

民數記 30



1 摩西曉諭以色列各支派的首領耶和華所吩咐的乃是這樣:

2 若向耶和華許願或起誓,要約束自己,就不可食言,必要按中所出的一切行。

3 女子年幼、還在父家的時候,若向耶和華許願,要約束自己,

4 父親見他所許的願並約束自己的話,卻向他默默不言,他所許的願並約束自己的話就都要為定.。

5 但他父親見的日子若不應承他所許的願和約束自己的話,就都不得為定;耶和華也必赦免他,因為他父親不應承。

6 他若出了嫁,有願在身,或是口中出了約束自己的冒失話,

7 丈夫見的日子,卻向他默默不言,他所許的願並約束自己的話就都要為定。

8 但他丈夫見的日子,若不應承,就算廢了他所許的願和他出口約束自己的冒失話;耶和華也必赦免他。

9 寡婦或是被休的婦人所許的願,就是他約束自己的話,都要為定。

10 他若在丈夫家裡許了願或起了誓,約束自己,

11 丈夫見,卻向他默默不言,也沒有不應承,他所許的願並約束自己的話就都要為定。

12 丈夫見的日子,若把這兩樣全廢了,婦人口中所許的願或是約束自己的話就都不得為定,因他丈夫已經把這兩樣廢了;耶和華也必赦免他。

13 凡他所許的願和刻苦約束自己所起的誓,他丈夫可以堅定,也可以廢去。

14 倘若他丈夫向他默默不言,就算是堅定他所許的願和約束自己的話;因丈夫見的日子向他默默不言,就使這兩樣堅定。

15 但他丈夫見以,若使這兩樣全廢了,就要擔當婦人的罪孽。

16 這是丈夫妻子父親待女兒,女兒年幼、還在父家,耶和華所吩咐摩西的律例。





Rudolf von Arthaber with his Children, by Friedrich von Amerling

Father in the Word means what is most interior, and in those things that are following the Lord's order, it means what is good. In the highest sense Father means the Lord Himself, the creator. In the generation of natural children it is the father who provides the soul or the most interior receptacle of life, and an internal heredity, and the mother who provides all of the substance that the soul uses to form its body, plus an external heredity. In this process the soul comes from the Lord through the father, and not from the father, since all life is from the Lord. The wise person calls the Lord his father and the church his mother because his interior loves come from the Lord, but are given form and actuality through the truths taught by the church. Those things thus brought forth are a person's spiritual "children". In the New Testament, when speaking of Jesus and the Father, what is meant is the outward manifestation with the divine itself as the soul inside. Because Jesus was born from a natural mother, He had a natural body and a natural Jewish heredity. Throughout his life as He was tempted by the hells, He slowly put off all he had from His mother and replaced it with what He had from Himself inside, the Father. In doing this he made himself one with the Father that was His inmost so He could truly say, "I and my Father are one".