

出埃及记 37



1 比撒列用皂荚做柜,长二肘半,宽一肘半,一肘半。

2 里外包上精,四围镶上牙边,

3 又铸,安在柜的脚上:这边两,那边两

4 用皂荚做两根杠,用包裹。

5 把杠穿在柜旁的内,以便抬柜。

6 用精做施恩座,长二肘半,宽一肘半。

7 子锤出两个基路伯来,安在施恩座的两头,

8 这头做基路伯,那头做基路伯基路伯接连块,在施恩座的两头。

9 基路伯翅膀,遮掩施恩座;基路伯是脸对脸,朝着施恩座。

10 他用皂荚做一张桌子,长二肘,宽一肘,一肘半,

11 又包上精,四围镶上牙边。

12 桌子的四围各做一掌宽的横梁,横梁上镶着牙边,

13 又铸了,安在桌子角上。

14 子的地方是挨近横梁,可以穿杠抬桌子

15 他用皂荚做两根杠,用包裹,以便抬桌子

16 又用精桌子上的器皿,就是盘子、调羹,并奠酒的瓶和爵。

17 他用精做一个台;这台的座和杆,与杯、球、,都是接连一块锤出来的。

18 台两旁杈出个枝子:这旁个,那旁个。

19 这旁每枝上有个杯,形状像杏,有球有;那旁每枝上也有个杯,形状像杏,有球有。从台杈出来的个枝子都是如此。

20 台上有个杯,形状像杏,有球有

21 灯台每两个枝子以有球,与枝子接连一块;灯台杈出的个枝子是如此。

22 球和枝子是接连块,都是块精锤出来的。

23 用精台的盏,并台的蜡剪和蜡花盘。

24 他用精一他连得做灯台和灯台的一切器具。

25 他用皂荚做香,是四方的,长一肘,宽一肘,二肘,的四角与接连一块;

26 又用精把坛的上面与坛的四面并坛的四角包裹,又在坛的四围镶上牙边。

27 做两个,安在牙子边以,在坛的两旁、两根横撑上,作为穿杠的用处,以便抬坛。

28 用皂荚做杠,用包裹。

29 又按做之法做和馨料的净






The number "two" has two different meanings in the Bible. In most cases "two" indicates a joining together or unification. This is easy to see if we consider the conflicts we tend to have between our "hearts" and our "heads" -- between what we want and what we know. Our "hearts" tell us that we want pie with ice cream for dinner; our "heads" tell us we should have grilled chicken and salad. If we can bring those two together and actually want what's good for us, we'll be pretty happy. We're built that way -- with our emotions balanced against our intellect -- because the Lord is built that way. His essence is love itself, or Divine Love, the source of all caring, emotion and energy. It is expressed as Divine Wisdom, which gives form to that love and puts it to work, and is the source of all knowledge and reasoning. In His case the two aspects are always in conjunction, always in harmony. It's easy also to see how that duality is reflected throughout creation: plants and animals, food and drink, silver and gold. Most importantly, it's reflected in the two genders, with women representing love and men representing wisdom. That's the underlying reason why conjunction in marriage is such a holy thing. So when "two" is used in the Bible to indicate some sort of pairing or unity, it means a joining together. In rare cases, however, "two" is used more purely as a number. In these cases it stands for a profane or unholy state that comes before a holy one. This is because "three" represents a state of holiness and completion (Jesus, for instance, rose from the tomb on the third day), and "two" represents the state just before it.