

Ponovljeni Zakon 28



1 Ako zbilja poslušaš glas Jahve, Boga svoga, držeći i vršeći sve njegove zapovijedi što ti ih danas naređujem, Jahve, Bog tvoj, uzvisit će te nad sve narode na zemlji.

2 Svi ovi blagoslovi sići će na te i stići će te ako budeš slušao glas Jahve, Boga svoga.

3 Blagoslovljen ćeš biti u gradu, blagoslovljen u polju.

4 Blagoslovljen će biti plod utrobe tvoje, rod zemlje tvoje, plod blaga tvoga: mlad krava tvojih i prirast stada tvoga.

5 Blagoslovljen će biti tvoj koš i naćve tvoje.

6 Blagoslovljen ćeš biti kad ulaziš, blagoslovljen kad izlaziš.

7 Neprijatelje tvoje koji se dignu protiv tebe Jahve će položiti preda te potučene; jednim će putem izaći na te, a na sedam putova razbježat će se ispred tebe.

8 Jahve će narediti da blagoslov bude s tobom u žitnicama tvojim i u svakom pothvatu ruke tvoje i blagoslivljat će te u zemlji koju ti Jahve, Bog tvoj, daje.

9 Jahve će od tebe učiniti narod sebi posvećen, kako ti se zakleo, ako budeš držao zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svoga, i hodio njegovim putovima.

10 Svi narodi zemlje vidjet će da je nada te zazvano ime Jahvino te će strahovati od tebe.

11 Jahve će te obasuti obilnim dobrima: porodom utrobe tvoje, priraštajem blaga tvoga i rodom s tla tvoga u zemlji za koju se Jahve zakleo ocima tvojim da će ti je dati.

12 Jahve će ti otvoriti svoju bogatu riznicu - nebo - da daje kišu tvojoj zemlji u pravo vrijeme i blagoslovi svaki pothvat ruku tvojih. Mnogim ćeš narodima u zajam davati, a sam nećeš uzimati u zajam.

13 Jahve će te držati na pročelju, a ne u začelju; uvijek ćeš biti na vrhu, nikad na dnu, ako budeš slušao zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svoga, što ti ih danas naređujem da ih držiš i vršiš.

14 Ni od jedne riječi što vam je danas nalažem nemoj odstupati ni desno ni lijevo idući za drugim bogovima i iskazujući im štovanje.

15 Ali ako ne budeš slušao glasa Jahve, Boga svoga, ne držeći i ne vršeći svih njegovih zapovijedi i svih njegovih zakona što ti ih danas naređujem, sva će ova prokletstva doći na te i stići će te:

16 Proklet ćeš biti u gradu, proklet u polju.

17 Proklet će biti koš tvoj i naćve tvoje.

18 Proklet će biti plod utrobe tvoje i rod zemlje tvoje, mlad krava tvojih i priraštaj stada tvoga.

19 Proklet ćeš biti kad ulaziš, proklet kad izlaziš.

20 Jahve će na te puštati prokletstvo, zabunu i kletvu u svemu na što pružiš ruku svoju da uradiš, sve dok ne budeš satrt i brzo ne propadneš zbog zloće svojih djela kojima si me napustio.

21 Kugu će Jahve za te privezati dok te ne nestane sa zemlje u koju ideš da je zaposjedneš.

22 Jahve će te udariti sušicom, groznicom, upalom, žegom i sušom, medljikom i snijeti; to će te goniti dok te ne nestane.

23 Nebesa nad tvojom glavom postat će mjedena, a tlo pod tvojim nogama postat će gvozdeno.

24 Kišu tvoje zemlje Jahve će pretvarati u pijesak i prašinu da na te pada s nebesa dok te ne uništi.

25 Jahve će od tebe učiniti pobijeđenoga pred tvojim neprijateljima; jednim ćeš putem prema njima izlaziti, a na sedam putova bježat ćeš ispred njih. Strašilo ćeš postati za sva zemaljska kraljevstva.

