

以西結書 9



1 他向我耳中聲喊:要使那監管這城的中各拿滅命的兵器前來。

2 忽然有從朝的上,各拿殺的兵器;內中有身穿細麻衣,腰間帶著墨盒子。他們進,站在銅祭壇旁。

3 以色列的榮耀本在基路伯上,現今從那裡升到殿的門檻。將那身穿細麻衣、腰間帶著墨盒子的召來。

4 耶和華對他:你去走遍耶路撒冷全城,那些因城中所行可憎之事歎息哀哭的人,畫記號在額上。

5 我耳中見他對其餘的人:要跟隨他走遍全城,以行擊殺。你們的眼不要顧惜,也不要可憐他們。

6 要將年老的、年少的,並處女、嬰孩,和婦女,從聖所起全都殺盡,只是凡有記號的不要挨他。於是他們從殿前的長老殺起。

7 他對他們:要污穢這殿,使院中充滿被殺的人。你們出去罷!他們就出去,在城中擊殺。

8 他們擊殺的時候,我被留下,我就俯伏在地,:哎!耶和華啊,你將忿怒傾在耶路撒冷,豈要將以色列所剩下的人都滅絕麼?

9 他對我以色列家和猶大家的罪孽極其重。遍有流血的事,滿城有冤屈,因為他們耶和華已經離棄這,他不見我們。

10 故此,我眼必不顧惜,也不可憐他們,要照他們所行的報應在他們上。

11 那穿細麻衣、腰間帶著墨盒子的將這事回覆:我已經照你所吩咐的行了。




Man (male)

by Claude Lefebvre

The relationship between men and women is deep and nuanced, and one entire book of the Writings -- Conjugial Love -- is devoted to the subject. So we can hardly offer a full explanation here. In a very general sense, though, the Writings say that men are creatures of intellect, driven by the love of growing wise; women, meanwhile are creations of affection, driven by the love of wisdom and the good that wisdom can do. They are formed this way to reflect the Lord's Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, and so that they can form marriages that reflect the unity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. Marking differences between men and women can be a touchy thing, but realistically it's easy to see that men tend to love acquiring knowledge whether it has any practical application or not. Many of them can spout out sports statistics or hold court on the workings of the internal combustion engine, even though it is knowledge they are not likely to ever use. They find such knowledge interesting for its own sake. It follows, then, that when the Bible speaks of men, the men represent facts, ideas, knowledge, truth, intellect and wisdom -- or in the negative sense falsity, twisted logic, and reasoning that is devoid of concern for others.