptation, we must re-hear and re-affirm the truth that this was the Lord’s victory, not ours, and re-dedicate ourselves to the life the Lord gives us. (True Christian Religion 13[2])

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 6344

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6344. 'And the beginning of my strength' means that through that faith comes the initial power which truth possesses. This is clear from the meaning of 'the beginning of strength' as initial power; and since 'strength' is used with reference to truth, the initial power that truth possesses is what is meant. A similar usage occurs in Isaiah,

Jehovah imparts might to the weary, and to him who has no strength He gives greater power. Isaiah 40:29.

Here 'might' is used with reference to good and 'strength' to truth, 'power' with reference to both.

A brief statement will be made about how one should understand the explanation that through faith comes the power which good possesses, and the initial power which truth possesses, meant by 'Reuben my firstborn, you are my might and the beginning of my strength'. In the spiritual world all power comes from good through truth; without good truth has no power at all. For truth is so to speak the body, and good so to speak the soul of that body, and to accomplish anything the soul must act through the body. From this it is evident that truth without good has no power at all, even as the body without the soul has none at all. A body without its soul is a corpse; so too is truth without good.

[2] As soon as good effects the birth of faith that is composed of truth, power reveals itself in truth. This power is what is called the initial power that truth possesses through faith and is what is meant by 'the beginning of strength', as in other places in the Word where the condition of the firstborn is referred to, for example in David,

He smote all the firstborn in Egypt, the beginning of strength in the tents of Ham. Psalms 78:51.

And in another place,

He smote all the firstborn in their land, the beginning of all their strength. Psalms 105:36.

Also in Deuteronomy,

He must acknowledge the firstborn son of her that is hated, to give him two parts of all that will be found for him, in that he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the first born is his. Deuteronomy 21:17.

[3] The genuine meaning of 'the firstborn' is the good of charity, though the apparent meaning is the truth of faith, 3325, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930. And because both that good and this truth are the fundamental qualities of the Church, the ancients spoke of the firstborn as his 'father's might and the beginning of his strength'. The fact that those fundamental qualities were meant by 'the firstborn' is quite evident from the considerations that everything which was a firstborn was Jehovah's or the Lord's and that the tribe of Levi was taken instead of all the firstborn and became the priesthood.

[4] Scarcely anyone in the world can know what the power possessed by truth coming from good is; but it is known to those in the next life, and so can be known through revelation from there. People in possession of truth that comes from good, that is, of faith derived from charity, possess power that comes through truth from good. All angels possess that power, which also is why in the Word angels are called 'powers'. For they have the power to restrain evil spirits; even one angel can restrain a thousand together. Their power they use most especially among men; sometimes they protect a person from numerous hells, in thousands of ways.

[5] This power that angels possess comes to them through the truth of faith derived from the good of charity. But because the faith they have comes from the Lord, the Lord alone is the power that resides with them. This power which comes from the Lord through faith is meant by the Lord's words to Peter,

On this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:18-19.

These words were addressed to Peter because he represented faith, see Preface to Genesis 22, as well as 3750, 4738, 6000, 6073 (end). Also wherever 'rock', 1 as Peter is called here, occurs in the Word, faith is meant in its internal sense, and the Lord in respect of faith in its highest sense.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. Reading petram (rock), which Swedenborg has in his rough draft, for Petrum (Peter).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.