

撒母耳记上 8



1 撒母耳年纪老迈,就立他儿子作以色列的士师。

2 长子名叫约珥,次子名叫亚比亚;他们在别是巴作士师。

3 他儿子不行他的道,贪图财利,收受贿赂,屈枉正直。

4 以色列的长老都聚集,拉玛见撒母耳,

5 对他:你年纪老迈了,你儿子不行你的道。现在求你为我们立一个王治理我们,像列国一样。

6 撒母耳不喜悦他们立一个王治理我们,他就祷告耶和华

7 耶和华对撒母耳:百姓向你的一切话,你只管依从;因为他们不是厌弃你,乃是厌弃我,不要我作他们的王。

8 自从我领他们出埃及到如今,他们常常离弃我,事奉别。现在他们向你所行的,是照他们素来所行的。

9 故此你要依从他们的话,只是当警戒他们,告诉他们将来那王怎样管辖他们。

10 撒母耳将耶和华的都传给求他立王的百姓,

11 管辖你们的王必这样行:他必派你们的儿子为他赶车、跟马,奔走在车前;

12 又派他们作夫长、五十夫长,为他耕种田地,收割庄稼,打造军器和车上的器械;

13 必取你们的女儿为他制造香膏,做饭饼;

14 也必取你们最好的田地、葡萄园橄榄园赐他的臣仆。

15 你们的粮食和葡萄园所出的,他必取十分之一他的太监和臣仆;

16 又必取你们的仆人婢女,健壮的少年人和你们的,供他的差役。

17 你们的羊群,他必取十分之一,你们也必作他的仆人

18 那时你们必因所选的王哀求耶和华耶和华却不应允你们。

19 百姓竟不肯撒母耳的话,:不然!我们定要一个王治理我们

20 使我们像列国一样,有王治理我们,统领我们,为我们争战。

21 撒母耳见百姓这一切,就将这陈明在耶和华面前。

22 耶和华对撒母耳:你只管依从他们的话,为他们立王。撒母耳对以色列人:你们各归各城去罢!






“Servant” literally means “a person who serves another," and its meaning is similar in reference to its spiritual meanings of the Bible. Our lives in their most outward form -- the physical actions we take and the thoughts and feelings directly connected to them -- are in a way “servants” to our deeper, more hidden, internal thoughts and desires. So in most cases, “servants” in the Bible represent things we're doing and thinking on that outward, external level. Servants can have good masters or evil ones, obviously, and a servant doing good work in service of an evil master is actually making the world a more evil place. So the precise meaning of a given servant in the Bible depends on the nature of the master he or she is serving. Finally, when the Bible is addressing the Lord's own spiritual development, “servant” represents the Lord's most outward aspect: the human body he inherited from Mary, with all its frailties and potential for temptation.