

路得记 3



1 路得的婆婆拿俄米對他說:女兒啊,我不當為你找個安身之處,使你享福麼?

2 你與波阿斯的使女常在一處,波阿斯不是我們的親族麼?他今夜在場上簸大麥;

3 你要沐浴抹膏,換上衣服,到場上,卻不要使那認出你來。你等他完了,

4 到他睡的時候,你看準他睡的地方,就進去掀開他腳上的被,躺臥在那裡,他必告訴你所當做的事。

5 路得說:凡你所吩咐的,我必遵行。

6 路得就到場上,照他婆婆所吩咐他的而行。

7 波阿斯完了,裡歡暢,就去睡在麥堆旁邊。路得便悄悄地掀開他腳上的被,躺臥在那裡。

8 到了夜半,那忽然驚醒,翻過身來,不料有女子躺在他的腳下。

9 他就說:你是誰?回答說:我是你的婢女路得。求你用你的衣襟遮蓋我,因為你是我一個至近的親屬。

10 波阿斯說:女兒啊,願你蒙耶和華賜福。你末的恩比先前更大;因為少年人無論貧富,你都沒有跟從。

11 女兒啊,現在不要懼,凡你所說的,我必照著行;我本城的人都知道你是個賢德的女子。

12 我實在是你一個至近的親屬,只是還有一個人比我更近。

13 你今夜在這裡住宿,明他若肯為你盡親屬的本分,就由他罷!倘若不肯,我指著永生的耶和華起誓,我必為你盡了本分,你只管躺到天亮。

14 路得便在他腳下躺到天快亮,彼此不能辨認的時候就起來了。波阿斯說:不可使知道有女子到場上

15 又對路得說:打開你所披的外衣。他打開了,波阿斯就撮了簸箕大麥,幫他扛在肩上,他便進城去了。

16 路得回到婆婆那裡,婆婆說:女兒啊,怎麼樣了?路得就將那向他所行的述說了一遍,

17 又說:那人了我簸箕大麥,對我說:你不可空手回去見你的婆婆。

18 婆婆說:女兒啊,你只管安等候,看這事怎樣成就,因為那今日不辦成這事必不休息。





"Boy Drinking" by Annibale Carracci

Food in the Bible represents the desire for good, and water and other drinks represent the understanding and true ideas we need to recognize what good is and how to bring it into being – or simple "truth," as Swedenborg puts it. When people (or animals) in the Bible drink, then, it represents learning true things and internalizing them so they can be used. In the contrary sense it can mean taking in false ideas instead, and allowing them to pollute the mind. When a person drinks clean water, it represents getting simple, external ideas from the Bible. Drinking good wine represents learning the deeper spiritual ideas that lie within the stories of the Bible. This is why Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that the water He gave would be a "well springing up to everlasting life" (John 4:14). The details of the instruction can also vary depending on who or what is drinking. When Rebekah gives water to the camels of Abraham's servant (Genesis 24) this means instruction about known facts from the Bible to the external part of the mind. When Jacob waters Laban's flock of sheep (Genesis 29), this means instruction from doctrine about loving what is good.