

撒母耳記上 3



1 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和華。當那些日子,耶和華的言語稀少,不常有默示。

2 一日,以利睡臥在自己的地方;他眼目昏花,不分明。

3 耶和華殿內約櫃那裡,還沒有熄滅,撒母耳已經睡了。

4 耶和華呼喚撒母耳。撒母耳:我在這裡!

5 就跑到以利那裡,:你呼喚我?我在這裡。以利回答:我沒有呼喚你,你去睡罷。他就去睡了。

6 耶和華呼喚撒母耳。撒母耳起來,到以利那裡,:你呼喚我?我在這裡。以利回答:我的兒,我沒有呼喚你,你去睡罷。

7 那時撒母耳還未認識耶和華,也未得耶和華的默示。

8 耶和華三次呼喚撒母耳。撒母耳起來,到以利那裡,:你又呼喚我?我在這裡。以利才明白是耶和華呼喚童子。

9 因此以利對撒母耳:你仍去睡罷;若再呼喚你,你就耶和華啊,請僕人!撒母耳就去,仍睡在原處。

10 耶和華站著,像前三次呼喚:撒母耳啊!撒母耳啊!撒母耳回答:請僕人

11 耶和華對撒母耳:我在以色列中必行一件事,叫見的人必耳鳴。

12 我指著以利家所的話,到了時候,我必始終應驗在以利身上。

13 我曾告訴他必永遠降罰與他的家,因他知道兒子作孽,自招咒詛,卻不禁止他們。

14 所以我向以利家起誓說:以利家的罪孽,雖獻祭奉禮物,永不能得贖去。

15 撒母耳睡到天亮,就開了耶和華的殿,不敢將默示告訴以利。

16 以利呼喚撒母耳:我兒撒母耳啊!撒母耳回答:我在這裡!

17 以利耶和華對你甚麼,你不要向我隱瞞;你若將對你所的隱瞞一句,願他重重地降罰與你。

18 撒母耳就把一切都告訴了以利,並沒有隱瞞。以利:這是出於耶和華,願他憑自己的意旨而行。

19 撒母耳長大了,耶和華與他同在,使他所說的一句都不落空。

20 從但到別是巴所有的以色列人知道耶和華立撒母耳為先知

21 耶和華又在示羅顯現;因為耶和華將自己的默示撒母耳,撒母耳就把這傳遍以色列地。






“Servant” literally means “a person who serves another," and its meaning is similar in reference to its spiritual meanings of the Bible. Our lives in their most outward form -- the physical actions we take and the thoughts and feelings directly connected to them -- are in a way “servants” to our deeper, more hidden, internal thoughts and desires. So in most cases, “servants” in the Bible represent things we're doing and thinking on that outward, external level. Servants can have good masters or evil ones, obviously, and a servant doing good work in service of an evil master is actually making the world a more evil place. So the precise meaning of a given servant in the Bible depends on the nature of the master he or she is serving. Finally, when the Bible is addressing the Lord's own spiritual development, “servant” represents the Lord's most outward aspect: the human body he inherited from Mary, with all its frailties and potential for temptation.