26 I mrtvo tijelo tvoje postat će hranom svim pticama nebeskim i svoj zvjeradi zemaljskoj. Nikoga neće biti da ih plaši.

27 Jahve će te udarati egipatskim prištevima, čirevima, krastama i svrabom, od kojih se nećeš moći izliječiti.

28 Jahve će te udarati bjesnilom, sljepoćom i ludilom;

29 u po bijela dana tumarat ćeš kao što tumara slijepac po mraku; nećeš imati uspjeha u svojim pothvatima; sve vrijeme svoje bit ćeš izrabljivan i pljačkan, a neće biti nikoga da te spasi.

30 Sa ženom ćeš se zaručivati, ali će je drugi posjedovati. Kuću ćeš graditi, ali u njoj nećeš stanovati. Vinograd ćeš zasađivati, ali ga nećeš brati.

31 Tvoga će vola na tvoje oči zaklati, ali ti od njega nećeš jesti; tvoga će magarca ispred tebe otimati, ali ti ga neće vraćati; stado će tvoje neprijatelju tvome predavati, a neće biti nikoga da ti pritekne u pomoć.

32 Sinovi tvoji i kćeri tvoje bit će predavani drugome narodu. Oči će tvoje svaki dan kapati gledajući za njima, ali ruka tvoja neće moći ništa.

33 Narod koji i ne poznaješ jest će plod sa zemlje tvoje i svu muku tvoju, dok ćeš ti sve vrijeme svoje biti izrabljivan i gažen.

34 Ludovat ćeš od prizora što će ih oči tvoje gledati.

35 Jahve će te udarati ljutim prištevima po koljenima i po stegnima - od stopala nogu tvojih do tjemena na glavi tvojoj - od kojih se nećeš moći izliječiti.

36 Jahve će odvesti i tebe i tvoga kralja, koga budeš postavio nad sobom, među narod nepoznat i tebi i tvojim ocima te ćeš ondje iskazivati štovanje drugim bogovima, drvenim i kamenim.

37 Bit ćeš na zgražanje, porugu i ruglo svim narodima među koje te Jahve odvede.

38 Mnogo ćeš sjemena bacati u polje, ali ćeš malo žeti jer će ti urod skakavci ogolijevati.

39 Vinograde ćeš saditi i obrađivati, ali vina nećeš piti niti ćeš što brati jer će ih crv izjedati.

40 Imat ćeš masline po svemu svome području, ali se uljem nećeš mazati jer će ti masline opadati.

41 Sinove ćeš i kćeri rađati, ali tvoji neće biti jer će u sužanjstvo odlaziti.

42 Sva tvoja stabla i rod sa zemlje tvoje postat će plijenom kukaca.

43 Došljak koji bude u sredini tvojoj uzdizat će se nada te, a ti ćeš padati sve niže i niže.

44 On će uzaimati tebi, a ne ti njemu; on će biti glava, a ti rep.

45 Sva će te ova prokletstva snalaziti, progoniti i doseći dok te ne unište, jer nisi slušao glasa Jahve, Boga svoga, ni držao zapovijedi njegovih i zakona njegovih koje ti je dao.

46 Ona će služiti za čudesni znak na tebi i tvome potomstvu zauvijek.

47 Budući da nisi htio služiti Jahvi, Bogu svome, vesela i radosna srca zbog obilja svega,

48 služit ćeš neprijatelju svome, koga će Jahve poslati na te, u gladu i žeđi, golotinji i oskudici svakoj. Na tvoju će šiju navaljivati jaram od gvožđa dok te ne satre.

49 Jahve će iz daljine, s kraja zemlje, dovesti na te narod koji će sletjeti kao orao. Bit će to narod kojemu jezika nećeš razumjeti;

50 narod bezdušan, koji neće pokazivati obzira prema starima ni smilovanja prema mladima.

