

耶利米书 7:18



18 孩子捡柴,父亲,妇女抟面做饼,献给后,又向别浇奠祭,惹我发怒。

Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 9993

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9993. “和调油的无酵糕饼” 表中间属天之物的洁净. 这从 “糕饼” 和 “油” 的含义清楚可知: “糕饼” 是指中间属天之物, 如下文所述; “油” 是指爱之良善 (参看886, 4582, 4638节). 由此明显可知, “调油的无酵糕饼” 表示直接源于至内在层的属天层, 因为 “油” 是指至内在的爱之良善. 此处的情形是这样: 诸天堂分为两个国度, 其中一个国度被称为 “属灵的”, 另一个被称为 “属天的”. 人心智的理解力部分对应于天堂里的属灵国度, 其意愿部分则对应于那里的属天国度 (9835节). 每个国度都有一个内在部分和一个外在部分, 正如人也有理解力和意愿一样. 因为人的理解力有一个内在部分和一个外在部分, 人的意愿也有一个内在部分和一个外在部分. 理解力的内在部分或内在理解力形成内在人的属灵生命, 理解力的外在部分或外在理解力则形成外在人的属灵生命. 但意愿的内在部分或内在意愿形成内在人的属天生命, 意愿的外在部分或外在意愿则形成外在人的属天生命. 凡停下来反思的人, 都能看出, 人的心智既有一个内在部分, 又有一个外在部分. 这一点从伪善者, 骗子, 诡诈的人和恶棍身上尤其看得清楚, 这些人内心深处所想的, 都与信之真理背道而驰, 他们所意愿的, 则与天堂之爱的良善背道而驰; 但表面上看, 他们所思想和意愿的, 都与这些真理和良善是一致的, 他们言行也是一致的, 好叫世人都能看见.

另外, 要知道, 天堂里的每个国度, 即属灵国度和属天国度, 都有三个部分; 各自都有一个至内在部分, 一个中间部分和一个外在部分 (参看9873节). 属天国度的至内在部分在于对主之爱的良善; 那里的中间部分在于相爱的良善, 就是从对主之爱的良善所发出的良善; 外在部分则在于从相爱的良善发出的快乐. 头两部分住在主的属天国度居民的内在人里面, 而第三部分住在他们的外在人里面. 这三部分由无酵饼, 调油的无酵糕饼和抹油的无酵薄饼来代表; 它们的洁净由与燔祭或祭牲同献在坛上的这三者的供品来代表. 所表示的是在其适当次序中的这些种类的良善, 这一点仅从以下事实就能看出来: 这三种谷物的供品是经上所吩咐的, 摩西五经还描述预备它们的过程. 若非这些事物含有天堂和教会的奥秘, 这是绝无可能的事. 否则, 这类事物还有什么用呢?

不过, 我意识到, 如今几乎没有人能明白这些奥秘. 因为当今人们所理解和意愿的一切事物都是世俗的, 那些思想天堂并想要在那里的人除了一种属世和世俗的概念外, 就没有, 也不愿有关于它的其它任何概念. 哪里有这种 (属世和世俗的) 概念, 这种意愿, 因而有这种爱, 哪里就没有天堂奥秘的一席之地. 如果人的心智以天上的事物为乐, 胜过以世俗事物为乐, 情况就完全不同了. 因为人能发现让他感到快乐的东西是什么, 如当他以错综复杂的国家公共事务, 或以人们错综复杂的道德态度为乐时的情形. 道德态度就是那构成他们的爱与情感, 以及由此衍生的思维的. 这个奥秘很容易被诡诈的人发现, 因为他喜欢利用他所发现的引导其他人, 目的是为了获取重要职位, 或金钱利益, 或为了这些赚取名声.

“糕饼” 之所以表示内在人里面的中间属天之物, 是因为它们排在第二等; 排在第一位的是无酵饼, 排在第二位的是调油的糕饼, 排在第三位的, 是抹油的薄饼. 这三者被称为 “素祭”, 与燔祭和祭牲一同献在坛上. 利未记第2章描述了它们是如何制成的, 各处的经文则描述了要如何献上它们, 如亚伦在受膏的日子 (利未记 6:20-23) 如何献上它们.

在圣言中, “糕饼” 还表示总体上的爱之良善. 正因如此, “脸饼或陈设饼” 在摩西五经中被称为 “糕饼”:

你要取细面, 烤成十二个糕饼, 一个糕饼用面伊法十分之二. 你要把它们摆在耶和华面前的桌子上. 又要把净乳香放在每行上. (利未记 24:5-9)

放在糕饼上的 “净乳香” 表示源于属天良善的真理, 也就是属天国度的最低层或最外层.

