

创世记 23



1 撒拉享寿一二十岁,这是撒拉一生的岁数。

2 撒拉迦南的基列亚巴,就是希伯仑。亚伯拉罕为他哀恸哭号。

3 後来亚伯拉罕人面前起来,对赫人

4 我在你们中间是外人,是寄居的。求你们在这里我一块地,我好埋葬我的人,使他不在我眼前。

5 赫人回答亚伯拉罕

6 。你在我们中间是一位尊大的王子,只管在我们最好的坟地里埋葬你的我们没有一不容你在他的坟地里埋葬你的

7 亚伯拉罕起来,向那的赫人下拜,

8 对他们:你们若有意叫我埋葬我的人,使他不在我眼前,就请我的话,为我求琐辖的儿子以弗仑

9 把田头上那麦比拉洞我;他可以按着足价卖我,作我在你们中间的坟地。

10 当时以弗仑在赫人中间。於是,赫人以弗仑在城出入的赫人面前对亚伯拉罕说:

11 不然,我。我送你这块田,连田间的洞也送你,在我同族的人面前都你,可以埋葬你的人。

12 亚伯拉罕就在那的人民面前下拜,

13 在他们面前对以弗仑:你若应允,请我的话。我要把田价你,求你收下,我就在那里埋葬我的人。

14 以弗仑回答亚伯拉罕

15 。值舍客勒子的一块田,在你我中间还算甚麽呢?只管埋葬你的人罢!

16 亚伯拉罕从了以弗仑,照着他在赫人面前所说的话,把买卖通用的子平了舍客勒以弗仑

17 於是,麦比拉、幔利前、以弗仑的那块田和其中的洞,并田间四围的树木

18 都定准归与亚伯拉罕,乃是他在赫人面前并城出入的人面前买妥的。

19 亚伯拉罕把他妻子撒拉埋葬在迦南幔利前的麦比拉田间的洞里。〈幔利就是希伯仑〉。

20 从此,那块田和田间的洞就藉着赫人定准归与亚伯拉罕作坟地。






Seven, as in Revelation 15:1, signifies everything in an universal sense. The number 'seven' was considered holy, as is well known, because of the six days of creation, and the seventh, which is the celestial self, where peace, rest, and the Sabbath is. The number seven occurs so frequently in the rites of the Jewish church and is held holy everywhere.

So times were divided into seven, longer and shorter intervals, and were called weeks, like the great intervals of times till the coming of the Messiah, in Daniel 9:24-25. The time of seven years is called 'a week' by Laban and Jacob, as in Genesis 29:27-28. So wherever the number seven occurs, it is considered holy and sacred, as in Psalm 119:164, and in Isaiah 30:26.

As the periods of a person's regeneration are distinguished into six, prior to the seventh, or the celestial self, so the times of vastation are also distinguished, until nothing celestial is left. This was represented by the many captivities of the Jews, and by the last Babylonian captivity, which lasted seven decades, or seventy years. This was also represented by Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel 4:16, 22, 29. It also refers to the vastation of the end times, in Revelation 15:1, 7-8. They should 'tread the holy city under foot, forty and two months, or six times seven,' as in Revelation 11:2 and Revelation 5:1. So the severity and increments of punishment were expressed by the number seven, as in Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24, 28 and Psalm 79:12.

(Odkazy: Apocalypse Explained 5, 7-8, 15; Arcana Coelestia 395; Daniel 9, 9:24, 9:25; Psalms 119)