

以西结书 27



1 耶和华的又临到我说:

2 人子啊,要为推罗作起哀歌

3 :你居住口,是众民的商埠;你的交易通到许多耶和华如此:推罗啊,你曾:我是全然美丽的。

4 你的境界在中,造你的使你全然美丽

5 他们用示尼珥的松树做你的一切板,用利巴嫩的香柏树做桅杆,

6 用巴珊的橡树做你的桨,用象牙镶嵌基提海的黄杨木为坐板(或译:舱板)。

7 你的篷帆是用埃及绣花细麻布做的,可以做你的大旗;你的凉棚是用以利沙蓝色紫色布做的。

8 西顿和亚发的居民作你荡桨的。推罗啊,你中间的智慧人作掌舵的。

9 迦巴勒的老者和聪明人都在你中间作补缝的;一切泛只和水手都在你中间经营交易的事。

10 波斯人、路德人、弗人在你军营中作战士;他们在你中间悬盾牌和头盔,彰显你的尊荣。

11 亚发人和你的军队都在你四围的墙上,你的望楼也有勇士;他们悬盾牌,成全你的美丽

12 他施人因你多有各类的财物,就作你的客商,拿、铅兑换你的货物。

13 雅完人、土巴人、米设人都与你交易;他们用人口和铜器兑换你的货物。

14 陀迦玛族用战马并骡兑换你的货物。

15 底但人与你交易,许多作你的码头;他们拿象牙乌木与你兑换(或译:进贡)。

16 亚兰人因你的工作很多,就作你的客商;他们用绿宝石、紫色布绣货、细麻布、珊瑚、红宝石兑换你的货物。

17 犹大以色列的人都与你交易;他们用米匿的麦子、饼、蜜、、乳香兑换你的货物。

18 大马色人因你的工作很多,又因你多有各类的财物,就拿黑本酒和白羊毛与你交易。

19 威但人和雅完人拿纺成的线、亮、桂皮、菖蒲兑换你的货物。

20 底但人用高贵的毯子、鞍、屉与你交易。

21 亚拉伯人和基达的一切首领都作你的客商,用羔、公绵、公山与你交易。

22 示巴和拉玛的商人与你交易,他们用各类上好的香料、各类的宝,和黄兑换你的货物。

23 哈兰人、干尼人、伊甸人、示巴的商人,和亚述人、基抹人与你交易。

24 这些商人以美好的货物包在绣花蓝色包袱内,又有华丽的衣服装在香柏木的箱子里,用捆着与你交易。

25 他施的只接连成帮为你运货,你便在中丰富极其荣华。

26 荡桨的已经把你荡到大水之处,东中将你打破

27 你的资财、物件、货物、水手、掌舵的、补缝的、经营交易的,并你中间的战士和人民,在你破坏的日子必都沉在中。

28 你掌舵的呼号之声一发,郊野都必震动。

29 凡荡桨的和水手,并一切泛掌舵的,都必登岸。

30 他们必为你放声痛,把尘土撒在上,在灰中打滚;

31 又为你使头上光,用麻布束腰,号啕痛哭,苦苦悲哀。

32 他们哀号的时候,为你作起哀歌哀哭,说:有何城如推罗?有何城如他在中成为寂寞的呢?

33 你由上运出货物,就使许多国民充足;你以许多资财、货物使上的君丰富。

34 你在深水中被打破的时候,你的货物和你中间的一切人民,就都沉下去了。

35 居民为你惊奇;他们的君都甚恐慌,面带愁容。

36 各国民中的客商都向你发嘶声;你令人惊恐,不再存留於世,直到永远


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 5954

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5954. “又给他们各人一套新衣服” 表始于良善的真理。这从 “衣服” 的含义清楚可知, “衣服” 是指真理, 如下文所述。因此, “新衣服” 是指新真理; 当真理在良善中开始时, 它们就变新, 因为那时它们获得了生命。所论述的主题是属世人与属灵人, 或外在人与内在人的联结。当联结正在实现时, 真理就会发生变化并变新, 因为它们从流入它们的良善那里获得了生命, 如刚才所述 (5951节)。“换衣服” 代表披上神圣真理, 这也是 “换衣服” 的起源 (参看4545节)。