在耶利米书, “糕饼” 也表示总体上的爱之良善:

儿子捡柴, 父亲生火, 妇女抟面做糕饼, 献给天后, 又向别神浇奠祭. (耶利米书 7:18; 44:19)

“做糕饼献给天后” 表示用属天之爱的良善向魔鬼献上敬拜; “向别神浇奠祭” 表示用信之真理向撒旦献上敬拜. 因为 “天后” 表示那些在恶魔的地狱之人, “别神” 表示那些在恶灵的地狱之人 (关于他们, 可参看5977, 8593, 8622, 8625节). 那些在恶魔的地狱之人统称为 “魔鬼”, 那些在恶灵的地狱之人则统称为 “撒旦”.

但在何西阿书, “糕饼” 表示属灵之爱的良善:

以法莲成了一个没翻过的糕饼. (何西阿书 7:8)

此处 “糕饼” 在原文是用另一个词来表达的, 这个词就表示属灵之爱的良善. 当外在人统治内在人时, 其情形就是 “没翻过的糕饼”. 当这种情况在人里面出现时, 秩序就颠倒了; 因为这时, 外在人是主人, 内在人则成了仆人. “以法莲” 表示教会的理解能力, 当信之真理与良善被接受时, 这理解能力就接受光明, 并被情感激发 (3969, 5354, 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267节).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)




Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, John Odhner

Photo by Gretchen Keith

Swedenborg generally uses this term in contrast to the terms "spiritual" and "natural." The celestial level (of heaven, of the inner meaning of the Bible, etc.) is that which is most concerned with the Divine and with love. It is the inmost or deepest degree.

Think of it this way: in some ways, the Lord is simplicity itself since, taken in His essence, He is love. His attitude toward us is also simplicity itself: He loves us. And He expresses that love in an unending stream that works completely and constantly to get us to freely accept and return His love. When you start looking at how that process works, it can start to seem complicated. But in essence, it could hardly be more simple.

It makes sense, then, that the best state we can achieve as humans is the celestial state in which we receive the Lord’s love and love Him back. It is the highest, best, purest, most innocent, and most joyful state human beings can experience, one powered by love of the Lord. It is also the state of the highest, inmost heaven, and is in some degree present in everyone as the recipient of the Lord’s love.

Not all of us receive and manifest the Lord’s love in the same way, though (in fact, none of us do), so the pure simplicity of the celestial state gets complicated as people open themselves up only partway to the Lord and redirect His love toward lesser things. Swedenborg’s works tell us that this results in three distinct “levels” of existence, based on what people love. The celestial is the highest of these levels, based on love of the Lord; the “spiritual” is based on love of other people, and the “natural” is based on the delight we feel in being good. The spiritual is more external and less pure then the celestial, and the natural is more external and less pure than the spiritual.

Each of those levels is further divided, however, between those who are led directly by the level’s defining love and those who are led by the ideas that spring from that love. Some celestial angels, then, are led by the love of the Lord itself, while others are led by the exquisite concepts that express love to the Lord. Unfortunately, Swedenborg also uses the words “celestial” and “spiritual” to identify that division, with “celestial” representing the love of each level and “spiritual” representing the truth and wisdom of each level. So the celestial level - centered on love of the Lord - has a celestial aspect and a spiritual aspect. The spiritual level - centered on love of other people - also has a celestial aspect and a spiritual aspect. And the natural level - centered on the delight of being good - has a celestial aspect and a spiritual aspect.

That might sound awfuly complicated - maybe even unnecessarily complicated - but it makes sense if you think about it. We all know people who are simply motivated by the desire to be good and to do things the “right” way. That’s an example of the natural level of existence, focused largely on external things, but aligned with the Lord’s wishes. Within that group, there are those who do what’s right pretty much by instinct, following their good affections; they would be the celestial natural. There are also those who like to know the rules and think about the instructions, so they can know intellectually that they are doing things right; they would be the spiritual natural. There are similar distinctions on the spiritual level and the celestial level.

One other thing is worth noting: Swedenborg’s works say that very few in the modern world are capable of reaching the celestial level, due to the amount of knowledge we have, the external nature of our lives and the need we have to use our minds to advance spiritually. The celestial heavens are largely populated by people from ancient times, who were able to live in closer, more direct communion with the Lord. As we understand the Lord’s wishes on a deeper and deeper level, though, we can open up greater possibilities for ourselves and for future generations.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 3246 [2]; Divine Love and Wisdom 237 [2])