

以西结书 41



1 我到殿那里量墙柱:这面厚肘,那面厚肘,宽窄与会幕相同。

2 口宽肘。两旁,这边五肘,那边五肘。他量殿长四十肘,宽二十肘。

3 他到内殿量墙柱,各厚肘。口宽肘,两旁各宽肘。

4 他量内殿,长二十肘,宽二十肘。他对我:这是至所。

5 他又量殿,厚肘;围着殿有旁,各宽肘。

6 层,层叠而上,每层排列三十间。旁的梁木搁在殿坎上,免得插入殿

7 这围殿的旁越高越宽;因旁围殿悬叠而上,所以越上越宽,从下一层,由中一层,到上一层。

8 我又见围着殿有站台。旁根基足一竿,就是大肘。

9 的外厚五肘。旁之外还有馀地。

10 在旁与对面的房屋中间有空地,宽二十肘。

11 旁屋的都向馀地:向北向南。周围的馀地宽五肘。

12 在西面空地之後有房子,宽七十肘,长九十肘,四围厚五肘。

13 这样,他量殿,长一肘,又量空地和那房子并墙,共长一肘。

14 殿的前面和两旁的空地,宽一肘。

15 他量空地面的那房子,并两旁的楼廊,共长一肘。

16 内殿、院廊、门槛、严紧的窗棂,并对着门槛的层楼廊,从到窗棂(窗棂都有蔽子),

17 直到以上,就是到内殿和外殿内外四围,都按尺寸用木板遮蔽。

18 墙上雕刻基路伯和棕树。每基路伯中间有一棵棕树,每基路伯脸。

19 这边有人脸向着棕树,那边有狮子脸向着棕树,殿内周围都是如此。

20 以上,都有基路伯和棕树。殿就是这样。

21 殿的门柱是方的。至所的前面,形状和殿的形状一样。

22 头做的,肘,长肘。角和面,并四旁,头做的。他对我:这是耶和华面前的桌子

23 殿和至所的各有两扇。

24 每扇分两扇,这两扇是摺叠的。这边分两扇,那边也分两扇。

25 殿的扇上雕刻基路伯和棕,与刻在墙上的一般。在外头廊前有槛。

26 廊这边那边都有严紧的窗棂和棕树;殿的旁和槛就是这样。





After, a photo of a bulb pushing up through the earth, by Brita Conroy

Instead, spiritual reality is structured on the basis of spiritual state, or the loves and thoughts of angels. These loves and thoughts connect in chains of cause and effect, which angels experience much as we experience time. One thought flows into another on the spiritual level, and angels sense that progression the same way we sense the progression of one moment flowing into another. And when angels have thoughts and feelings that are similar, they experience a closeness that is very much the same as our experience of physical closeness; their idea of “space” is the variation in thoughts and affections held by spirits throughout the spiritual world.When the Bible describes something as “after” something else, then, the spiritual meaning has to do with the progression of spiritual states; it is a new spiritual state emerging from the one before it. And since higher states flow into lower states, the things coming “after” tend to be the lower, more external ones. For instance, the deep, internal desire to be good to others flows of its own accord into specific ideas of specific good things we can do. Those specific ideas, then, would be “after” the desire to be good.According to Swedenborg, time and space don’t exist in spiritual reality; they are purely natural things that exist only on the physical plane. This means that one spiritual thing can’t happen “after” another spiritual thing in time, because there is no time. And one spiritual thing can’t follow “after” another in space because there is no space.