在圣言中, “衣服 (或译衣裳)” 之所以表示真理, 是因为真理包裹良善, 几乎如同血管包裹血液, 或纤维包裹灵。“衣服” 有真理的意思, 是因为灵人, 以及天使看上去都穿着衣服, 并且各自都照着属于他的真理而着装。看上去身穿白衣的, 那些处于作为通向良善之路的信之真理的灵人或天使; 而看上去身穿闪亮衣服的, 是那些处于从良善发出的信之真理的灵人或天使。因为良善通过真理发光, 产生光辉 (参看5248节)。

灵人和天使看上去穿着衣服, 这一点从圣言中提到天使显现的地方也能看出来, 如马太福音:

坐在主坟墓上的天使像貌如同闪电, 衣服洁白如雪。(马太福音 28:3)


我看见二十四位长老坐在宝座上, 身穿白衣。(启示录 4:4)


骑在白马上的穿着溅了血的衣服; 祂的名称为神之道。在天上的众军骑着白马, 穿着细麻衣, 又白又洁, 跟随祂。(启示录 19:11, 13, 14)

“衣服洁白如雪” 和 “白色的细麻衣” 表示神圣真理, 因为洁白和闪亮论及真理 (3301, 3993, 4007, 5319节), 原因是它们最靠近光, 从主发出的光就是神性真理。这解释了为何当主变了形像时, 祂衣服显如光; 马太福音:

耶稣就变了形像, 脸面明亮如日头, 衣裳洁白如光。(马太福音 17:2)

在教会, 众所周知, “光” 是指神性真理; 但从诗篇清楚看出来, 它被比作 “衣裳”:

耶和华披上亮光, 如披衣裳。(诗篇 104:2)

“衣服或衣裳” 是指真理, 这一点从圣言中的许多经文明显看出来, 如马太福音:

王进来观看宾客, 见那里有一个没有穿礼服的人。就对他说, 同伴哪, 你到这里来, 怎么不穿礼服呢?于是, 他就被丢在外边的黑暗里。(马太福音 22:11-13)

至于 “不穿礼服的人” 是谁, 可参看前文 (2132节)。以赛亚书:

锡安哪!你要醒来; 醒来; 披上你的能力。圣城耶路撒冷啊, 穿上你华美的衣服!因为从今以后, 未受割礼、不洁净的, 必不再进入你中间。(以赛亚书 52:1)

“华美的衣服 “表示源于良善的真理。


我也使你身穿绣花衣服, 穿上海狗皮鞋, 并用细麻布给你束腰, 用丝绸披在你身上。你的衣服是细麻布和丝绸并绣花衣; 吃的是细面、蜂蜜并油。(以西结书 16:10, 13)

这论及耶路撒冷, 耶路撒冷在此表示属灵的古教会, 该教会是在上古教会气绝之后由主建立的。赋予该教会的真理以 “衣服” 来描述; “绣花衣” 是指记忆知识, 当记忆知识是纯正的时, 它在来世看似绣花衣, 又看似有网眼的织物, 正如我蒙允许所看到的。“细麻衣和丝绸” 是指源于良善的真理; 但在天堂, 这些织物是极其明亮和透明的, 因为它们在天堂之光中。


你的帆是用埃及绣花细麻布做的; 你的篷是用以利沙岛的蓝色、紫色布做的。(以西结书 27:7)

这论及推罗, 推罗代表对真理与良善的认知 (1201节)。当这些认知是纯正的时, 它们就是 “埃及绣花细麻布”; “蓝色、紫色布” 表示由此衍生的良善, 或真理之良善。


王女极其荣华, 她的衣服是用金线绣的; 她要穿刺绣衣服, 被引到王前。(诗篇 45:13, 14)

“王女” 表示对真理的情感; “她的衣服是用金线绣的” 表示拥有良善在里面的真理; “刺绣衣服” 表示最低级的真理。


然而在撒狄, 你还有几个名字是未曾污秽自己衣服的; 他们要穿白衣与我同行, 因为他们是配得过的。凡得胜的, 必穿白衣。(启示录 3:4, 5)

