

阿摩司書 2



1 耶和華如此摩押次地犯罪,我必不免去他的刑罰;因為他將以東王的骸焚燒成灰。

2 我卻要降摩押,燒滅加略的宮殿摩押必在鬨嚷吶喊吹角之中亡。

3 我必剪除摩押中的審判者,將其中的一切首領和他一同殺戮。這是耶和華的。

4 耶和華如此猶大次地犯罪,我必不免去他們的刑罰;因為他們厭棄耶和華的訓誨,不遵守他的律例。他們列祖所隨從虛假的偶像使他們走迷了。

5 我卻要降猶大,燒滅耶路撒冷宮殿

6 耶和華如此以色列人次地犯罪,我必不免去他們的刑罰;因他們為人,為一雙鞋了窮人。

7 他們見窮上所蒙的灰也都垂涎,阻礙謙卑道路。父子同一個女子行淫,褻瀆我的名。

8 他們在各旁鋪人所當的衣服,臥在其上,又在他們的廟中受罰之人的酒。

9 我從以色列人面前除滅亞摩利人。他雖大如香柏樹,堅固如橡樹,我卻上滅他的果子,絕他的本。

10 我也將你們從埃及領上來,在曠野引導你們四十年,使你們得亞摩利人之為業。

11 我從你們子弟中興起先知,又從你們少年人中興起拿細耳人。以色列人哪,不是這樣麼?這是耶和華的。

12 你們卻給拿細耳人酒喝,囑咐先知:不要預言

13 看哪,在你們所住之地,我必壓你們,如同裝滿禾捆的車壓物一樣。

14 快跑的不能逃脫;有力的不能用力;剛勇的也不能自救。

15 的不能站立;腿快的不能逃脫;騎的也不能自救。

16 到那日,勇士中最有膽量的,必赤身逃跑。這是耶和華的。





This stained-glass window in St. Peter’s, Clapham, London, is one of eight depicting the Beatitudes.

The word "righteous" has taken on a bit of negative shading in modern language. That may be because we hear it most often as part of the word "self-righteous," a rather scathing term for someone who thinks he is quite a good person -- almost certainly better than anyone around him -- and is in a position to judge others without being judged himself. The original word, however, is not negative at all: A righteous person is simply someone who does what is right. The spiritual meaning of "righteous" reflects that: people described as "righteous" act from a love of serving others, and that love is "righteousness." This is commonly described as "the good of charity," "charity" meaning a state of caring for others.