

民数记 11



1 众百姓发怨言,他们的恶语达到耶和华的耳中。耶和华见了就怒气发作,使在他们中间焚烧,直烧到的边界。

2 百姓向摩西哀求,摩西祈求耶和华就熄了。

3 地方便做他备拉,因为耶和华的烧在他们中间。

4 他们中间的闲杂人大起贪欲的心;以色列人又哭号:谁给我们呢?

5 我们记得,在埃及的时候不花钱就鱼,也记得有黄瓜、西瓜、韭菜、葱、蒜。

6 现在我们的心血枯竭了,除这吗哪以外,在我们眼前并没有别的东西。

7 这吗哪彷佛芫荽子,又好像珍珠。

8 百姓周围行走,把吗哪收起来,或用磨推,或用臼捣,在锅中,又做成饼,滋味好像新

9 夜间水降在中,吗哪也随着降

10 摩西见百姓,各在各家的帐棚口哭号。耶和华的怒气便大发作,摩西就不喜悦。

11 摩西耶和华:你为何苦待仆人?我为何不在你眼前蒙恩,竟把这管理百姓的重任加在我身上呢?

12 这百姓岂是我怀的胎,岂是我生下来的呢?你竟对我:把他们抱在怀里,如养育之父抱吃奶的孩子,直抱到你起誓应许给他们祖宗的地去。

13 我从那里得这百姓呢?他们都向我哭号说:你我们罢!

14 管理这百姓的责任太重了,我独自担当不起。

15 你这样待我,我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你立时将我杀了,不叫我见自己的苦情。

16 耶和华摩西:你从以色列的长老中招聚七十个,就是你所知道作百姓的长老长的,到我这里来,领他们到会幕前,使他们和你一同站立。

17 我要在那里降临,与你说话,也要把降於你身上的灵分赐他们,他们就和你同当这管百姓的重任,免得你独自担当。

18 又要对百姓:你们应当自洁,预备明天,因为你们哭号:谁我们我们埃及很好。这声音达到了耶和华的耳中,所以他必你们

19 你们不止一天、两、五二十

20 要吃一个整,甚至肉从你们鼻孔里喷出来,使你们厌恶了,因为你们厌弃住在你们中间的耶和华,在他面前哭号说:我们为何出了埃及呢?

21 摩西对耶和华:这与我同住的姓、步行的男人有十万,你还:我要把他们,使他们可以一个整

22 难道给他们宰了羊群牛群,或是把中所有的鱼都聚了来,就够他们吃麽?

23 耶和华摩西耶和华的膀臂岂是缩短了麽?现在要我的向你应验不应验。

24 摩西出去,将耶和华的告诉百姓,又招聚百姓的长老中七十个来,使他们站在会幕的四围。

25 耶和华中降临,对摩西说话,把降与他身上的灵分赐那七十个长老。灵停在他们身上的时候,他们就受感说话,以後却没有再

26 但有两个人仍在里,个名叫伊利达,个名叫米达。他们本是在那些被录的人中,却没有到会幕那里去。灵停在他们身上,他们就在里说预言。

27 有个少年人跑来告诉摩西:伊利达、米达在预言。

28 摩西的帮手,嫩的儿子约书亚,就是摩西所拣选的一个人,:请我摩西禁止他们。

29 摩西对他:你为我的缘故嫉妒人麽?惟愿耶和华的百姓都受感话!愿耶和华把他的灵降在他们身上!

30 於是,摩西以色列的长老都回到里去了。

31 耶和华那里刮起,把鹌鹑面刮来,飞散在边和的四围;这边约有一天的路程,那边约有一天的路程,离地面约有二肘。

32 百姓起来,终日终夜,并次日一整,捕取鹌鹑;至少的也取了贺梅珥,为自己摆列在的四围。

33 在他们牙齿之间尚未嚼烂,耶和华的怒气就向他们发作,用最重的灾殃击杀了他们。

34 地方便做基博罗哈他瓦(就是贪欲之人的坟墓),因为他们在那里葬埋那起贪欲之心的人。

35 百姓从基博罗哈他瓦走到哈洗录,就住在哈洗录。






In 1 Samuel 1:9, the tabernacle signifies the truth of faith with man. (Arcana Coelestia 2048)

A temple signifies the Lord's spiritual church; in a universal sense, the spiritual kingdom; in the highest sense, the Lord as to His Divine Truth. (Arcana Coelestia 3720)

In 1 Samuel 3:3, when the lamp had not been put out, and Samuel was sleeping in the tabernacle, this signifies that the extinction of truth in worship had not yet been fully accomplished. (Apocalypse Explained 403[18])

In Psalm 65:4, being satisfied with the goodness of the holy place of the temple signifies to be intelligent from divine truth, and to realize heavenly joy therefrom. (Apocalypse Explained 630[11])

In Revelation 21:22, that there is no temple in the New Jerusalem signifies that in that new church, the external worship will not be separate from internal. (Apocalypse Explained 918)

'The Tabernacle,' as in Revelation 13, signifies the church regarding doctrine and worship. 'The tabernacle' has almost the same meaning as 'temple,' that is, in the highest sense, the Lord's divine humanity, and in a relative sense, heaven and the church. But 'tabernacle' as heaven and the church signifies the celestial church, which is in the good of love from the Lord to the Lord, and 'temple,' the spiritual church, which is in the truths of wisdom from the Lord. 'The tabernacle' signifies the celestial kingdom, because the most ancient church, which was celestial, in a state of love to the Lord, performed divine worship in tabernacles. The ancient church, which was a spiritual church, performed divine worship in temples. Tabernacles were made of wood, and temples, stone. 'Wood' signifies good, and 'stone,' truth. Since the most ancient church, a celestial church, because of their love to the Lord, and resulting conjunction with Him, celebrated divine worship in tabernacles, so the Lord commanded Moses to build a tabernacle, which represented everything of heaven and the church. It was so holy, that it was not lawful for anyone to go into it, except Moses, Aaron, and his sons. If any of the people entered, they would die, as in Numbers 17:12-13, 18:1, 22, 23, and 19:14-19. The ark was in its center, which contained the two tables of the Decalogue, and was topped with the mercy seat and the cherubim. Outside of the veil, there were the table for the shew-bread, the altar of incense, and the candlestick with seven lamps. All of these things represented heaven and the church. The Tabernacle is described Exodus 26:7-16 and 36:8-37, and its design was shown to Moses on Mount Sinai, as in Exodus 25:9 and 26:30. Anything seen from heaven is representative of heaven, and so of the church. The feast of tabernacles was instituted in memory of the most holy worship of the Lord in tabernacles by the most ancient people, and of their conjunction with Him by love, as mentioned in Leviticus 23:39-44, Deuteronomy 16:13-14 and Zechariah 14:16-19.

(Odkazy: Apocalypse Revealed 585; Numbers 18:22-23, 19:14-19; Zechariah 14)