

出埃及记 31



1 耶和华晓谕摩西

2 哪,犹大支派中,户珥的孙子、乌利的儿子比撒列,我已经题他的名召他。

3 我也以我的灵充满了他,使他有智慧,有聪明,有知识,能做各样的工,

4 能想出巧工,用、铜制造各物,

5 又能刻宝,可以镶嵌,能雕刻头,能做各样的工。

6 我分派但支派中、亚希撒抹的儿子亚何利亚伯与他同工。凡里有智慧的,我更使他们有智慧,能做我一切所吩咐的,

7 就是会幕和法柜,并其上的施恩座,与会幕中一切的器具,

8 桌子桌子的器具,精金的台和台的一切器具并香

9 祭坛的一切器具,并洗濯盆与盆座,

10 精工做的礼服,和祭司亚伦并他儿子用以供祭司职分的衣,

11 和为所用馨料。他们都要照我一切所吩咐的去做。

12 耶和华晓谕摩西

13 你要吩咐以色列人:你们务要守我的安息日;因为这是你我之间世世代的证据,使你们知道我─耶和华是叫你们成为的。

14 所以你们要守安息日,以为日。凡干犯这日的,必要把他治;凡在这日做工的,必从民中剪除。

15 日要做工,但第七日是安息日,是向耶和华守为的。凡在安息日做工的,必要把他治

16 故此,以色列人要世世代守安息日为永远的约。

17 这是我和以色列人永远的证据;因为日之内耶和华,第七日便安息舒畅。

18 耶和华在西乃摩西说完了话,就把两块法版交他,是用指头版。


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 10733

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10733. 第4节直到本章末尾的内容略过去了, 没有解释, 因为其中所提到的每一个事物都已在25-31章解释过了, 那里论述了会幕及其中的一切事物, 以及燔祭坛, 亚伦和他儿子的衣服. 因为本章只是列举了制作这些物体所用的各种材料


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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)




by Mask: anonymous, Photo: Andreas Praefcke

Gold means good, and just as gold was the most precious metal known to ancient mankind so it represents the good of the highest and wisest of the angels. These angels foremostly love the Lord, and because they do they act from that love at all times. So the things they do are from love or as the writings for the new church often say, their acts are "goods of love". This is what gold represents. As soon as God planted the garden of Eden, He created a river in it, to water it. This river went out and branched into four, the first branch mentioned, Pishon, encompassed the "…land of Havilah, where there is gold… and the gold…is good". Another mention of gold comes in Exodus where the Lord is telling Moses how to make the Tabernacle. If you pay attention you will see that inside the tabernacle the main thing you see is gold, the boards of the wall are covered with it and all the furniture is either wood covered completely with gold, or is made of solid gold. Then at the end of the Word the holy city descends from God and it is made of gold, "gold like unto clear glass" good of love that can be clearly and completely understood. And it has its river. This is a promise from the Lord that we can come into a state similar to that of the garden of Eden, if we follow Him so as to come into love for Him, and act from that love.