“未曾污秽衣服” 表示没有用虚假玷污真理。


那儆醒, 看守衣服, 免得赤身而行, 叫他们见他羞耻的, 有福了。(启示录 16:15)

“衣服” 以同样的方式表示真理。这就是 “那儆醒, 看守衣服, 免得赤身而行, 叫他们见他羞耻的” 所表示的。


约书亚穿着污秽的衣服, 站在使者面前。使者吩咐站在他面前的说, 你们要脱去他污秽的衣服。又对约书亚说, 看哪, 我使你的罪孽离开你, 要给你换上衣服。(撒迦利亚书 3:3, 4)

“污秽的衣服” 表示被源于邪恶的虚假玷污的真理; 因此, 当脱去这些衣服, 穿上其它衣服时, 经上说: “看哪, 我使你的罪孽离开你”。谁都能知道, 罪孽不会因换了衣服就消失; 谁也都能由此得出结论: 换衣服是代表行为, 正如洗衣服也是代表行为一样, 当百姓自洁时, 如当他们靠近西乃山时 (出埃及记 19:14), 当他们从污秽之物中洁净时 (利未记 11:25, 40; 14:8, 9; 民数记 8:6, 7; 19:21; 31:19-24), 就会被吩咐洗衣服。

事实上, 从污秽之物中洁净是通过信之真理实现的, 因为这些真理教导何为良善, 何为仁爱, 何为邻舍, 何为信仰, 以及主、天堂和永生的存在。没有教导人的真理, 人们就不知道这些事, 甚至不知道它们的存在。凭自己, 除了爱自己爱世界的良善是属于人的唯一良善外, 谁还知道别的?因为这二者构成他生命的快乐。若不通过信之真理, 谁能知道还有别的良善能被赋予人, 即对神之爱的良善, 或对邻之仁的良善?有谁知道这些良善拥有天上的生命在里面, 或这些良善在此人不再爱自己胜过他人, 爱世界胜过天堂的范围内从主经由天堂流入?由此清楚可知, 洗衣服所代表的洁净通过信之真理实现。

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Apocalypse Explained # 240

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240. But that "naked" signifies those who are without the understanding of truth because without the will of good, is evident from the passages in the Word where "naked" and "nakedness" occur, which will be cited below. This is what "naked" and "nakedness" signify, because "garments" signify truths that are of the understanding, and he that is without truths is also without good, for all spiritual good is procured by means of truths; without truths, or except by means of truths, there is no spiritual good; spiritual good is charity. "Naked" and "nakedness" signify lacking in, or the lack of, intelligence and love, thus of the understanding and will of good; also for the reason that garments cover the body and flesh, and "body" and "flesh" signify good, therefore "garments" signify the things that cover good.

[2] There is the understanding of truth, and the understanding of good; the understanding of truth is the understanding of such things as are of faith, and the understanding of good is the understanding of such things as are of love and charity. There is also the will of truth and the will of good; the will of truth is with those who are of the Lord's spiritual kingdom; but the will of good with those who are of His celestial kingdom. The latter, because they are in love to the Lord, and from this in mutual love, which is to them charity towards the neighbor, have truths inscribed on their hearts, and thence do them; and what proceeds out of the heart is out of the will of good, "heart" meaning the will of good. But those who are in love towards the neighbor, which love is charity, have truths inscribed not on their hearts but on the memory, and therefore on the intellectual mind, and what proceeds therefrom out of the affection is the will of truth. Thus it is that spiritual angels are distinguished from celestial angels. The latter appear naked in heaven, but the former clothed. Celestial angels appear naked because they have no need of the memory to retain truths, nor of understanding therefrom to comprehend them, because they have them inscribed on the heart, that is, on the love and will, and thence see them. But spiritual angels appear clothed because they have truths inscribed on the memory and thence on the understanding, and truths of the memory and of the understanding therefrom correspond to garments; they therefore all appear clothed according to their intelligence. (That angels are thus clothed, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 177-182.) From this it can be seen what "naked" signifies in both senses, namely, in the one sense it signifies those who are in celestial good, but in the other those who are not in good because not in truths.

