

约书亚记 10



1 耶路撒冷王亚多尼洗德见约书亚夺了艾城,尽行毁灭,怎样待耶利哥耶利哥的王,也照样待艾城和艾城的王,又基遍居民以色列人立了和约,在他们中间,

2 就甚惧;因为基遍城,如都城般,比艾城更,并且城内的人都是勇士。

3 所以耶路撒冷王亚多尼洗德打发人去见希伯仑王何咸、耶末王毗兰、拉吉王雅非亚和伊矶伦王底璧,说:

4 求你们上来帮助我,我们好攻打基遍,因为他们与约书亚和以色列人立了和约。

5 於是五个亚摩利,就是耶路撒冷、希伯仑、耶末、拉吉、伊矶伦,大家聚集,率领他们的众军上去,对着基遍,攻打基遍

6 基遍人就打发人往吉甲中去见约书亚,:你不要袖不顾你的仆人,求你速速上来拯我们,帮助我们,因为地亚摩利人的诸都聚集攻击我们

7 於是约书亚和他一切兵丁,并大能的勇士,都从吉甲上去。

8 耶和华对约书亚:不要他们;因为我已将他们交在你里,他们无一能在你面前站立得住。

9 约书亚就终夜从吉甲上去,猛然临到他们那里。

10 耶和华使他们在以色列人面前溃乱。约书亚在基遍的杀败他们,追赶他们,在伯和仑的上坡击杀他们,直到亚西加和玛基

11 他们在以色列人面前逃跑,正在伯和仑下坡的时候,耶和华上降冰雹在他们身上,(冰雹原文作石头)直降到亚西加,打他们。被冰雹的,比以色列人用刀杀的还多。

12 耶和华将亚摩利人交付以色列人的日子,约书亚就祷告耶和华,在以色列人眼前:日头阿,你要停在基遍月亮阿,你要止在亚雅仑

13 於是日头停留,月亮止住,直等国民向敌人报仇。这事岂不是在雅煞珥上麽?日头在当中停住,不急速下落,约有一日之久。

14 在这日以前,这日以耶和华的祷告,没有像这日的,是因耶和华以色列争战。

15 约书亚和以色列众人回到吉甲中。

16 那五逃跑,藏在玛基大洞里。

17 有人告诉约书亚说:那五已经到了,都藏在玛基大洞里。

18 约书亚:你们把几块石头辊到洞,派人看守,

19 你们却不可耽延,要追赶你们的仇敌,击杀他们尽边的人,不容他们进自己的城邑,因为耶和华─你们的已经把他们交在你们里。

20 约书亚和以色列人杀败他们,直到将他们灭尽;其中剩下的人都进了坚固的城。

21 众百姓就安然回玛基大中,到约书亚那里。没有一敢向以色列人

22 约书亚打开,将那五从洞里带出来,领到我面前。

23 众人就这样行,将那五,就是耶路撒冷、希伯仑、耶末、拉吉、伊矶伦,从洞里带出来,领到约书亚面前。

24 带出那五到约书亚面前的时候,约书亚就召了以色列来,对那些和他同去的军长:你们近前来,把踏在这些的颈项上。他们就近前来,把踏在这些的颈项上。

25 约书亚对他们:你们不要惧,也不要惊惶。应当刚强壮胆,因为耶和华必这样待你们所要攻打的一切仇敌。

26 约书亚将这五王杀死,在五棵上。他们就在上直晚上

27 日头要落的时候,约书亚一吩咐,人就把尸首从上取,丢在他们藏过的洞里,把几块石头放在洞,直存到今日。

28 当日,约书亚夺了玛基大,用刀击杀城中的人和王;将其中一切人尽行杀灭,没有留下一个。他待玛基大王,像从前待耶利哥王一样。

29 约书亚和以色列众人从玛基大往立拿去,攻打立拿。

30 耶和华将立拿和立拿的王也交在以色列人里。约书亚攻打这城,用刀击杀了城中的一切人,没有留下一个。他待立拿王,像从前待耶利哥王一样。

31 约书亚和以色列众人从立拿往拉吉去,对着拉吉安营,攻打这城。

32 耶和华将拉吉交在以色列人里。第二约书亚就夺了拉吉,用刀击杀了城中的一切人,是照他向立拿一切所行的。

33 那时基色王荷兰上来帮助拉吉,约书亚就把他和他的民都击杀了,没有留下一个。

34 约书亚和以色列众人从拉吉往伊矶伦去,对着伊矶伦安营,攻打这城。

35 当日就夺了城,用刀击杀了城中的人。那日,约书亚将城中的一切人尽行杀灭,是照他向拉吉一切所行的。

36 约书亚和以色列众人从伊矶伦上希伯仑去,攻打这城,

37 就夺了希伯仑和属希伯仑的诸城邑,用刀将城中的人与王,并那些城邑中的人,都击杀了,没有留下一个,是照他向伊矶伦所行的,把城中的一切人尽行杀灭。

38 约书亚和以色列众人回到底璧,攻打这城,

39 就夺了底璧和属底璧的城邑,又擒获底璧的,用刀将这些城中的人尽行杀灭,没有留下一个。他待底璧和底璧,像从前待希伯仑和立拿与立拿一样。

40 这样,约书亚击杀全的人,就是、高原、坡的人,和那些的诸,没有留下一个。将凡有气息的尽行杀灭,正如耶和华以色列的所吩咐的。

41 约书亚从加低斯巴尼亚攻击到迦萨,又攻击歌珊,直到基遍

42 约书亚时杀败了这些,并夺了他们的,因为耶和华以色列的以色列争战。

43 於是约书亚和以色列众人回到吉甲中。




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 10

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 10: The five kings and how the sun stood still.

