

撒母耳記下 8



1 大衛攻打非利士人,把他們治服,從他們下奪取了京城的權柄(原文是母城的嚼環);

2 又攻打摩押人,使他們躺臥在上,用繩量一量:量繩的殺了,量一繩的存留。摩押人就歸服大衛,給他進貢。

3 瑣巴王利合的兒子哈大底謝往大去,要奪回他的國權。大衛就攻打他,

4 擒拿了他的馬兵一,步兵二萬,將拉戰車的馬砍斷蹄筋,但留下一輛車.的馬。

5 大馬色的亞蘭幫助瑣巴王哈大底謝,大衛就殺了亞蘭

6 於是大衛在大馬色的亞蘭地設立防營,亞蘭人就歸服他,給他進貢。大衛無論往哪裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。

7 他奪了哈大底謝臣僕所拿的盾牌,耶路撒冷

8 大衛王又從屬哈大底謝的比他和比羅他城中奪取了許多的銅。

9 哈馬王陀以大衛殺敗哈大底謝的全軍,

10 就打發他兒子約蘭去見大衛王,問他的安,為他祝福,因為他殺敗了哈大底謝(原來陀以與哈大底謝常常爭戰)。約蘭帶了銅的器皿來,

11 大衛王將這些器皿和他治服各國所得來的都分別為,獻給耶和華

12 就是從亞蘭、摩押、亞捫、非利士、亞瑪力人所得來的,以及從瑣巴王利合的兒子哈大底謝所掠之物。

13 大衛谷擊殺了亞蘭(或譯:以東,見詩篇六十篇詩題)一萬八回來,就得了大名;

14 又在以東全地設立防營,以東人就都歸服大衛大衛無論往哪裡去,耶和華都使他得勝。

15 大衛以色列眾人的王,又向眾民秉公行

16 洗魯雅的兒子約押作元帥;亞希律的兒子約沙法作史官;

17 亞希突的兒子撒督和亞比亞他的兒子亞希米勒作祭司長;西萊雅作書記;

18 耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅統轄基利提人和比利提人。大衛的眾子都作領袖。





David the King

David is one of the most significant figures in the Bible. He was a musician, one of history’s greatest poets, the boy warrior who killed the giant Goliath, a devout servant of God, a great leader of men and ultimately Israel’s greatest king. His stories cover the second half of the First Book of Samuel and all of the Second Book of Samuel, and his legacy was such that Jesus himself was born in the “City of David” to fulfill prophecies. For all that, David the man was not perfect. Most notoriously, he ordered his soldiers to make sure one of their comrades was killed in battle because he had seen the man’s wife bathing and wanted her as his own. He was also willing to actually ally with the Philistines for a time, while his predecessor Saul was still king. But in spiritual terms, David’s meaning matches his reputation: He represents the Lord, and especially the Lord as we are able to know Him and understand Him. The Writings call this “divine truth,” and it can be our ultimate guide if we want to serve the Lord and make His desires our own. This representation makes sense if we look at following the Lord as a whole picture. There are essentially two elements. First, we need to accept the Lord, believe in Him, open our hearts to Him, worship Him. These are matters of affection, and related to the Lord’s divine goodness. And they are generally represented by priests, who lead worship and perform rituals. Second, we need to act in accord with the Lord’s wishes: We need to serve others, care for those in need, defend the defenseless and work to make life and society better for everyone. These actions require thought, judgment, design, and are thus related to Lord’s divine truth, or divine guidance. They are generally represented by kings, who are men of action and are responsible for the activity of their nations. As the greatest of the kings, David represents this truth in its greatest form.