

出埃及記 38



1 他用皂莢做燔祭壇,是四方的,長五肘,寬五肘,肘,

2 在壇的拐角上做個角,與壇接連一塊,用銅把壇包裹。

3 他做上的、鏟子、盤子、肉鍤子、火鼎;這一切器具都是用銅做的。

4 又為做一個銅,安在四面的圍腰板以,從達到的半腰。

5 為銅網的角鑄子,作為穿杠的用處。

6 用皂莢做杠,用銅包裹,

7 把杠穿在兩旁的子內,用以抬,並用板做是空的。

8 他用銅做洗濯盆和盆座,是用會幕前伺候的婦人之鏡子作的。

9 他做帳幕的院子。院子的面用撚的細麻做帷子,寬一肘。

10 帷子的二十根,帶卯的銅座二十個;子上的鉤子和杆子都是用子做的。

11 面也有帷子,寬一肘。帷子的二十根,帶卯的銅座二十個;子上的鉤子和杆子都是用子做的。

12 院子的西面有帷子,寬五十肘。帷子的根,帶卯的座個;子的鉤子和杆子都是用子做的。

13 院子的東面,寬五十肘。

14 門這邊的帷子十五肘,那邊也是一樣。帷子的根,帶卯的座個。在門的左右各有帷子十五肘,帷子的根,帶卯的座個。

15 a

16 院子四面的帷子都是用撚的細麻做的。

17 子帶卯的座是銅的,子上的鉤子和杆子是的,頂是用子包的。院子一切的子都是用杆連絡的。

18 院子的簾是以繡花的手工,用藍色紫色、朱紅色線,和撚的細麻織的,寬二十肘,五肘,與院子的帷子相配。

19 帷子的根,帶卯的銅座個;子上的鉤子和杆子是的;頂是用子包的。

20 帳幕一切的橛子和院子四圍的橛子都是銅的。

21 這是法櫃的帳幕中利未人所用物件的總數,是照摩西的吩咐,經祭司亞倫的兒子以他瑪的數點的。

22 耶和華所吩咐摩西的都是猶大支派戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列做的。

23 與他同工的有但支派中亞希撒抹的兒子亞何利亞伯;他是雕刻匠,又是巧匠,又能用藍色紫色、朱紅色線,和細麻繡花

24 所一切工作使用所獻的子,按所的平,有二十他連得並三十舍客勒

25 會中被數的人所出的子,按所的平,有一他連得並一十五舍客勒

26 凡過去歸那些被數之人的,從二十歲以外,有十萬零五十人。按所的平,每人出銀半舍客勒,就是一比加。

27 用那一他連得子鑄造所帶卯的座和幔子柱子帶卯的座;一他連得共一帶卯的座,每帶卯的座用一他連得。

28 用那一十五舍客勒銀子做子上的鉤子,包裹頂並子上的杆子。

29 所獻的銅有七十他連得並二舍客勒

30 用這銅做會幕帶卯的座和銅,並上的銅網和的一切器具,

31 並院子四圍帶卯的座和院帶卯的座,與帳幕一切的橛子和院子四圍所有的橛子。






The first altar mentioned in the Word was the one built by Noah after he came out of the ark, after being saved from the great flood. On that altar, he sacrificed clean animals to the Lord.

Mountains represent the Lord because of their height; we need to raise our thoughts above worldly things when "talking" with the Lord. An altar is a small artificial mountain. When it's used in worship, it can call to mind this raising of thought. The fire and smoke that rise from an altar are symbolically being sent to the Lord.

Most altars were made from unhewn stones. Stones represent truths. Unhewn stones - ones that have not been shaped by men - represent truths from the Word, truths that have not been adulterated.

The clean beasts to be sacrificed represent good things, charitable acts done because they are right. The clean birds represent thoughts about doctrine and actions, and about what is right. Presenting these things is an acknowledgment that we have them from the Lord, and a giving thanks to Him for them.

In the Israelitish Tabernacle, the altar of burnt offering represented the acknowledgment of good and the altar of incense that of truth. For this reason this larger altar, which was outside by the door, was made of brass which signifies natural good, while the altar of incense was made of gold, which signifies love to the Lord from whom comes truth.