[3] But these things can be better seen from the passages in the word where "naked" and "nakedness" occur, which now follow. In Isaiah:

Jehovah said to the prophet, Put off the sackcloth from upon thy loins, and put off thy shoe from upon thy foot. And he did so. Then Jehovah said, Like as My servant Isaiah hath gone naked and barefoot, so shall the king of Assyria lead the captivity of Egypt, and the crowd of Cush that is to be carried away, lads and old men, naked and barefoot, and with buttocks bare, the nakedness of Egypt (Isaiah 20:2-4).

What of the church and of heaven lies hidden in these words no one can see unless he knows their spiritual sense; for in every particular of the Word there is something of the church and of heaven, because the Word is spiritual; this shall therefore be explained. By "prophet" the doctrine of the church is here meant; "putting off the sackcloth from his loins," or presenting the loins naked, means to disclose filthy loves; the customary "sackcloth" of the prophet here means the breeches that cover, and "the loin" signify such loves; "putting off the shoe from upon his foot," or unshoeing the soles of the foot, signifies to disclose the filthy things of nature; that "the king of Assyria shall lead the captivity of Egypt, and the crowd of Cush that is to be carried away," means that the perverted rational will confirm evils and falsities by means of knowledges [scientifica] and by means of fallacies; "lads and old men" means by means of all things both general and particular; "naked and barefoot" means that they are deprived of all truth and all good; "buttocks bare" means the evils of self-love; "the nakedness of Egypt" means falsities therefrom. From this it is clear what things of the church and of heaven are here treated of, namely, that the perverted rational, which is the rational that denies God and attributes all things to nature, confirms itself by means of knowledges [scientifica] and fallacies, until it is destitute of all the understanding of truth and the will of good.

(That "prophet" in the Word means doctrine, see Arcana Coelestia, n. 2534, 7269;

That the "loins" signify loves in both senses, n. 3021, 4280, 5059;

That "feet" signify the natural things with man, and "the soles of the feet" the things that are in ultimates, n. 2162, 3147, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952;

That "shoes" signify these same things in respect to their covering, n. 1748, 2162, 4835, 6844;

That "the king of Assyria" signifies the rational in both senses, n. 119, 1186;

That "Egypt" signifies the faculty of knowing [scientificum] of the natural man, in both senses, good and bad, n. 1164, 1165, 1186, 1462, 5700, 5702, 6015, 6651, 6679, 6683, 6692, 7296, 9340, 9391.

That "Cush" signifies the fallacies of the senses, n. 1163, 1164, 1166)

[4] In Ezekiel:

When I passed by thee, and saw thee, I covered thy nakedness, and I washed thee, and I clothed thee. But thou didst trust in thy beauty and play the harlot, and thou hast not remembered the things 1 of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare; thou hast committed whoredom with the sons of Egypt, and with the sons of Asshur. And thou hast multiplied thy whoredom even unto Chaldea. Moreover, thy nakedness was revealed through thy whoredoms. Therefore they shall stone thee with stones, and shall cut thee in pieces with swords; and shall burn up thine houses with fire (Ezekiel 16:6).

