

撒母耳記上 4



1 以色列人出去與非利士人打仗,安營在以便以謝;非利士人安營在亞弗。

2 非利士人以色列人擺陣。兩軍交戰的時候,以色列人敗在非利士人面前;非利士人在戰場上殺了他們的軍兵約有

3 百姓回到裡,以色列的長老耶和華今日為何使我們敗在非利士人面前呢?我們不如將耶和華的約櫃從示羅抬到我們這裡,好在我們中間我們脫離敵人的手。

4 於是百姓打發人到示羅,從那裡將基路伯上萬軍之耶和華的約櫃抬來。以利的兩個兒子何弗尼、非尼哈與的約櫃同來。

5 耶和華的約櫃到了中,以色列眾人就聲歡呼,便震動。

6 非利士人見歡呼的聲音,就:在希伯來人聲歡呼,是甚麼緣故呢?隨後就知道耶和華的約櫃到了中。

7 非利士人就懼:有到了他們中;又我們有禍了!向不曾有這樣的事。

8 我們有禍了!誰能救我們脫離這些大能之呢?從前在曠野用各樣災殃擊打埃及人的,就是這些

9 非利士人哪,你們要剛強,要作大丈夫,免得作希伯來人的奴僕,如同他們作你們的奴僕一樣。你們要作大丈夫,與他們爭戰。

10 非利士人以色列人打仗,以色列人敗了,各向各家奔逃,被殺的甚多,以色列的步兵仆倒了三萬。

11 的約櫃被擄去,以利的兩個兒子何弗尼、非尼哈也被殺了。

12 當日,有一個便雅憫從陣上逃跑,衣服撕裂蒙灰塵,到示羅。

13 到了的時候,以利正在道旁在自己的位上觀望,為的約櫃裡擔憂。那進城報信,合城的就都呼喊起

14 以利見呼喊的聲音就問:這喧嚷是甚麼緣故呢?那急忙報信給以利。

15 那時以利九十歲了,眼目發直,不能見。

16 對以利:我是從陣上的,今日我從陣上逃回。以利:我兒,事情怎樣?

17 報信的回答以色列人非利士人面前逃跑,民中被殺的甚多!你的兩個兒子何弗尼、非尼哈也死了,並且的約櫃被擄去。

18 他一提的約櫃,以利就從他的位上往後跌倒,在旁折斷頸項而;因為他年紀老邁,身體沉重。以利作以色列的士師四十年。

19 以利的兒婦、非尼哈的妻懷孕將到產期,他的約櫃被擄去,公公和丈夫死了,就猛然疼痛,曲身生產;

20 將要死的時候,旁邊站著的婦人們對他:不要!你生了男孩子了。他卻不回答,也不放在上。

21 他給孩子起名以迦博,說:榮耀離開以色列了!這是因的約櫃被擄去,又因他公公和丈夫都死了。

22 他又:榮耀離開以色列,因為的約櫃被擄去了。





Älteres Paar im Kücheninterieur, by Friedrich Friedländer (1825–1901)

In general, men are driven by intellect and women by affections, and because of this men in the Bible generally represent knowledge and truth and women generally represent love and the desire for good. This generally carries over into marriage, where the man's growing knowledge and understanding and the woman's desire to be good and useful are a powerful combination. In many cases in the Bible, then, "husband" refers to things of truth and understanding, much as "man" does. Magnificent things can happen in a true marriage, though, when both partners are looking to the Lord. If a husband opens his heart to his wife, it's as though she can implant her loves inside him, transforming his intellectual urges into a love of growing wise. She in turn can grow in her love of that blooming wisdom, and use it for joy in their married life and in their caring for children and others in their life. Many couples, even in heaven, stay in that state -- called "Spiritual" -- growing deeper and deeper to eternity. There is the potential, though, for the couple to be transformed: through the nurturing love of his wife the husband can pass from a love of growing wise to an actual love of wisdom itself, and the wife can be transformed from the love of her husband's wisdom into the wisdom of that love -- the actual expression of the love of the Lord they have built together. In that state -- called "Celestial" -- the husband represents love and the desire for good, and the wife represents truth and knowledge.