51 On će ti jesti mlado od tvoga blaga i rod tvoje njive dok te ne uništi; neće ti ostavljati ni žita, ni vina, ni ulja, ni mlado od krave, ni priraštaj od stada, sve dok te ne upropasti.

52 Opsjedat će te u svim tvojim gradovima širom zemlje tvoje dok ne obori visoke i utvrđene bedeme u koje si polagao nadu svoju; opsjednut će te u svim gradovima tvojim širom zemlje tvoje koju ti dadne Jahve, Bog tvoj.

53 U tjeskobi i jadu, kojima će te neprijatelj tvoj pritisnuti, jest ćeš plod utrobe svoje - meso sinova svojih i kćeri svojih koje ti dadne Jahve, Bog tvoj.

54 Čovjek najnježniji i najmekši u tebe zlobnim će okom gledati na vlastitog brata, ženu u svome naručju i djecu svoju što mu preostanu,

55 ne hoteći ni s jednim od njih dijeliti mesa sinova svojih koje bude jeo, jer zbog tjeskobe i jada, kojima će te neprijatelj tvoj pritiskati po svim gradovima tvojim, drugo mu neće preostajati.

56 I žena najnježnija i najmekša što bude u tebe - toliko nježna i tankoćutna da se ne usuđuje spustiti stopala na zemlju - zlobnim će okom gledati na muža u svome naručju, i na sina svoga, i na kćer svoju,

57 i na posteljicu svoju što joj iziđe između nogu, i na djecu što ih ima roditi, jer će ih potajno jesti, oskudna u svemu, zbog nevolje i jada kojim će te neprijatelj tvoj pritisnuti po svim gradovima tvojim.

58 Ako ne budeš držao i vršio riječi ovoga Zakona što su napisane u ovoj knjizi, ne poštujući ovo slavno i strašno Ime - Jahvu, Boga svoga -

59 Jahve će tebe i tvoje potomstvo teško ošinuti velikim i dugotrajnim bičevima, pogubnim i dugim bolestima.

60 Pustit će na te sva zla egipatska kojih si se plašio, i ona će se prilijepiti za te.

61 A i svaku drugu bolest i bič, koji nije naveden u knjizi ovoga Zakona, Jahve će na te puštati dok te ne uništi.

62 Ostat će vas samo malo, vas što brojni bijaste kao zvijezde nebeske, a sve zato što nisi slušao glasa Jahve, Boga svoga.

63 Kako se Jahve nad vama radovao usrećujući vas i množeći, tako će se Jahve radovati nad vama rušeći vas i uništavajući da se iskorijenite sa zemlje u koju idete da je zaposjednete.

64 Jahve će vas razbacati po svim narodima, s kraja na kraj zemlje; ondje ćeš iskazivati štovanje drugim bogovima: drvenim i kamenim - koji su bili nepoznati i tebi i tvojim ocima.

65 Ali među tim narodima nećeš imati mira; ni tvome stopalu neće biti počivališta, nego će ti ondje Jahve dati srce uznemireno, oči utonule, dušu tjeskobnu.

66 Život tvoj visjet će o niti; bojat ćeš se i danju i noću i nećeš biti siguran za život svoj.

67 U strahu koji će ti stezati srce i od prizora što će ga oči tvoje gledati, jutrom ćeš govoriti: 'Oh, da je već večer!' a navečer ćeš govoriti: 'Oh, da je već jutro!'

68 U Egipat će te na galijama natrag odvesti Jahve putem za koji sam ti rekao da ga više ne smiješ vidjeti. Ondje ćete se vi sami prodavati svojim neprijateljima za robove i ropkinje, ali neće biti kupca."

69 To su riječi Saveza što ga propisa Jahve Mojsiju da ga sklopi s Izraelcima u zemlji moapskoj, povrh Saveza što ga je s njima sklopio na Horebu.