Jerusalem is here treated of, by which the church in respect to doctrine is meant, and these and many other expressions in the same chapter describe what the church was in its beginning, and what it became when it turned away from good and from truth. What the church was when it was established by the Lord, thus what it was in the beginning, is described by these words, "When I passed by thee, and saw thee, I covered thy nakedness, I washed thee and clothed thee." "To cover the nakedness" signifies to remove the evils of the will and the falsities of the understanding; "to wash" signifies to purify from evils, and "to clothe" signifies to instruct in truths. But what the church became when it turned away from good and truth is described by what follows; "thou didst trust in thy beauty" signifies intelligence from one's own [ex proprio], and that this gave delight; "committing whoredom" signifies that thus it was imbued with falsities; "committing whoredom with the sons of Egypt, and with the sons of Asshur," signifies falsifications confirmed by knowledges [scientifica] and by things rational therefrom; "multiplying whoredom even unto Chaldea" signifies even to the profanation of truth. This shows what is signified by "Moreover thy nakedness was revealed through thy whoredoms," namely, that the church through falsities and falsifications was deprived of all the understanding of truth. "They shall stone thee with stones" signifies that the church will die through falsities; "they shall cut thee in pieces with swords" signifies that the church will utterly die through the falsifications of truth; and "they shall burn up thy houses with fire" signifies that it will wholly perish through infernal loves, "houses" meaning all things with man, and "fire" meaning infernal love. From this it is clear what is contained in these words relating to heaven and the church, and that this can be seen only from the spiritual sense. (That "to wash" signifies to purify from evils and falsities, see Arcana Coelestia 3147[1-10], 10237, 10240, 10243; that "to clothe" signifies to instruct in truths, n. 1073, 2576, 5248, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536; that "beauty" signifies intelligence, n. 3080, 4985, 5199, here intelligence from one's own [ex proprio]. That "to commit whoredom" means to become imbued with falsities, see above, n. 141; that "Egypt" means the faculty of knowing [scientificum]; and "Asshur" the rational, see just above. That "Chaldea" is the profanation of truth, Arcana Coelestia 1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1306-1308, 1321, 1322, 1326; that "to stone with stones" signifies to die through falsities, n. 5156, 7456, 8575, 8799; that "sword" signifies falsity combating against truth and destroying it, n. 2799, 4499, 7102; therefore "to cut in pieces with swords" means to die utterly through falsifications of truth. That "fire" signifies infernal love, n. 1861, 5071, 6314, 6832, 7575, 10747; and that "house" signifies the whole man, and the things which are with him, thus that are of his understanding and will, n. 710, 2231, 2233, 2559, 3128, 3538, 4973, 5023, 6690, 7353, 7848, 7910, 7929, 9150. From this it is clear what is signified by "they shall burn up thy houses with fire.")

[5] In Hosea:

Strive with your mother, that she may put away her whoredoms and her adulteries; lest I strip her naked, and make her as the wilderness, as a land of dryness, and let her die with thirst; and on her sons I will not have compassion, because they are the sons of whoredoms (Hosea 2:2-4).

Here also the church fallen into falsities and evils is treated of; "the mother with whom they should strive" signifies the church; "whoredoms" and "adulteries" signify falsities and evils therefrom; "to make her as the wilderness, and as a land of dryness," signifies to be without good and truth; "to let her die with thirst" signifies a total lack of truth; "her sons whom I will not have compassion on" signify all the falsities thereof in general, and they are therefore called "sons of whoredoms." (That "mother" signifies the church, see Arcana Coelestia 289, 2691, 2717, 3703, 4257, 5581, 8897; that "wilderness" signifies where there is no good, because no truth, n. 2708, 4736, 7055; "a land of dryness" signifies where there is no truth, because "water" signifies the truth of faith, n. 2702, 3058, 5668, 8568, 10238; that "to cause to die with thirst" signifies to perish from the lack of truth, n. Arcana Coelestia 8568[1-10] end. That "sons" signify the affections of truth and truths in general, n. 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6779, 9055; thus, in the opposite sense, the affections of falsity and falsities in general. From this it can be seen what is signified by "stripping her naked," namely, that the church will be without good and truth.)

[6] In Lamentations:

Jerusalem hath sinned a sin; therefore all that honored her hold her vile, because they have seen her nakedness (Lamentations 1:8).

In Ezekiel:

Oholah, which is Samaria, committed whoredom with the Egyptians and with the sons of Asshur; these uncovered her nakedness, they took her sons and daughters, and her they finally slew with the sword; therefore will I give thee into the hand of those whom thou hatest, that they may deal with thee in hatred, and take away all thy labor, and leave thee naked and bare, that the nakedness of thy whoredoms may be uncovered (Ezekiel 23:4, 8-10, 18, 28-29).

In this chapter Samaria, which is called "Oholah," and Jerusalem, which is called "Oholibah," are treated of, and by both the church is signified. "Samaria," where the sons of Israel were, signifies the church in which there are not truths but falsities, and "Jerusalem" the church where there are not goods but evils. What is signified by "committing whoredom with the Egyptians, and with the sons of Asshur," and by "slaying her daughters and sons with the sword," was explained above. From this it is clear that "leaving her naked and bare" signifies without truth and good.

[7] In Isaiah:

The Lord will make bald the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and Jehovah will make naked their buttocks (Isaiah 3:17).