After hearing that Gibeon - a sizeable city - had made a peace treaty with Israel, the king of Jerusalem called on four other Canaanite kings to join him in attacking Gibeon. The Gibeonites asked Joshua to remember his promise to keep them safe, and Israel did so, coming to their defense. A great battle ensued at Gilgal. With the Lord’s help, the Israelites defeated the five Canaanite kings. As the Canaanites were fleeing, the Lord sent large hailstones raining down on them, killing more soldiers than had died in the battle. Then, Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still until the enemy was defeated, and it stopped moving across the sky for one whole day.

The defeated kings fled, and hid in a cave at Makkeda. Joshua commanded his men to roll stones over the cave entrance, and to attack the rest of their fleeing enemies. After returning to the cave, Joshua’s men brought the kings out of hiding and stood on their necks, to demonstrate that the Lord would vanquish all of Israel’s enemies. Joshua hanged them, put them back in the cave, and once again sealed the entrance with stones. The rest of the chapter chronicles Israel’s defeat of many other Canaanite cities and kings.

This story shows us that life is amazingly connected and full of consequences. Spiritual life has its share of unforeseen consequences too. When we affirm our wish to follow the Lord, evil spirits will try to fill our minds with distressing thoughts to pull us away from Him. Sometimes this can lead us to rise up and resist our decision to follow the Lord (See Swedenborg’s work, Arcana Caelestia 1683).

The part of the chapter about the sun standing still represents our need to remain focused on the Lord during our struggles with temptation and regeneration. The Lord is our sun, and normally our awareness of the Lord rises and sets. This brings times when we feel the Lord’s presence strongly, and also times when we feel it is up to us to act as we wish. This is our normal rhythm, and it is right for us to have this cycle.

When we are involved in a spiritual crisis, we need to ensure that our mind’s focus stays with the Lord until we have made it through. This is like our sense of the Lord’s presence standing still ‘for a day’ in our mind’s sky, so that we will not lose our direction. This enabled Joshua and Israel to be victorious, just as it will with us (See Swedenborg’s work, Divine Love and Wisdom 105).

When the Lord sent hailstones - frozen water - on the Canaanites, it represents the way in which false ideas from evil intentions backfire on the attacker of good, because evil is notoriously self-destructive. One lie leads to more another, until the wrongdoer is exposed and judged (See Swedenborg’s Heaven and Hell 457).

The cave of Makkedah, where the five kings hid, also holds spiritual significance because of its name, which means ‘the excellent place of shepherds.’ Shepherding represents the Lord’s care for us and our care for each other. Evil may hide behind a semblance of good but it can’t last. Joshua and his men later brought the kings out of the cave and hanged them, signifying that all true life comes from the Lord and His goodness, and He will bring an end to every evil and false way (Divine Love and Wisdom 363).

Israel’s subsequent conquest of other Canaanite cities depicts the follow-through that takes place after an important point in our regeneration: a decision, a refusal, an admission, a prayer to God. This results in a period of witnessing the Lord’s blessings, which naturally follow once we have affirmed our intention to be with the Lord in our life. The chapter ends, “All these kings Joshua took at one time because the Lord God fought for Israel.”

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Heaven and Hell # 457

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457. When we first enter the world of spirits (which happens shortly after the reawakening just described), our spirit has a similar face and tone of voice as it did in the world. This is because at that point we are in the state of our external concerns, with our deeper concerns not yet uncovered. This is our initial state after decease. Later, though, our face changes and becomes quite different. It comes to look like the ruling affection in which the deeper reaches of our minds were engaged in the world, the kind of affection characteristic of the spirit within our body, because the face of our spirit is very different from the face of our body. We get our physical face from our parents and our spiritual face from our affection, which it images. Our spirit takes on this face after our physical life is over, when the outer coverings have been removed. This is our third state.

I have seen some newcomers from the world and have recognized them by their faces and voices; but when I saw them later, I did not recognize them. People who were engaged in good affections had lovely faces, while people who were engaged in evil affections had ugly ones. Seen in its own right, our spirit is nothing but our affections, whose outward form is our face.

The reason our faces change is that in the other life no one is allowed to pretend to affections they do not really have, so we cannot put on a face that is contrary to the love we are engaged in. We are all refined down to a state in which we say what we think and manifest in expression and act what we intend. This is why our faces all become forms and images of our affections; and this is why all the people who have known each other in the world still recognize each other in the world of spirits, but not in heaven or hell, as already noted (427). 1

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. [Swedenborg's footnote] Our faces are formed to be responsive to our inner natures: 4791-4805, 5695. On the correspondence of our faces and their expressions with the affections of our minds: 1568, 2988-2989, 3631, 4796-4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306. For heaven's angels, the face forms a single whole with the deeper levels of the mind: 4796-4799, 5695, 8250. So in the Word, "the face" means the deeper levels of the mind, or of affection and thought: 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796, 5102, 9306, 9546. How the inflow from the brains into the face changed in the course of time, and with it the face itself in regard to its responsiveness to our deeper natures: 4326, 8250.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.