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Apocalypse Explained # 962

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962. And there came a great 1 and noxious sore, signifies evil works therein and consequent falsifications of the Word. This is evident from the signification of a "sore," as being works that are done from man, thus that are from what is his own [proprium] and that are evil (of which presently); and as "great" 1 is predicated of good, and in the contrary sense of evil, and "noxious" of what is falsified, therefore "a great 1 and noxious sore" signifies evil works, and consequent falsifications of truth. "Sores" signify works from what is one's own [proprium], and thus evils, because from what is man's own nothing but evil can be produced. For what is man's own is that into which he is born, and which he afterwards carries into effect by means of his life. And as what is his own is thus from very birth composed of mere evils, man must be as it were created anew, that is, regenerated, that he may be in good and thus be received into heaven. When he is being regenerated the evils that are from his own are removed, and goods are implanted in their place, and this is effected by means of truths. That evil works and falsifications of truths are with those who acknowledge faith alone in doctrine, and confirm it in life is meant by what follows, namely, that "a great 1 and noxious sore is on the men who have the mark of the beast and who adore his image."

[2] That "sores" signify works that are from one's own can be seen from the Word where sores and wounds, also diseases of various kinds, as leprosies, fevers, ulcers, emerods, and many others, are mentioned. All of these correspond to the cupidities that arise from evil loves, and thus signify them. Moreover, what sores or wounds signify can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; wound, and bruise, and the fresh blow, they have not been pressed out nor bound up nor softened with oil. Your land is a solitude, your cities are burned with fire (Isaiah 1:6, 7).

This describes that there is no good and consequently no truth in the church, but evil and falsity therefrom. "From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness" signifies that both natural and spiritual things which are the interiors of man and of his will have been destroyed. "Wound and bruise and fresh blow" signify the evils of the will, and the falsities of the thought therefrom continually increasing. Evils of the will are also evil works. "Not bound up nor softened with oil" signifies not amended by repentance and tempered by good. "Your land is a solitude, your cities are burned with fire" signifies that the church has been devastated as to all truth, and its doctrinals have been destroyed by a life according to the cupidities that spring from an evil love.

[3] In Hosea:

Ephraim saw his disease, and Judah his wound; and Ephraim went to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb, and he was not able to heal you, neither shall he cure you of your wound (Hosea 5:13).

"Ephraim" signifies the church as to the understanding of truth, here as to the understanding of falsity; and "Judah" signifies the will of good, but here the will of evil; the "Assyrian" and "king Jareb" signify the rational perverted as to good and truth. This makes clear the signification of these words in the series, namely, that man is unable from self-intelligence to amend the falsities that spring from the evils of the will, "wound" meaning the evil of the will, which also is the evil of the life.

[4] In David:

Mine iniquities have passed over my head. My wounds have putrefied, they have wasted away because of my foolishness (Psalms 38:4, 5).

Here, too, "wounds" stand for evils of the will, which are evil works, these are said "to putrefy and to waste away because of foolishness" when it is the delight of the will and of the thought therefrom to do them.

[5] In Isaiah:

In the day that Jehovah shall bind up the breach of His people, and shall heal the wound of their blow (Isaiah 30:26).

"The breach of the people" signifies the falsity of doctrine; and "the wound of their blow" the evil of life; the reformation of doctrine by means of truths is signified by "Jehovah shall bind up the breach of His people;" and reformation of the life by means of truths is signified by "He shall heal the wound of their blow."

[6] In Luke:

The Samaritan bound up the wounds of the man disabled by robbers, and poured into them oil and wine (Luke 10:33, 34).

This signifies that by means of truths from good, those who are in the good of charity will to amend the evils that spring from falsities; "robbers" mean those who have infused falsities from which come evils, in particular the Jews; "wounds" mean those evils; "oil" means the good of love; and "wine" the truth of the Word and of doctrine. (But this may be seen explained above, n. 376, 444)

[7] In Luke:

Lazarus, full of sores, who was cast forth at the vestibule of the rich man (Luke 16:20, 21),

signifies the nations that were in falsities from ignorance of truth, and thus were not in goods. From this he is said to have been "fall of sores;" "the rich man" at whose vestibule he was cast forth means the Jewish nation, which could have been in the truths from the Word that it possessed.