"The daughters of Zion" signify the celestial church and the things of that church, but here that church perverted. "The crown of their head which shall be made bald" signifies intelligence of which the church shall be deprived; and "the buttocks which shall be made naked" signify the love of evil and falsity.

[8] In Nahum:

Woe to the city of bloods; it is all full of lies and rapine, because of the multitude of her whoredoms. I will uncover thy skirts upon thy faces; and will show the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy disgrace (Nahum 3:1, 4-5).

"The city of bloods" signifies the doctrine of falsity which offers violence to the good of charity.

[9] In Habakkuk:

Woe unto him that maketh his companion drink, also making him drunken; that thou mayest look on their nakednesses; drink thou also, that thy foreskin may be uncovered (Habakkuk 2:15-16).

"To make a companion drink, and drunken," signifies to so imbue one with falsities that he does not see the truth; "to look on nakednesses" means so that falsities which are of the understanding and evils which are of the will are seen; "that the foreskin may be uncovered" means so that filthy loves are seen. (That "to drink" is to be instructed in truths, see Arcana Coelestia 3069, 3772, 4017, 4018, 8562, 9412; in the contrary sense, therefore, it means to be imbued with falsities. That "to be made drunken" means to become insane from falsities, thus not to see truths, n. 1072; that "the foreskin" signifies corporeal and earthly loves, n. 4462, 7045) From this it can be seen what is signified by:

Noah's drinking wine and becoming drunken, so that he lay naked in the midst of his tent, and that Ham laughed at the nakedness of his father; but Shem and Japheth covered his nakedness, and turned away their faces that they might not see the nakedness of their father (Genesis 9:21-23).

(But these things may be seen explained in the Arcana Coelestia, where they are treated of.)

[10] In Lamentations:

O daughter of Edom, the cup shall pass over unto thee also; thou shalt be drunken, and shall be made naked (Lamentations 4:21).

Here, "being drunken and made naked" signify the like as above. (But who those are who are meant by "Edom," see Arcana Coelestia, n. 3322, 8314.) In Isaiah:

Daughter of Babylon and of Chaldea, sit upon the earth. Take the millstone, and grind meal; uncover thy locks, uncover the thigh, pass through the rivers. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy reproach shall be seen (Isaiah 47:1-3).

By "the daughter of Babylon and of Chaldea" those are meant who profane the goods and truths of the church. "To grind meal" means to falsify truths; "to uncover the locks and the thigh" means to be deprived of the intelligence of truth and of the will of good; the like is meant by "passing through the rivers," and "uncovering nakedness."

[11] Because "nakedness" signified the deprivation of the understanding of truth and of the will of good, it was commanded:

That Aaron and his sons should not ascend by steps upon the altar, that their nakedness be not discovered thereon (Exodus 20:26);

Also that they should make them linen breeches to cover the flesh of their nakedness, and that these should be upon them when they went in unto the tent of meeting, and when they came near to the altar, and that otherwise they should bear iniquity and die (Exodus 28:42-43).

From this it is clear what is signified by the words in the following verse of this chapter: "I counsel thee to buy of Me white garments, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not manifest." Also in the following passages of this book, of Revelation:

Blessed is he that is wakeful and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and his shame be seen (Revelation 16:15).

[12] Moreover, "the naked" in the Word mean those also who are not in truths and thence not in good, being ignorant of truths and yet longing for them. This is the case with those within the church when those who teach are in falsities, and with those outside of the church who do not have the Word and consequently do not know truths and thence know nothing about the Lord. Such are meant in the following passages.

In Isaiah:

Is not this the fast that I choose, To break bread to the hungry, and when thou seest the naked that thou cover him? (Isaiah 58:6-7).

In Ezekiel:

He giveth his bread to the hungry, and covereth the naked with a garment (Ezekiel 18:7);

and in Matthew:

I was naked, and ye clothed Me not (Matthew 25:43).

"To cover with a garment," and "to clothe," signify to instruct in truths. (That "garments" are truths, see above, n. 195. That "naked" signifies also the good of innocence, see Arcana Coelestia 165, 8375, 9960; and in the work on Heaven and Hell 179, 180, 280.)

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. For "things" the Hebrew has "days."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.