

阿摩司书 6



1 国为列国之首,人最着名,且为以色列家所归向,在锡安和撒玛利亚安逸无虑的,有祸了!

2 你们要过到甲尼察,从那里往大城哈马去,又非利士人的迦特。那些比你们的国还强吗?境界比你们的境界还宽吗?

3 你们以为降祸的日子还远,在位上尽行强暴(或译:行强暴使审判临)。

4 你们躺卧在象牙上,舒身在榻上,中的羔,棚里的犊;

5 弹琴鼓瑟,唱消闲的歌曲,为自己制造乐器,如同大卫所造的;

6 以大碗喝酒,用上等的油抹身,却不为约瑟的苦难担忧。

7 所以这些人必在被掳的人中首先被掳,舒身的人荒宴之乐必消灭了。

8 耶和华万军之指着自己起誓,我憎恶雅各的荣华,厌弃他的宫殿;因此我必将城和其中所有的都交付敌人。

9 那时,若在房之内剩下个人,也都必

10 死人的伯叔,就是烧他尸首的,要将这尸首搬到房外,问房屋内间的人:你那里还有人没有?他必:没有;又:,不要作声,因为我们不可提耶和华的名。

11 看哪,耶和华出令,房就被攻破,小就被打裂。

12 岂能在崖石上奔跑?人岂能在那里用牛耕种呢?

13 你们喜爱虚浮的事,自夸我们不是凭自己的力量取了角麽?

14 耶和华万军之:,以色列家阿,我必兴起一国攻击你们;他们必欺压你们,从哈马口直到亚拉巴的





Moses descends from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, by Ferdinand Bol

Down" is used many different ways, and its spiritual meaning in the Bible is highly dependent on context. Phrases like "bowing down," "lying down" and "falling down" are defined primarily by "bowing," "lying" and "falling"; there is also a great difference between a person descending, the Lord sending fire from heaven and someone handling an object, to offer a few examples. In a very general sense, though, "down" indicates a lowering from more internal spiritual states to more external ones. That's why the journey is described as going "down" to Egypt from Canaan, and people from all quarters go "up" to Jerusalem. It's also why the Lord comes "down" to us, which generally indicates a state of judgment.