

撒迦利亞書 4



1 那與我說話的天使又來叫醒我,好像睡覺喚醒一樣。

2 他問我:你見了甚麼?我:我見了一個純燈臺,頂上有盞燈臺上有,每盞有管子

3 旁邊有兩棵橄欖樹,棵在燈盞的右邊,棵在燈盞的左邊。

4 我問與我說話天使啊,這是甚麼意思?

5 與我話的天使回答:你不知道這是甚麼意思麼?我啊,我不知道

6 他對我:這是耶和華指示所羅巴伯的。萬軍之耶和華:不是倚靠勢,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的靈方能成事。

7 哪,你算甚麼呢?在所羅巴伯面前,你必成為平地。他必搬出一塊石頭,安在殿頂上。人且聲歡呼說:願恩惠恩惠歸與這殿(殿:或譯)!

8 耶和華的又臨到我說:

9 所羅巴伯的立了這殿的根基,他的也必完成這工,你就知道萬軍之耶和華差遣我到你們這裡來了。

10 誰藐視這日的事為小呢?這眼乃是耶和華的眼睛,遍察全,見所羅巴伯拿線鉈就歡喜。

11 我又問天使:這臺左右的兩棵橄欖樹是甚麼意思?

12 次問他:這兩根橄欖枝在兩個流出色油的嘴旁邊是甚麼意思?

13 他對我:你不知道這是甚麼意思麼?我啊,我不知道

14 :這是兩個受膏者站在普天下的旁邊。






A company might have executives setting policy and strategy, engineers designing products, managers handling personnel and others handling various functions. They all do different things -- but if they're doing them with a shared underlying purpose, the company -- and the individuals in it -- will likely be successful. The Lord wants all human society to function in a similar way. We have different skills and individual loves, but if we all share a mutual love -- a love of serving others -- then society will function as one, will be a reflection of heaven and will be a good receptacle for the Lord's love. This can also happen within each of us, as we unify our talents and ideas around a central love. And in an abstract sense, it illustrates how a wide collection of varying ideas can be unified around a shared good intention. That is the kind of love pictured when “one” is used in the Bible, either as a specific number or in the sense of several people or objects “being one.” In more casual references -- when used to identify a specific person or object -- the meaning is relatively literal, and is connected to that person or object.