

Brojevi 9



1 Prvoga mjeseca druge godine nakon izlaska iz zemlje egipatske Jahve reče Mojsiju u Sinajskoj pustinji:

2 "Neka Izraelci slave Pashu u njezino vrijeme.

3 Slavite je u njezino vrijeme, u suton, četrnaestoga dana ovoga mjeseca; slavite je prema svim njezinim propisima i običajima."

4 Tako Mojsije reče Izraelcima da slave Pashu.

5 I oni su je slavili u Sinajskoj pustinji, u suton, prvoga mjeseca, četrnaestoga dana u mjesecu. Kako je god Jahve Mojsiju naredio, tako su Izraelci i učinili.

6 A bijaše ljudi onečišćenih mrtvacem; ti nisu mogli slaviti Pashu onoga dana. Dođu tako pred Mojsija i Arona istoga dana

7 pa reknu: "Mrtvacem smo se onečistili; ipak, zašto bi nam bilo uskraćeno prinositi Jahvi žrtvu u njezino vrijeme usred Izraelovih sinova?"

8 Mojsije im reče: "Strpite se da čujem što će Jahve za vas odrediti."

9 I Jahve reče Mojsiju:

10 "Ovako kaži Izraelcima: 'Kad se tko između vas ili vaših potomaka onečisti mrtvacem ili je na daleku putu, neka ipak slavi Pashu Jahvi.

11 Neka je slave u suton četrnaestog dana drugoga mjeseca. Neka je blaguju s neukvasanim kruhom i gorkim zeljem;

12 neka ništa od nje ne ostavljaju za ujutro; neka ni jedne kosti na njoj ne lome. Neka je slave prema propisima Pashe.

13 Onaj koji je čist a ne bude na putovanju pa ipak propusti proslaviti Pashu, neka se iskorijeni iz svoga naroda. Budući da nije prinio Jahvi žrtve u njezino vrijeme, takav neka snosi svoju krivnju.

14 Ako s vama boravi stranac i Pashu prinosi Jahvi, neka je prinosi prema propisima i običajima njezinim. Neka bude jedan zakon za vas, bio to stranac ili domorodac.'"

15 Na dan kad je podignuto Prebivalište oblak prekri Prebivalište, Šator svjedočanstva. Od večeri do jutra stajao je u obliku ognja nad Prebivalištem.

16 Tako ga je oblak neprestano zaklanjao, a noću bijaše poput ognja.

17 Kad bi se god oblak digao sa Šatora, Izraelci bi poslije toga krenuli. A gdje bi oblak stao, tu bi se i Izraelci utaborili.

18 Na zapovijed Jahvinu Izraelci su kretali na put i na Jahvinu se zapovijed utaborivali. Sve vrijeme što bi oblak stajao nad Prebivalištem oni su taborovali.

19 Ako bi oblak dugo stajao nad Prebivalištem, Izraelci su slušali Jahvin nalog i ne bi polazili na put.

20 Ali ako bi se dogodilo da oblak ostane nad Prebivalištem malo vremena, oni bi se na Jahvinu zapovijed utaborili i na Jahvinu zapovijed opet krenuli na put.

21 Ako bi se oblak digao pošto se zadržao od večeri do jutra, oni bi tada ujutro krenuli na put. Danju ili noću, kad bi se oblak digao, oni bi krenuli na put.

22 Dva dana ili mjesec ili godinu - dok bi oblak ostajao nad Prebivalištem - Izraelci su taborovali, ne krećući na put, a čim bi se digao, oni bi krenuli.

23 Po zapovijedi Jahvinoj stajahu u taboru i po zapovijedi Jahvinoj kretahu na put. Držali su se Jahvina naloga, kako Jahve bijaše zapovjedio Mojsiju.






At the inmost level, the story of Moses -- like all of the Bible -- is about the Lord and his spiritual development during his human life as Jesus. Moses's role represents establishing forms of worship and to make the people obedient. As such, his primary representation is "the Law of God," the rules God gave the people of Israel to follow in order to represent spiritual things. This can be interpreted narrowly as the Ten Commandments, more broadly as the books of Moses, or most broadly as the entire Bible. Fittingly, his spiritual meaning is complex and important, and evolves throughout the course of his life. To understand it, it helps to understand the meaning of the events in which he was involved. At a more basic level, Moses's story deals with the establishment of the third church to serve as a container of knowledge of the Lord. The first such church -- the Most Ancient Church, represented by Adam and centered on love of the Lord -- had fallen prey to human pride and was destroyed. The second -- the Ancient Church, represented by Noah and the generations that followed him -- was centered on love of the neighbor, wisdom from the Lord and knowledge of the correspondences between natural and spiritual things. It fell prey to the pride of intelligence, however -- represented by the Tower of Babel -- and at the time of Moses was in scattered pockets that were sliding into idolatry. On an external level, of course, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt through 40 years in the wilderness to the border of the homeland God had promised them. Along the way, he established and codified their religious system, and oversaw the creation of its most holy objects. Those rules and the forms of worship they created were given as containers for deeper ideas about the Lord, deeper truth, and at some points -- especially when he was first leading his people away from Egypt, a time before the rules had been written down -- Moses takes on the deeper representation of Divine Truth itself, truth from the Lord. At other times -- especially after Mount Sinai -- he has a less exalted meaning, representing the people of Israel themselves due to his position as their leader. Through Moses the Lord established a third church, one more external than its predecessors but one that could preserve knowledge of the Lord and could, through worship that represented spiritual things, make it possible for the Bible to be written and passed to future generations.