[8] That "a boil breaking forth" was one of the plagues in Egypt is evident in Moses:

Jehovah said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses scatter it towards heaven before the eyes of Pharaoh; and it shall become dust upon all the land of Egypt. And they took ashes of the furnace, and Moses scattered it towards heaven, and it became a boil of pustules breaking forth on man and beast; and the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boil, because the boil was upon the magicians and upon all the Egyptians (Exodus 9:8-11).

"Pharaoh and the Egyptians" signify the natural man obsessed by evils and falsities of every kind, and the natural man's striving after dominion over the spiritual; the spiritual man is here signified by the sons of Israel. The miracles in Egypt, which were so many plagues, also called diseases, signify so many evils and falsities infesting, devastating, and destroying the church which is with spiritual men. "The ashes of the furnace" which Moses scattered towards heaven signify the falsities of lusts that are stirred up; "the dust in the land of Egypt" signifies damnation; "the boil breaking forth in pustules" signifies the filthy things of the will with blasphemies. (But this may be seen explained in detail in the Arcana Coelestia 7516-7532.)

[9] So, too, these words in Moses have a like signification:

Jehovah shall smite thee with the boil of Egypt and with emerods, and with scab and the itch, so that thou canst not be healed, with which thou shalt become mad from the sight of their eyes. Jehovah shall smite thee with an evil boil upon the knees and upon the thighs, of which thou canst not be healed (Deuteronomy 28:27, 34-36).

The plagues here mentioned signify evils and falsities of various kinds arising from the filthy loves of the natural man, for they correspond thereto. For sores and wounds exist from injury to flesh and blood, and evils and falsities from injury to the Divine good and the Divine truth; and flesh corresponds to good, and thus signifies it in the Word, and blood to truth, and thus signifies it.

[10] As "leprosy" signifies the profanation of truth, and the profanation of truth is various, is light or grievous, interior or exterior, and is according to the quality of the truth profaned, so too its effects are various, and these are signified by the appearances in leprosy, which were:

Tumors, suppurating tumors, white pustules, reddenings, abscesses, burnings, tetter, scall (Leviticus 13 to the end). The Jewish nation was afflicted with such things from correspondence because of their profanations of the Word, not only in their flesh, but also in their garments, houses, and vessels.

(Continuation respecting the Second Commandment)

[11] As the Divine truth or the Word is meant by "the name of God," and the profanation of it means a denial of its holiness, and thus contempt, rejection, and blasphemy, it follows that the name of God is interiorly profaned by a life contrary to the commandments of the Decalogue. For there is profanation that is interior and not exterior, and there is profanation that is interior and at the same time exterior, and there can be also a kind of profanation that is exterior and not at the same time interior. Interior profanation is produced by the life, exterior by the speech. Interior profanation, which is produced by the life, becomes exterior also, or of the speech, after death. For then everyone thinks and wills, and so far as it can be permitted, speaks and acts, according to his life; thus not as he did in the world. In the world, for the world's sake and to gain reputation, man is wont to speak and act otherwise than as he thinks and wills from his life. This is why it has been said that there is profanation that is interior and not at the same time exterior. There can also be a kind of profanation that is exterior and not at the same time interior. It can come from the style of the Word, which is not at all the style of the world, and for this reason it may be to some extent despised from ignorance of its interior sanctity.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. In the text at the beginning of the chapter it reads "malum et noxium," "evil and noxious" here in the photolithograph Swedenborg first wrote "malum" but crossed this out and wrote over it "magnum" "great," through the following explanation he wrote "magnum" where the word is quoted. The Greek word means evil. In The Apocalypse Revealed Swedenborg translates it "malum" "evil," wherever quoted.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.