

民數記 25



1 以色列人在什亭,百姓與摩押女子行起淫亂。

2 因為這女子百姓來,一同給他們的獻祭,百姓就他們的祭物,跪拜他們的

3 以色列人與巴力毘珥連合,耶和華的怒氣就向以色列人發作。

4 耶和華吩咐摩西:將百姓中所有的族長在我面前對著日懸掛,使我向以色列人所發的怒氣可以消了。

5 於是摩西吩咐以色列的審判官:凡屬你們的,有與巴力毘珥連合的,你們各要把他們殺了。

6 摩西以色列會眾正在會幕前哭泣的時候,誰知,有以色列中的一個,當他們眼前,著一個米甸女到他弟兄那裡去。

7 祭司亞倫的孫子,以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈見了,就從會中起來裡拿著槍,

8 跟隨那以色列人進亭子裡去,便將以色列人和那女人由腹中刺透。這樣,在以色列人中瘟疫就止息了。

9 那時遭瘟疫的,有二萬人。

10 耶和華曉諭摩西

11 祭司亞倫的孫子,以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈,使我向以色列人所發的怒消了;因他在他們中間,以我的忌邪為心,使我不在忌邪中把他們除滅。

12 因此,你要:我將我平安的約賜他。

13 這約要給他和他的裔,作為永遠祭司職任的約;因他為有忌邪的心,為以色列人贖罪。

14 那與米甸女一同被殺的以色列,名叫心利,是撒路的兒子,是西緬一個宗族的首領。

15 那被殺的米甸女人,名叫哥斯比,是蘇珥的女兒;這蘇珥是米甸.一個宗族的首領。

16 耶和華曉諭摩西

17 你要擾害米甸人,擊殺他們;

18 因為他們用詭計擾害你們,在毘珥的事上和他們的姊妹、米甸首領的女兒哥斯比的事上,用這詭計誘惑了你們;這哥斯比,當瘟疫流行的日子,因毘珥的事被殺了。




Explanation of Numbers 25

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verses 1-5. The man of the Spiritual Church, before being made perfect, claims merit to himself for his good deeds, and consequently worship is profaned by falsity; and revelation takes place that such worship and its falsifications must be destroyed.

Verses 6-9. For by such worship the church is not only in secret, but openly corrupted, except that those who are in good, and in a state of temptation, zealously destroy it in themselves, and thus completely.

Verses 10-13. Concerning the happy state, even to eternity, of those who are in celestial-natural good and thus overcome.

Verses 14-15. The quality of the wicked who thus profane good and truth is described, and involves separation from the church, a state of confirmation in evil and falsity externally, and of the violation of the heavenly marriage internally.

Verses 16-18. Wherefore the man of the church is instructed that he must persistently oppose the deceitful insinuations of all falsity from evil.