

Obadija 1


1 Viđenje Obadijino. Ovako govori Jahve Gospod Edomu! Čuli smo vijest od Jahve, glasnik bi poslan k narodima: "Ustajte! Na nj u boj krenimo!"

2 "Jer gle, učinit ću te najmanjim među narodima, prezrenim veoma.

3 Uznositost srca tvoga zavela te, tebe što živiš u pećinama kamenim, u visoku stanu svojemu, i u srcu svome zboriš: 'Tko li će me na zemlju skinuti?'

4 Da se vineš k'o orao, gnijezdo sviješ među zvijezdama, i odande skinut ću te" - riječ je Jahvina.

5 "Dođu li k tebi lupeži il' kradljivci noćni, kako li ćeš biti oplijenjen! Neće li te okrasti po miloj volji? Dođu li trgači k tebi, zar će i pabirka ostaviti?

6 Kako li Edom bješe pretresen, skrivena mu skrovišta pretražena!

7 Do granica te potjeraše, svi te saveznici tvoji prevariše, nadvladaše te tvoji prijatelji! Oni što kruh tvoj jedu zamku ti staviše: 'Sasvim je bez uma!'

8 Neću li u dan onaj - riječ je Jahvina - uništit' mudraca u Edomu i razum iz gore Ezavljeve?

9 Ratnike tvoje, Temane, užas će spopasti, i posljednji će biti istrijebljen na gori Ezavljevoj." "Za pokolj

10 i nasilje nad bratom svojim Jakovom sram će te pokriti i nestat ćeš zasvagda.

11 U dan onaj kad stajaše postrance, dok mu tuđinci blago odvodiše, dok stranci ulažahu na vrata njegova i ždrijeb bacahu za Jeruzalem, ti bijaše kao jedan od njih.

12 Ne naslađuj se bratu u dan nesreće njegove! Ne likuj nad sinovima judejskim u dan propasti njine! Ne razvaljuj usta u dan tjeskobni!

13 Ne provaljuj na vrata naroda moga u dan nesreće njegove! Ne naslađuj se njegovom propašću u dan nesreće njegove! Ne pružaj ruke na imanje njegovo u dan nesreće njegove!

14 Ne stoj na raskršćima da pobiješ njegove bjegunce! Ne izdaji preživjelih njegovih u dan tjeskobni!"

15 Jer blizu je Jahvin dan svima narodima! Dat će ti se milo za drago, tvoja će djela na tvoju glavu pasti.

16 "Jest, kako vi piste na svetoj mi gori, pit će svi narodi bez oduška, pit će i iskapiti - i bit će k'o da ih nigda bilo nije.

17 Al' na gori Sionu bit će spasenici - postat će sveta - i dom će Jakovljev baštiniti svoju baštinu.

18 Dom će Jakovljev biti oganj, dom Josipov plamen, dom Ezavljev strnjika. Potpalit će ga i proždrijeti, i od doma Ezavljeva nitko neće ostati" - riječ je Jahvina.

19 Žitelji negepski baštinit će goru Ezavljevu, žitelji Šefele zemlju filistejsku; baštinit će kraj Efrajimov i kraj samarijski, a Benjamin će baštiniti Gilead.

20 A izgnana nekoć vojska sinova Izraelovih baštinit će Kanaan sve do Sarfate; izgnanici jeruzalemski što su u Sefaradu baštinit će gradove negepske.

21 Izbavitelji će uzaći na goru Sion da sude gori Ezavljevoj. I tada će nastat' kraljevstvo Jahvino.



Exploring the Meaning of Obadiah 1

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

In Obadiah 1, the sole chapter in this book, there's a prophecy of destruction for Edom. The people of the land of Edom -- the Edomites -- were descendants of Esau, so they were cousins and neighbors of the Jewish people.

In Swedenborg's sketch of the internal sense of this part of the Word, (The Inner Meaning of the Prophets and Psalms 213), we find this:

- Edom represents people who are in self-intelligence and who pervert the sense of the letter of the word.

- In Obadiah 1:1-3, They must be combated, because they believe themselves to be more intelligent than others.

- In 1:4-5, They defend falsities by natural light, but they will perish, and with them, the falsities themselves.

- In 1:6, They have pride.

- In 1:7, They have no truths.

- In 1:8-9, They will perish on the day of judgment, because they have oppressed the church.

- In 1:10-14, They destroy the church still further, and this is their delight.

- In 1:15-16, Destruction will come upon them on the day of judgment.

- In 1:17, A new church will come into existence.

- In 1:18, in place of the former church, which is condemned.

- In 1:19-21, The new church will be in the understanding of truth, and those that are in it will be saved.

This story was written around 2600 years ago. There were people alive then who were impressed with their own intelligence. They didn't respect the Word's inner meaning, and twisted its literal meaning. In Obadiah 1:10, we see them even taking delight in destroying true ideas.

Today, maybe it's easier than ever to be impressed by our own intelligence, because we can do so much. We're putting vehicles on Mars, and making robots that can do back flips. But how should we regard the Word? We need to look at its deep meaning, to really understand spiritual truths -- so that we have the fundamental spiritual wisdom to hold and harness our intelligence -- and to be part of the Lord's church, where we're open to receiving his good and truth, and living by it.



Obadiah 1:4-5



4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.

5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes?