

民數記 5



1 耶和華曉諭摩西

2 你吩咐以色列人,使一切長大痲瘋的,患漏症的,並因死屍不潔淨的,都出外去。

3 無論男都要使他們出到外,免得污穢他們的;這是我所住的。

4 以色列人就這樣行,使他們出到外。耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西以色列人就怎樣行了。

5 耶和華摩西

6 你曉諭以色列人:無論女,若犯了所常犯的,以至干犯耶和華,那就有了

7 他要承認所犯的,將所虧負人的,如數賠還,另外加上五分之一,也歸與所虧負的人。

8 若沒有親屬可受所賠還的,那所賠還的就要歸與服事耶和華的祭司;至於那為他贖罪的公是在外。

9 以色列人一切的物中,所奉給祭司的舉祭都要歸與祭司

10 所分別為的物,無論是甚麼,都要歸祭司。

11 耶和華摩西

12 你曉諭以色列人的妻若有邪行,得罪他丈夫

13 與他行淫,事情嚴密,瞞過他丈夫,而且他被玷污,沒有作見證的,當他行淫的時候也沒有被捉住,

14 他丈夫生了疑恨的心,疑恨他,他是被玷污,或是他丈夫生了疑恨的心,疑恨他,他並沒有被玷污,

15 就要將妻送到祭司那裡,又為他著大麥麵伊法十分之一作供物,不可澆上,也不可加上乳香;因為這是疑恨的素祭,是思念的素祭,使思念罪孽。

16 祭司要使那婦人近前來,站在耶和華面前。

17 祭司要把聖盛在瓦器裡,又從帳幕的地上取點塵土,放在中。

18 祭司要叫那婦人蓬散髮,站在耶和華面前,把思念的素祭,就是疑恨的素祭,放在他中。祭司裡拿著致咒詛的苦

19 要叫婦起誓,對他:若沒有與你行淫,也未曾背著丈夫污穢的事,你就免受這致咒詛苦的災。

20 你若背著丈夫行了污穢的事,在你丈夫以外有與你行淫,

21 (祭司叫婦人發咒起誓),願耶和華叫你大腿消瘦,肚腹發脹,使你在你民中被人咒詛,成了誓語;

22 並且這致咒詛的入你的腸中,要叫你的肚腹發脹,大腿消瘦。婦人要回答:阿們,阿們。

23 祭司要這咒詛的話,將所的字抹在苦裡,

24 又叫婦人喝這致咒詛的苦;這進入他裡面變苦了。

25 祭司要從婦人的中取那疑恨的素祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖,拿到前;

26 又要從素祭中取出一把,作為這事的紀念,燒在上,然叫婦人喝這

27 叫他喝了以後,他若被玷污,得罪了丈夫,這致咒詛的進入他裡面變苦了,他的肚腹就要發脹,大腿就要消瘦,那婦人便要在他民中被人咒詛。

28 若婦人沒有被玷污,卻是清潔的,就要免受這災,且要懷孕。

29 妻子背著丈夫行了污穢的事,

30 或是生了疑恨的心,疑恨他的妻,就有這疑恨的條例。那時他要叫婦站在耶和華面前,祭司要在他身上照這條例而行。

31 男人就為無罪,婦必擔當自己的罪孽。






The Hebrew of the Old Testament has six different common words which are generally translated as "wife," which largely overlap but have different nuances. Swedenborg uses two different Latin words, which largely overlap but have different nuances. Meanwhile, "wife" is often paired with "man" or "husband," which are also catch-all translations for a basket of Hebrew and Latin terms. So it's hard to pin down one universal meaning for "wife"; context and subject matter have a large effect.

In general, though, marriage in the Bible represents the union we all seek between our hearts and our minds. If we know what is right and pursue it faithfully, the Lord will ultimately help us love doing what is good, and the two aspects of ourselves will be unified. On a higher level, marriage represents the union we can have with the Lord, both individually and collectively as a church. As an intrinsic part of the marriage, the wife plays a key role in that meaning. But that meaning is different depending on what is being described.

If the marriage is describing a person who is spiritual in nature – "spiritual" being the second degree of heavenly life, in which people are led by intellect and knowledge with the desire for good following – the wife represents the desire for good, the affections that drive the person. If the marriage is describing someone who is celestial in nature – "celestial" being the highest degree of heavenly life, in which people are led from love, with the intellect and ideas following – the wife represents the true ideas held by the person or church. If the marriage is describing the union between the Lord and the church, the wife represents the church.

In a way, these are symbolic meanings that actually have little to do with gender. When "wife" describes a church, obviously that church can include both male and female people. When "wife" describes an aspect of a person, that person can obviously be either male or female.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 915, 1468, 1904 [1-2], 3246 [3-4], 3398, 4823 [2])