

Brojevi 13



1 Jahve reče Mojsiju:

2 "Pošalji ljude, po jednoga čovjeka iz pojedinog pradjedovskog plemena, da izvide kanaansku zemlju, koju dajem Izraelcima. Pošaljite sve njihove glavare!"

3 Na Jahvinu zapovijed Mojsije ih posla iz pustinje Parana. Svi ti ljudi bijahu glavari Izraelaca.

4 A ovo su njihova imena: Šamua, sin Zakurov, od plemena Rubenova;

5 Šafat, sin Horijev, od plemena Šimunova;

6 Kaleb, sin Jefuneov, od plemena Judina;

7 Jigal, sin Josipov, od plemena Jisakarova;

8 Hošea, sin Nunov, od plemena Efrajimova;

9 Palti, sin Rafuov, od plemena Benjaminova;

10 Gadiel, sin Sodijev, od plemena Zebulunova;

11 Gadi, sin Susijev, od plemena Josipova, od plemena Manašeova;

12 Amiel, sin Gemalijev, od plemena Danova;

13 Setur, sin Mikaelov, od plemena Ašerova;

14 Nahbi, sin Vofsijev, od plemena Naftalijeva;

15 Geuel, sin Makijev, od plemena Gadova.

16 To su imena ljudi koje je Mojsije poslao da izvide zemlju. A Hošeu, sina Nunova, Mojsije prozva Jošuom.

17 Posla ih Mojsije da izvide kanaansku zemlju pa im reče: "Idite gore u Negeb, onda se popnite na brdo.

18 Razgledajte zemlju kakva je. Je li narod koji u njoj živi jak ili slab, malobrojan ili mnogobrojan?

19 Kakva je zemlja u kojoj živi: dobra ili rđava? Kakvi su gradovi u kojima borave: otvoreni ili utvrđeni?

20 Kakvo je tlo: plodno ili mršavo? Ima li po njemu drveća ili nema? Odvažni budite i ponesite plodova te zemlje." Bilo je upravo vrijeme ranog grožđa.

21 Odu oni gore da izvide zemlju od pustinje Sina do Rehoba, koji je na ulazu u Hamat.

22 Popnu se u Negeb i dođu do Hebrona, gdje su se nalazili Ahiman, Šešaj i Talmaj, Anakovi potomci. - Hebron je osnovan sedam godina prije nego Soan u Egiptu. -

23 Kada stigoše u Dolinu Eškol, odrezaše ondje lozu s grozdom i ponesoše ga, udvoje, na motki; ponesoše i mogranja i smokava.

24 Ono se mjesto prozva Dolina Eškol zbog grozda koji su ondje Izraelci odrezali.

25 Nakon četrdeset dana vrate se iz zemlje koju su izviđali.

26 Odu k Mojsiju i Aronu i svoj izraelskoj zajednici u Kadeš, u Paranskoj pustinji. Podnesu njima i svoj zajednici izvještaj, a onda im pokažu plodove zemlje.

27 Izvijeste ga oni: "Išli smo u zemlju u koju si nas poslao. Zaista njome teče med i mlijeko. Evo njezinih plodova.

28 Ali je jak narod koji u onoj zemlji živi, gradovi su utvrđeni i vrlo veliki. A vidjesmo ondje i potomke Anakove.

29 Amalečani borave u negepskom kraju: Hetiti, Jebusejci i Amorejci žive u brdu; a Kanaanci se nalaze uz more i duž Jordana."

30 Kaleb ušutka narod oko Mojsija i progovori: "Krenimo ne oklijevajući i zauzmimo je, jer je možemo nadvladati!"

31 Ali ljudi što su s njim išli odvratiše: "Ne možemo ići na onaj narod jer je jači od nas."

32 I počnu ozloglašivati Izraelcima zemlju koju su izviđali: "Zemlja kroz koju smo prošli da je izvidimo Zemlja je što proždire svoje stanovništvo. Sav narod što ga u njoj vidjesmo ljudi su krupna stasa.

33 Vidjesmo ondje i divove - Anakovo potomstvo od divova. Činilo nam se da smo prema njima kao skakavci. Takvi bijasmo i njima."






At the inmost level, the story of Moses -- like all of the Bible -- is about the Lord and his spiritual development during his human life as Jesus. Moses's role represents establishing forms of worship and to make the people obedient. As such, his primary representation is "the Law of God," the rules God gave the people of Israel to follow in order to represent spiritual things. This can be interpreted narrowly as the Ten Commandments, more broadly as the books of Moses, or most broadly as the entire Bible. Fittingly, his spiritual meaning is complex and important, and evolves throughout the course of his life. To understand it, it helps to understand the meaning of the events in which he was involved. At a more basic level, Moses's story deals with the establishment of the third church to serve as a container of knowledge of the Lord. The first such church -- the Most Ancient Church, represented by Adam and centered on love of the Lord -- had fallen prey to human pride and was destroyed. The second -- the Ancient Church, represented by Noah and the generations that followed him -- was centered on love of the neighbor, wisdom from the Lord and knowledge of the correspondences between natural and spiritual things. It fell prey to the pride of intelligence, however -- represented by the Tower of Babel -- and at the time of Moses was in scattered pockets that were sliding into idolatry. On an external level, of course, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt through 40 years in the wilderness to the border of the homeland God had promised them. Along the way, he established and codified their religious system, and oversaw the creation of its most holy objects. Those rules and the forms of worship they created were given as containers for deeper ideas about the Lord, deeper truth, and at some points -- especially when he was first leading his people away from Egypt, a time before the rules had been written down -- Moses takes on the deeper representation of Divine Truth itself, truth from the Lord. At other times -- especially after Mount Sinai -- he has a less exalted meaning, representing the people of Israel themselves due to his position as their leader. Through Moses the Lord established a third church, one more external than its predecessors but one that could preserve knowledge of the Lord and could, through worship that represented spiritual things, make it possible for the Bible to be written and passed to future generations.