

阿摩司书 4



1 你们住撒玛利亚如巴珊母的啊,当我的─你们欺负贫寒的,压碎穷乏的,对家:拿酒来,我们罢!

2 耶和华指着自己的圣洁起誓说:日子快到,人必用钩子将你们钩去,用鱼钩将你们馀剩的钩去。

3 你们各人必从破口直往前行,投入哈门。这是耶和华的。

4 以色列人哪,任你们往伯特利去犯罪,到吉甲加增罪过;每日早晨献上你们的祭物,每日奉上你们的十分之一

5 任你们献有的感谢祭,把甘心祭宣传报告给众人,因为是你们所喜的。这是耶和华的。

6 我使你们在一切城中牙齿乾净,在你们各处粮食缺乏,你们仍不归向我。这是耶和华的。

7 在收割的前,我使停止,不降在你们那里;我降在这城,不降在那城;这块地有,那块地无;无的就枯乾了。

8 这样,两城的人凑到城去找,却不足;你们仍不归向我。这是耶和华的。

9 我以旱风、霉烂攻击你们,你们园中许多菜蔬、葡萄树、无花果树橄榄树都被剪虫所;你们仍不归向我。这是耶和华的。

10 我降瘟疫在你们中间,像在埃及一样;用刀杀戮你们的少年人,使你们的马匹被掳掠,中尸首的臭气扑鼻;你们仍不归向我。这是耶和华的。

11 倾覆你们中间的城邑,如同我从前倾覆所多玛、蛾摩拉一样,使你们好像从火中抽出来的一根柴;你们仍不归向我。这是耶和华的。

12 以色列啊,我必向你如此行;以色列啊,我既这样行,你当预备迎见你的

13 那创、造、将心意指示人、使晨光变为幽暗、脚踏在处的,他的名是耶和华─万军之




民数记 28:3



3 又要对他们:你们要献给耶和华的火祭,就是没有残疾、一岁的公羊羔,每日两只,作为常献的燔祭。





The city of "Sodom", in the Bible, represents the love of self and the love of ruling or dominating others springing from the love of self. This is why it is depicted as such an evil place, and why it was utterly destroyed by God.

This is not, of course, the usual association people have with Sodom; it has long been connected to homosexuality because in Genesis 19 the men of the city tried to rape the male angels who were visiting Lot. But if you think about it, it makes sense. Experts regard rape as a crime of violence and domination more than a crime of sexual desire. The fact that Lot offered his daughters as an alternative indicates that he thought that the men of the city were not picky about who they dominated and violated. Their chief pleasure was in the domination. All stories about adultery in the Bible -- from the more mild up to and including the intended homosexual gang rape in Sodom -- are actually depictions of selfishness in various forms.