

彌迦書 2



1 禍哉,那些在上圖謀罪孽、造作奸惡的!天一發亮,因有能力就行出來了。

2 他們貪圖田地就佔據,貪圖房屋便奪取;他們欺壓,霸佔房屋和產業。

3 所以耶和華如此:我籌劃災禍降與這族;這禍在你們的頸項上不能解脫;你們也不能昂首而行,因為這時勢是惡的。

4 到那日,必有人向你們提起悲慘的哀歌,譏刺我們全然敗落了!耶和華將我們的分轉歸別人,何竟使這分離開我們?他將我們的田地分給悖逆的人。

5 所以在耶和華的會中,你必沒有人拈鬮拉準

6 他們(或譯:假先知):你們不可預言;不可向這些人預言,不住地羞辱我們

7 雅各家啊,豈可耶和華的心不忍耐麼(或譯:心腸狹窄麼)?這些事是他所行的麼?我─耶和華的言語豈不是與行動正直的人有益麼?

8 然而,近來我的民興起如仇敵,從那些安然經過不願打仗之人身上剝去外衣。

9 你們將我民中的婦人從安樂家中趕出,又將我的榮耀從她們的小孩子盡行奪去。

10 你們起來去罷!這不是你們安息之所;因為污穢使人(或譯:地)毀滅,而且大大毀滅。

11 若有心存虛假,用謊言說:我要向你們預言得清酒和濃酒。那就必作這民的先知。

12 雅各家啊,我必要聚集你們,必要招聚以色列剩下的人,安置在一處,如波斯拉的,又如草場上的羊群;因為人數眾多就必大大喧嘩。

13 的(或譯:破城的)在他們前面上去;他們直闖過城,從城出去。他們的王在前面行;耶和華引導他們。




Exploring the Meaning of Micah 2

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

Premeditated evil is worse than evil done on the spur of the moment, because the will to do evil is more involved. In Micah 2:1, 2, the hand represents power 1 , and when the evildoer treats his power as his god, the penalty is great. The planning that goes into coveting is a similar thing.

In Micah 2:3-5, the family means the church - the state of spiritual life - as it was in both kingdoms, Israel and Judah. The words here tell that both these parts of the church will be devastated, first one and then the other. Thus, in the end, there will be none left in the land of Canaan, and there will be no choosing of inheritance, as was done with Joshua back when the land was first divided amongst the 12 tribes. (See Joshua 13 through 16). To cast a cord is to use a measuring cord to plot out a piece of land.

Micah 2:6, 7. To drop down means to drop knowledge down to one who does not know, that is, to teach. Those who are in evil are not humble enough to be taught. Only those who “walk uprightly” profit from teaching about the Lord and His Word.

Micah 2:8,9. People who are not humble enough to learn truths become enemies to good people. They will try to argue away the truths from someone who uses them to fight temptations. In these verses, the stolen garment means truths 2 . The war means temptations. The gentle love of feeling close to the Lord, and the love of innocence 3 , will be attacked by evil people who will try to destroy them by scoffing and denial.

Micah 2:10, 11. The unteachable people of that dying church will perish. They will only accept teachings from a prophet who promises wine and strong drink. In a good sense, wine in the Word represents truth, as when it's used in the holy supper. But, like all natural things, the meaning can sometimes be used in the opposite way, as here, where it means the falsities of evil. 4

Micah 2:12, 13. There will still be a few people who remain good, and true. These will be gathered by the Lord as a flock to its fold. From their speaking they can be judged, and then led on to the new church established by Jehovah.

The takeaways for us, reading this text 2600 years later, could be boiled down to these truths:

- Don't premeditate evil.

- We need to be humble enough to learn truths about the Lord.

- If we walk uprightly, we have a chance to receive truth, and practice it, and benefit from what we learn.

- If we remain good and true, the Lord can lead us.

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Micah 2:7



7 O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the spirit of the LORD straitened? are these his doings? do not my words do good to him that walketh uprightly?