

撒迦利亚书 4



1 那与我说话的天使又来叫醒我,好像睡觉唤醒一样。

2 他问我:你见了甚麽?我:我见了一个纯灯台,顶上有盏灯台上有,每盏有管子

3 旁边有两棵橄榄树,棵在灯盏的右边,棵在灯盏的左边。

4 我问与我说话天使啊,这是甚麽意思?

5 与我话的天使回答:你不知道这是甚麽意思麽?我啊,我不知道

6 他对我:这是耶和华指示所罗巴伯的。万军之耶和华:不是倚靠势,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的灵方能成事。

7 哪,你算甚麽呢?在所罗巴伯面前,你必成为平地。他必搬出一块石头,安在殿顶上。人且声欢呼说:愿恩惠恩惠归与这殿(殿:或译)!

8 耶和华的又临到我说:

9 所罗巴伯的立了这殿的根基,他的也必完成这工,你就知道万军之耶和华差遣我到你们这里来了。

10 谁藐视这日的事为小呢?这眼乃是耶和华的眼睛,遍察全,见所罗巴伯拿线铊就欢喜。

11 我又问天使:这台左右的两棵橄榄树是甚麽意思?

12 次问他:这两根橄榄枝在两个流出色油的嘴旁边是甚麽意思?

13 他对我:你不知道这是甚麽意思麽?我啊,我不知道

14 :这是两个受膏者站在普天下的旁边。






Like "say," the word "speak" refers to thoughts and feelings moving from our more internal spiritual levels to our more external ones -- and ultimately from the Lord, who is in a sense the most internal spiritual level of all. This is generally called "influx" and "perception" in the Writings, meaning they are thoughts and feelings that flow in in a complete way from the Lord, rather than being things we have to think about and figure out. On a number of occasions "speak" and "say" are used together; in these cases "speak" refers more to intellectual instruction in matters of thought and "say" refers more to feelings and affections that flow in directly.